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Amalric I ? (of Jerusalem) b. 1136 d. 11 July 1174

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Lineage Château-Landon
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Amalric I ?
Other last names of Jerusalem

Fulk V d'Anjou ("The Younger") [Château-Landon] b. about 1092 d. 13 November 1144

Melisende van Rethel [Rethel] b. 1101 d. 1 September 1161

Wiki-page wikipedia:Amalric_I_of_Jerusalem


1136 birth:

1151 title: Count of Ascalon

about 1160 child birth: Sibyla ? (of Jerusalem) [Château-Landon] b. about 1160 d. 25 July 1190

1161 child birth: Baldwin IV the Leper [Château-Landon] b. 1161 d. 16 March 1185

after 1162 title: King of Jerusalem

19 August 1165 marriage: Tyre (Lebanon), Maria ? [Komnenos] b. 1154 d. before 1217

1170 child birth: Isabella ? (of Jerusalem) [Château-Landon] b. 1170 d. 5 April 1205

11 July 1174 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Simon de Bourgogne
birth: 1044
death: 1088
Amalrich III von Montfort
title: seigneur de Montfort-l'Amaury
title: comte d'Évreux
marriage: Agnès de Garlande
death: 1137
Philip I Capet
birth: 23 May 1052
title: 23 May 1059, Co-roi des Francs
title: from 4 August 1060 - 29 July 1108, Roi des Francs
marriage: Bertha of Holland
other: Bertha of Holland , Répudiation
marriage: Bertrade de Montfort
death: 23 July 1108, Melun
burial: after 29 July 1108, Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire, abbey
Bertrade de Montfort
birth: 1070
title: 1088
marriage: Fulk IV d Anjou (Le Rechin)
title: 1092, Reine des Francs
other: Fulk IV d Anjou (Le Rechin) , Séparation
marriage: Philip I Capet
death: 14 February 1117
Gervase Rethel
birth: 1075
death: 1124
Mathilde Rethel
death: after 1151
Baldwin II du Bourcq (of Jerusalem)
birth: about 1075
title: Prince of Edessa
title: King of Jerusalem
death: 21 August 1131
Morphia of Melitene
death: 1 October 1127
Ermengarde Anjou
birth: 1072
title: 1089, Comtesse de Poitiers et Duchesse d'Aquitaine
marriage: William IX van Poitiers
other: William IX van Poitiers , Répudiation
title: 1093, Duchesse de Bretagne et Comtesse de Rennes
marriage: w Alan IV of Brittany (Fergant)
title: 1103