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Henry II Plantagenet ("Curtmantle") b. 5 March 1133 d. 6 July 1189

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Lineage Plantagenet
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Henry II Plantagenet
Other last names "Curtmantle"

Geoffrey V of Anjou (First of the House Plantagenet) [Plantagenet] b. 24 August 1113 d. 7 September 1151

Mathilde FitzHenry (Norman) [Normandy] b. 7 February 1102 d. 10 September 1167

Wiki-page wikipedia:Henry II of England


5 March 1133 birth: Le Mans, Sarthe, France

other: maîtresse, w Ida de Tosny (Countess of Norfolk) [Tosny]

from 1150 - 1189 title: Château-du-Loir, France, Duc de Normandie et Comte d'Anjou, du Maine et de Touraine

1150 other: maîtresse, Ikenai [?]

about 1151 child birth: Англійське князівство, Джеффрі Плантагенет [Плантагенети] b. about 1151 d. 12 December 1212

from 1152 - 1172 title: Roi d'Angleterre et Seigneur d'Irlande

18 May 1152 marriage: Bordeaux, (or Poitiers), Eleanor Aquitaine [Ramnulfids] b. 1122 d. 1 April 1204

17 August 1153 child birth: William Plantagenet [Plantagenet] b. 17 August 1153 d. December 1156

from 1154 - 1189 title: London, Sacre

28 February 1155 child birth: Londres, Henry Plantagenet [Plantagenet] b. 28 February 1155 d. 11 June 1183

about August 1156 child birth: Виндзор (Беркшир), Виндзорский замок, Матильда Английская [Плантагенеты] b. about August 1156 d. 28 June 1189

8 September 1157 child birth: Oxford (England), Richard I Plantagenet "Lionheart" [Plantagenet] b. 8 September 1157 d. 6 April 1199

23 September 1158 child birth: Geoffrey Plantagenet [Plantagenet] b. 23 September 1158 d. 19 August 1186

September 1161 child birth: Domfront (61), Alienor d'Angleterre [Plantagenêt] b. September 1161 d. October 1214

October 1165 child birth: Angers, Château d'Angers, Joan Plantagenet [Plantagenet] b. October 1165 d. 6 April 1199

24 December 1166 child birth: Oxford (England), John Plantagenet ("Lackland") [Plantagenet] b. 24 December 1166 d. 18 October 1216

1168 other: maîtresse , Alix/maîtresse Nr.2 de Porhoët [Porhoët]

1174 other: Rosamund Clifford [Clifford] b. about 1150 d. about 1176

about 1176 child birth: William Longespée, 3rd Earl of Salisbury Longespée [Longespée] b. about 1176 d. 7 March 1226

6 July 1189 death: Chinon, France

burial: Fontevraud-l'Abbaye, France, Fontevraud Abbey


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From grandparents to grandchildren

Ermengarde Anjou
birth: 1072
title: 1089, Comtesse de Poitiers et Duchesse d'Aquitaine
marriage: William IX van Poitiers
other: William IX van Poitiers , Répudiation
title: 1093, Duchesse de Bretagne et Comtesse de Rennes
marriage: w Alan IV of Brittany (Fergant)
title: 1103, Comtesse de Nantes
death: 1 June 1146
Сесилія Франківська Капетович
birth: 1097, Франківське королівство
marriage: Раймон II Триполийский Тулузский
title: 1115, Триполійське графство, Франківське королівство, графиня триполійська
death: after 1145, Франківське королівство
Fleury de France
birth: about 1095
death: after 1119
Geoffroy d'Anjou (Geoffroy IV)
birth: 1070
title: 19 May 1098, Angers (49), comte d'Anjou
death: 19 May 1106, Candé (49)
Philippe de Mantes
birth: about 1092
death: after 1133
Ursion de Château-Landon
property: Seigneur de Nemours
Melisende van Rethel
birth: 1101
title: 2 June 1129, Jérusalem, Comtesse d'Anjou, de Tours et du Maine
marriage: Fulk V d'Anjou ("The Younger") , Jerusalem
title: 14 September 1131, Jérusalem, Reine de Jérusalem
death: 1 September 1161
Fulk V d'Anjou ("The Younger")
birth: about 1092, Angers
title: 14 April 1109, Comte d'Anjou
title: 1110, Comte de Tours
marriage: w Ermengarde de la Flèche (du Maine)
marriage: Melisende van Rethel , Jerusalem
death: 13 November 1144, Acre (Israel), Palestine
Ermengarde de la Flèche (du Maine)
birth: about 1096
title: 1110, Countess of Maine
title: from 1110 - 1126, Château-du-Loir, Lady of Château-du-Loir
marriage: Fulk V d'Anjou ("The Younger")
death: 15 January 1126, or 12 october 1126
William II FitzWilliam (Rufus)
birth: 1060, Normandy, France
title: from 9 September 1087 - 2 August 1100, King of England
death: 2 August 1100, Hampshire (England), New Forest, hunting accident or assassination
burial: Winchester (England), Hampshire (England), Winchester Cathedral
Adela FitzWilliam
birth: about 1062
marriage: Stephen II Henri (de Blois) , Breteuil
title: 1080, Caen
title: 30 September 1089, Épernay, Comtesse de Blois, de Châteaudun, de Chartres, de Meaux et Dame de Sancerre, de Saint-Florentin, de Provins, de Montereau, de Vertus, d'Oulchy-le-Château, de Château-Thierry, de Châtillon-sur-Marne et de Montfélix
death: 8 March 1138
Gundred ? (of Normandy)
birth: between 1048 and 1063, Normandy
death: 27 May 1085, Norfolk (England), Castle Acre
burial: Lewes Priory
Robert II FitzWilliam (of Normandy)
birth: 1054
engagement: Margarethe von Maine
title: from 1063 - 1069, Comte du Maine
title: from 9 September 1087 - 28 September 1106, Duc de Normandie
other: from 1096 - 1100, participe aux croisades
marriage: Sibylla Conversano
death: 10 February 1134, Cardiff (Wales)
Cécile d'Angleterre
birth: about 1054
title: 18 June 1066, Caen (14), Ordination
title: 1112, Abbesse
death: 30 July 1125
Richard d'Angleterre
birth: 1054
other: 1066, Ordination
death: about 1075, убит в южной Англии
Constance d'Angleterre
birth: 1061
marriage: w Alan IV of Brittany (Fergant)
title: 1086, Duchesse de Bretagne et Comtesse de Rennes
death: 1090
Мathilde d'Angleterre
birth: 1062
death: 1112
Adelise d'Angleterre
birth: 1055
death: 1065
Adeliza Brabant
birth: 1103, Leuven
marriage: Henry I of England (Beauclerc)
title: 24 January 1121, Windsor (Berkshire), Queen Consort von England
death: 23 April 1151, Affligem, Affligem Abbey
Henry I of England (Beauclerc)
birth: 1068, Selby (England), Yorkshire (England)
children count: 9 fils et de 12 à 15 filles selon les sources.
title: from 2 August 1100 - 1135, Roi d'Angleterre, New Forest
marriage: Edith Canmore (of Scotland) , Westminster (England)
title: from 1105 - 1135, Tinchebray, Duc de Normandie
marriage: Adeliza Brabant
death: 1 December 1135, Lyons-la-Forêt, France, then called : Saint-Denis-en-Lyons
burial: 4 January 1136, Reading (Berkshire), England
Maria van Schotland
birth: estimated 1080
marriage: w Eustache III van Boulogne
death: 31 May 1116
burial: Bermondsey Abbey
David I of Scotland (Caenmor, Canmore)
birth: 1084, Edinburgh (Scotland), Mid, Lothian,
marriage: Matilda FitzWaltheof (of Northumberland)
death: 24 May 1153, Carlisle (Cumbria), England, then in Cumberland
burial: Dunfermline, Scotland, Dunfermline Abbey
Duncan II of Scotland ? (Donnchad mac Maíl Coluim)
birth: before 1060
marriage: Athelreda of Dunbar ? (Dunbar)
title: 1094, King of Alba
death: 12 November 1094
Edgar Canmore
birth: 1074
death: 8 January 1107
Alexander I Dunkeld (of Scotland)
birth: 1078
marriage: Sybilla Norman
title: from 8 January 1107 - 23 April 1124, король Шотландии
death: 23 April 1124
Edmund Dunkeld
title: Prince of Cumbria
Edith Canmore (of Scotland)
birth: 1080, Dunfermline, Scotland
marriage: Henry I of England (Beauclerc) , Westminster (England)
title: 11 November 1100, Queen Consort of England
title: 15 October 1106, Tinchebray, Duchesse de Normandie
death: 1 May 1118, London, England, Westminster Palace
burial: Westminster Abbey or Winchester
Matilda von Anjou
birth: 1106
title: 1119, Princesse héritière d'Angleterre
marriage: William Atheling
title: 1149, Fontevraud-l'Abbaye (49), Dame Abbesse
death: 31 May 1155
Elias van Anjou
birth: 1110
marriage: Philippe du Perche
death: 15 January 1151
Sibylle d'Anjou
birth: after 1112
marriage: Willem ? (Clito)
divorce: Willem ? (Clito)
marriage: w Dietrich von Elsass , Jérusalem (?)
death: 1165, Jerusalem, Béthanie
Балдуин III (Бодуэн) Иерусалимский (Анжуйский)
birth: 1131
title: 1153, Король Иерусалима
death: 10 February 1162, Триполи
Amalric I ? (of Jerusalem)
birth: 1136
title: 1151, Count of Ascalon
title: after 1162, King of Jerusalem
marriage: Maria ? , Tyre (Lebanon)
death: 11 July 1174
Geoffrey V of Anjou (First of the House Plantagenet)
birth: 24 August 1113, Anjou, France
other: Onbekende Voornamen/maîtresse Nr.2 Onbekende Afkomst
other: Onbekende Voornamen/maîtresse Nr.3 Onbekende Afkomst
marriage: Mathilde FitzHenry (Norman) , Le Mans
title: 17 June 1128, Count of Anjou
title: 7 April 1141, Lincoln (England), Duc de Normandie
death: 7 September 1151, Château-du-Loir, France
William Atheling
birth: 5 August 1103
title: 5 August 1103, hertog van Normandie
marriage: Matilda von Anjou
death: 25 November 1120
Robert, 1st Earl of Gloucester -
birth: about 1090, Caen
marriage: w Mabel ? (Lady Gloucester)
title: from 1122 - 31 October 1147, Earl Gloucester, 1st
death: 31 October 1147
Reginald de Dunstanville
birth: about 1110, Dénestanville, Normandy, England
title: comte de Cornouailles
marriage: Mabel FitzRichard (Buckenhall)
death: 1 July 1175, Chertsey (Surrey), England
Henry FitzRoy
death: 1158
Sybilla Norman
birth: 1092
children count: pas de descendance.
marriage: Alexander I Dunkeld (of Scotland)
death: 12 July 1122
Robert FitzEdith (Lord Okehampton)
marriage: Maud d’Avranches du Sap (de Abrincis) , [[wk:fr:Henri Ier Beauclerc#Avec Edith FitzForne|Wikipédia]]
Henry V ? (Dynastie Salique, Dynastie Franconienne)
birth: 11 August 1086
religion: christianisme
title: 1106, Römisch-deutscher König
title: 13 April 1111, Empereur du saint Empire germanique
marriage: Mathilde FitzHenry (Norman) , Worms (Germany)
death: 23 May 1125, Utrecht, Pays-Bas
burial: Spire (ville), Cathédrale Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption-et-Saint-Étienne
Mathilde FitzHenry (Norman)
birth: 7 February 1102, London, England
marriage: Henry V ? (Dynastie Salique, Dynastie Franconienne) , Worms (Germany)
title: 25 November 1120, Barfleur, Princesse héritière d'Angleterre
title: 17 June 1128, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France, Notre Dame
marriage: Geoffrey V of Anjou (First of the House Plantagenet) , Le Mans
title: 1141, Lincoln (England), Duchesse de Normandie
death: 10 September 1167, Rouen
== 3 ==
William van Poiton
birth: 22 July 1136
death: 30 January 1164
Geoffrey VI van Anjou
birth: 3 June 1134
title: 1156, comte d'Anjou
title: 1156, Le Mans (72), comte du Maine
title: 1156, comte de Nantes
death: 27 July 1158
Hameline de Warrene FitzGeoffrey (Plantagenet)
birth: 1130, Normandy, France
title: vicomte van Touraine, titel is onzeker
title: earl van Surrey, uit rechte van zijn vrouw
title: graaf van Warenne
marriage: Isabel Warenne
death: 7 May 1202, Lewes (England)
burial: Lewes (England), Chapter House
Marie d'Anjou
title: abdis van Shaftesbury
death: 1216
Eleanor Aquitaine
birth: 1122, Poitiers, France, or [[Place:Bordeaux]], or [[Place:Nieul-sur-l'Autise]]
title: 9 April 1137, Duchesse d'Aquitaine
title: 9 April 1137, Santiago de Compostela, Duchesse d'Aquitaine
marriage: Людовик VII Молодой Капетинг , Bordeaux
title: 25 July 1137, Reine de France
other: 25 December 1137, Bourges, Sacre
annulment: Людовик VII Молодой Капетинг , Beaugency
marriage: Henry II Plantagenet ("Curtmantle") , Bordeaux, (or Poitiers)
title: 18 May 1152, Queen of England
title: 18 May 1152, Poitiers, Comtesse d'Anjou
title: 18 May 1152, Poitiers, Comtesse du Maine
title: 18 May 1152, Poitiers, Comtesse de Touraine
title: 25 October 1154, Reine d'Angleterre et Dame d'Irlande
other: 19 December 1154, London, Sacre
death: 1 April 1204, Poitiers
Henry II Plantagenet ("Curtmantle")
birth: 5 March 1133, Le Mans, Sarthe, France
other: Ida de Tosny (Countess of Norfolk)
title: from 1150 - 1189, Château-du-Loir, France, Duc de Normandie et Comte d'Anjou, du Maine et de Touraine
other: Ikenai , maîtresse
title: from 1152 - 1172, Roi d'Angleterre et Seigneur d'Irlande
marriage: Eleanor Aquitaine , Bordeaux, (or Poitiers)
title: from 1154 - 1189, London, Sacre
other: Alix/maîtresse Nr.2 de Porhoët , maîtresse
other: Rosamund Clifford
death: 6 July 1189, Chinon, France
burial: Fontevraud-l'Abbaye, France, Fontevraud Abbey
== 3 ==
Marie of France (de Champagne)
birth: 1145
marriage: w Henry I (Henri) ? (The Liberal)
title: 1164, Регент графства Шампань
death: 11 March 1198
burial: Meaux, cathédrale Saint-Étienne
Constance de Bretagne
birth: 1161
marriage: w Ranulph de Blondeville
title: 1166, Duchesse de Bretagne
title: 1171
marriage: Geoffrey Plantagenet
marriage: w Guy de Thouars
death: September 1201
Geoffrey Plantagenet
birth: 23 September 1158
marriage: Constance de Bretagne
death: 19 August 1186
Раймунд VI Старшина Тулузький
birth: 27 October 1156, Старшинство Тулузьке, Священне Царство Римське
marriage: w Эрмессинда Пеле
marriage: Beatrix von Béziers
divorce: Beatrix von Béziers
marriage: Бургонь де Лузиньян
title: 1194, Старшинство Тулузьке, Священне Царство Римське, Старшина
divorce filed: Бургонь де Лузиньян
divorce: Бургонь де Лузиньян
marriage: Joan Plantagenet
marriage: "Діва Кіпру" Комнина
divorce: "Діва Кіпру" Комнина
marriage: Элеонора Арагонская
death: 2 August 1222, Старшинство Тулузьке, Священне Царство Римське
William (Guillaume) II "the Good" de Hauteville (of Sicily)
birth: 1153
title: from 7 May 1166 - 18 November 1189, King of Sicily
marriage: Joan Plantagenet
death: 18 November 1189, Palermo
Isabelle de Gloucester
birth: estimated 1160
marriage: John Plantagenet ("Lackland") , Marlborough (Wiltshire)
title: 29 August 1189, Marlborough (Angleterre), Princesse d'Angleterre
title: September 1189, Chinon (37), Comtesse de Mortain
annulment: John Plantagenet ("Lackland")
death: 14 October 1217
burial: after 14 October 1217, Canterbury, Cathédrale de Canterbury
Isabelle Taillefer (van Angouleme)
birth: 26 May 1189, Angoulême, France
marriage: John Plantagenet ("Lackland")
title: 24 August 1200, Bordeaux, Reine d'Angleterre, Dame d'Irlande et Duchesse d'Aquitaine et de Normandie
other: 8 October 1200, London, Sacre
marriage: Hugh X Le Brun de Lusignan
death: 31 May 1246, Fontevraud-l'Abbaye, France, Fontevraud Abbey
Agatha de Ferrers
birth: 1170
marriage: John Plantagenet ("Lackland")
death: 4 September 1210
John Plantagenet ("Lackland")
birth: 24 December 1166, Oxford (England)
marriage: Isabelle de Gloucester , Marlborough (Wiltshire)
marriage: Agatha de Ferrers
annulment: Isabelle de Gloucester
title: from 6 April 1199 - 19 October 1216, King of England
other: 27 May 1199, Count of Maine
title: from September 1199 - 1216, Chinon, Count of Mortain
marriage: Isabelle Taillefer (van Angouleme)
death: 18 October 1216, Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, England, Newark Castle
Heinrich "the Lion" von Bayern
birth: about 1129, Ravensburg
title: from 1142 - 1180, Herzog von Sachsen
marriage: w Clémence de Zähringen
title: from 1156 - 1180, Herzog von Bayern
divorce: w Clémence de Zähringen
engagement: Матильда Английская
marriage: Матильда Английская , Minden (North Rhine-Westphalia), cathedral
death: 6 August 1195, Braunschweig
burial: Braunschweig, cathedral
Матильда Английская
birth: about August 1156, Виндзор (Беркшир), Виндзорский замок
adoption: Braunschweiger Dom, Braunschweig
engagement: Heinrich "the Lion" von Bayern
marriage: Heinrich "the Lion" von Bayern , Minden (North Rhine-Westphalia), cathedral
death: 28 June 1189, Брауншвейг, Саксонское герцогство, Виндзорский замок
William Plantagenet
birth: 17 August 1153
death: December 1156
Berengaria von Navarra
birth: 1163, Tudela (Navarra), Spanien
marriage: Richard I Plantagenet "Lionheart" , Limassol, Cyprus
title: 12 May 1191, Infanta de Navarra.
death: 23 December 1230, Le Mans, Francia.
Richard I Plantagenet "Lionheart"
birth: 8 September 1157, Oxford (England)
title: seigneur d'Irlande
title: duc de Normandie
title: from 1172 - 1196, Herzog von Aquitanien
marriage bann: Gisela
title: 1183, Comte du Maine
title: from 6 July 1189 - 6 April 1199, King of England
other: from 3 September 1189 - 6 April 1199, Duke of Normandy
marriage: Berengaria von Navarra , Limassol, Cyprus
title: from 1198 - 1199, Comte de Poitiers et Duc d'Aquitaine
death: 6 April 1199
burial: Fontevraud-l'Abbaye, Abbaye Notre-Dame de Fontevraud
Alfonso VIII of Castilla
birth: 11 November 1155, Soria, España
title: 31 August 1158, Rey de Castilla
marriage: Alienor d'Angleterre , Burgos
death: 5 October 1214, Gutierre-Muñoz, Province of Ávila, España
Alienor d'Angleterre
birth: September 1161, Domfront (61)
marriage: Alfonso VIII of Castilla , Burgos
title: 1 September 1177, Burgos, Reine de Castille et de Tolède
death: October 1214, Burgos
Ela of Salisbury, 3rd Countess of Salisbury
birth: before 1187
title: Countess of Salisbury
marriage: William Longespée, 3rd Earl of Salisbury Longespée
death: 24 August 1261
William Longespée, 3rd Earl of Salisbury Longespée
birth: about 1176
marriage: Ela of Salisbury, 3rd Countess of Salisbury
title: 1198, Earl of Salisbury, 3rd
death: 7 March 1226
Margarita de Francia
birth: 1158, París, Francia
title: 2 November 1160, koningin van Engeland
marriage: Henry Plantagenet , Le Neubourg
title: 14 June 1170, gravin van Vexin
other: 27 August 1172, Winchester, Sacre
marriage: Bela III of Hungary
title: 1186, Reine de Hongrie
death: August 1197, Acre
Henry Plantagenet
birth: 28 February 1155, Londres
marriage: Margarita de Francia , Le Neubourg
title: 14 June 1170, Londres, Roi d'Angleterre et Seigneur d'Irlande
other: 14 July 1170, Londres, Sacre
death: 11 June 1183, Martel (Lot)
Джеффрі Плантагенет
birth: about 1151, Англійське князівство
title: 1171, Англійське князівство, archidiacre de Lincoln
caste: 1175, Англійське князівство, évêque élu de Lincoln
title: 1181, Англійське князівство, Lord Chancelier d'Angleterre
caste: 1189, Англійське князівство, archevêque d'York
death: 12 December 1212, Англійське князівство, Monastère de l'Ordre de Grandmont, près de Rouen (???).
Mathilda de Saxe
title: 178, Princesse de Mecklembourg
marriage: Henrich Borwin I ? (Lord Rostock)
death: 1219
Maria van Brabant
birth: 1190
marriage: Otto IV, Keizer van Duitsland , Maastricht
marriage: w Wilhelm I. von Holland
death: between 9 March 1260 and 14 June 1260
Otto IV, Keizer van Duitsland
birth: between 1175 and 1176
title: 9 June 1198, Römisch-deutscher König
title: 1209, Römisch-deutscher Kaiser
marriage: Beatrix von Schwaben
marriage: Maria van Brabant , Maastricht
death: 19 May 1218, Harzburg
burial: Braunschweiger Dom
Hugh XI de Lusignan
birth: 1218
title: Comte de la Marche
title: Comte d'Angoulême
marriage: Yolanda Dreux
death: 1250
Isabelle de Lusignan
birth: 1224
title: Dame de Craon, Dame de Champtocé Sénéchale d'Anjou
marriage: Морис IV (V) де Краон
death: 14 January 1300
Geoffroi de Lusignan (de Jarnac)
title: Seigneur de Jarnac
death: between 1272 and 1274
William de Valance (Lord of Pembroke, Valence, Montignac, Bellac, Uterine Brother of King Henry III of England.)
birth: 1225
property: Lord of Pembroke, Valence, Montignac, Bellac
death: 18 May 1296
Beatrix von Falkenburg
birth: 1253
marriage: Richard van Engeland
death: 17 October 1277
Sancha van Aragon Provence
birth: 1225, Aix-en-Provence, France
marriage: Richard van Engeland
marriage: Richard van Engeland , Westminster (England), Westminster Abbey
death: 9 November 1261, Berkhamsted
Richard van Engeland
birth: 5 January 1209
marriage: Sancha van Aragon Provence
marriage: Sancha van Aragon Provence , Westminster (England), Westminster Abbey
marriage: Beatrix von Falkenburg
death: 2 April 1272, Berkhemstead
Eleanor Berenger (de Provence)
birth: 1223, Aix-en-Provence, France
marriage: Henry III Plantagenet , Canterbury (Kent)
title: 14 June 1236, Canterbury (Kent), Reine d'Angleterre, Dame d'Irlande et Duchesse d'Aquitaine
death: 26 June 1291, Amesbury (England), Wiltshire
Henry III Plantagenet
birth: 1 October 1207, Winchester (England)
title: from 18 October 1216 - 16 November 1272, King of England
other: 28 October 1216, Londres, Sacre
marriage: Eleanor Berenger (de Provence) , Canterbury (Kent)
death: 16 November 1272, Westminster (England)
Louis VIII le Lion
birth: 5 September 1187, Paris (75)
marriage: Blanka von Kastilien , Port-Mort (27)
title: 14 July 1223, Mantes-la-Jolie (78), Roi de France
other: 6 August 1223, Reims (51), Sacre
death: 8 November 1226, Montpensier (63)
burial: Saint-Denis (93)
Blanka von Kastilien
birth: 4 March 1188, Palencia
marriage: Louis VIII le Lion , Port-Mort (27)
title: 23 May 1200, королева Франции, 17-я
title: 14 July 1223, Paris
other: 6 August 1223, Аббатство Мобюиссон
death: 27 November 1252, Melun (77)
Alfonso II of Portugal
birth: 23 April 1185, Coimbra, Portugal
marriage: Urraca van Castilie
title: from 26 March 1212 - 25 March 1223, King of Portugal, 3rd
death: 25 March 1223, Coimbra
burial: Coimbra, Santa Cruz Monastery
Urraca van Castilie
birth: 28 May 1187
title: 1206, Reina de Portugal.
marriage: Alfonso II of Portugal
title: 27 March 1211, Coimbra
death: 3 November 1220, Alcobaco
Mafalda de Portugal
birth: 1197
marriage: w Энрике I Кастильский , Burgos
title: 29 August 1215, Burgos, Reine de Castille et de Tolède
annulment: w Энрике I Кастильский
death: 1 May 1257, Lisbonne
Энрике I Кастильский
birth: 14 April 1204
title: 5 October 1214, король Кастилии
marriage: Mafalda de Portugal , Burgos
annulment: Mafalda de Portugal
death: 6 June 1217, Валенсия
Jaime I de Aragón
birth: 2 February 1208, Montpellier, France
marriage: Teresa Gil de Vidaure de Vidaure
title: 12 September 1213, Rey de Aragón.
marriage: w Leonor de Castilla , Ágreda
annulment: w Leonor de Castilla
marriage: Violant of Hungary , Barcelona, La Barceloneta
death: 27 July 1276, Valencia (Spain)
Leonor de Castilla
birth: 1202
marriage: Jaime I de Aragón , Ágreda
title: 6 January 1221, Ágreda, Reine d'Aragon, Comtesse de Barcelone et Dame de Montpellier
annulment: Jaime I de Aragón
death: 1244, Burgos
Alfons IX von León
birth: 15 August 1171, Zamora (Spanien)
title: between 1188 and 24 September 1230, король Леона
marriage: Teresa of Portugal
marriage: Berenguela I de Castilla , Valladolid
annulment: Teresa of Portugal
divorce: Berenguela I de Castilla , fue anulado por el Papa Inocencio III debido a la estrecha relación de los cónyuges
death: 24 September 1230, Villanueva
Konrad II von Schwaben
birth: 1172
title: from 1188 - 15 August 1196, герцог Ротенбургский
marriage: Berenguela I de Castilla
title: from 1191 - 15 August 1196, герцог Швабии
annulment: Berenguela I de Castilla , Celestino III declarará inválido el matrimonio
death: 15 August 1196, Дурлах
Berenguela I de Castilla
birth: 1 June 1180, Segovia, España
marriage: Konrad II von Schwaben
annulment: Konrad II von Schwaben , Celestino III declarará inválido el matrimonio
marriage: Alfons IX von León , Valladolid
title: 1 December 1197, Valladolid, reina de leon
divorce: Alfons IX von León , fue anulado por el Papa Inocencio III debido a la estrecha relación de los cónyuges
title: 6 June 1217, Reina de Castilla
death: 8 November 1246, Las Huelgas, España
Frederick II Roger Hohenstaufen
birth: 26 December 1194, Iesi, Ancona
title: from 28 September 1197 - 1212, King of Sicily
marriage: w Konstanze von Aragón
title: from 1212 - 13 December 1220, King of the Romans
title: from 1212 - 1216, Duke of Swabia
title: from 1217 - 13 December 1250, King of Sicily
title: from 22 November 1220 - 13 December 1250, Holy Roman Emperor
title: from 1225 - 1228, King of Jerusalem
marriage: Isabella (Yolanda) de Brienne
title: from 1230 - 1239, King of Thessalonica, titular
other: Бианка Ланчия д’Альяно , liaison
marriage: w Isabella of England , Worms (Germany)
marriage: Бианка Ланчия д’Альяно , marriage is concluded on the deathbed of the bride and was not recognized by the church
death: 13 December 1250, Torremaggiore, Apulia, Italy, Castel Fiorentino
burial: Palermo
Isabella of England
birth: 1214
marriage: Frederick II Roger Hohenstaufen , Worms (Germany)
death: 1 December 1241, Foggia
William Marshall
birth: 1210
marriage: Eleonore Plantagenet
death: 24 April 1231
Simon V de Montfort
birth: 1208
title: Comte de Leicester
marriage: Eleonore Plantagenet , Westminster (England)
death: 4 August 1265, Evesham
Eleonore Plantagenet
birth: about 1215
marriage: William Marshall
marriage: Simon V de Montfort , Westminster (England)
death: 13 April 1275
William II Longespee
birth: 1219
death: Y
Stephen Longespee
birth: 1216, Salisbury (England)
marriage: Emmeline de Riddlesford
death: 23 January 1275
Joan of England
birth: 22 July 1210
death: 4 March 1238
Joan Plantagenet
birth: 1188
death: 2 February 1237
Richard FitzRoy (Chilham)
birth: 1186
death: June 1247
Bertrand Ier
birth: about 1198
title: первый виконт Брюникеля
death: between October 1249 and November 1249
Guillemette de Toulouse
title: дама де Монлор и де Сен-Жори
Raymonde de Toulouse
occupation: монахиня в Леспинассе
Helena von Dänemark
birth: about 1180
title: Herzogin von Lüneburg
marriage: William of Lüneburg (of Winchester) , Hamburg
death: 22 November 1233, Lüneburg
William of Lüneburg (of Winchester)
birth: 11 April 1184
marriage: Helena von Dänemark , Hamburg
death: 12 December 1213
burial: Lüneburg, Monastery of Saint Michael
Richard de Toulouse
birth: after 1198
death: 1199
William d'Angleterre
birth: 19 June 1177, Paris
death: 22 June 1177, Paris
Санча Кастильская
birth: 1182
death: 1184
Fernan de Castille
birth: 1189
death: 1211
Mafalda de Castille
birth: 1191
death: 1204
Enrique de Castille
birth: 1192
death: before 1199
Constanza de Castille
birth: 1196
death: before 1200
Constanza de Castille
birth: after 1205
death: 1243
Enguerrand de Coucy (Enguerrand III)
birth: 1182, Coucy-le-Château (02), Château de Coucy
marriage: Beatrix van Vignory
title: 1191, Sire de Coucy, de Condé, de Marle, de La Fère, de Crécy, de Vervins, de Crépy
marriage: Mathilde van Saksen
marriage: Marie de Montmirail
death: 1242
Mathilde van Saksen
birth: 1172
marriage: Enguerrand de Coucy (Enguerrand III)
title: 1204, Dame de Coucy, de Condé, de Marle, de La Fère, de Crécy, de Vervins, de Crépy
death: 1209
Генрих V Старший (Длинный) Рейнский
birth: about 1173
marriage: Agnes von Staufen
title: from 1195 - 28 April 1227, граф Брауншвейга
title: from 1195 - 1212, пфальцграф Рейнский
death: 28 April 1227, Брауншвейг
burial: Брауншвейг, кафедральный собор
Henri de Lacy (3. Earl of Lincoln)
birth: about 19 December 1249
marriage: w Margaret de Longespée (4. Countess of Salisbury) , Salisbury
death: 5 February 1311, London, Holborn

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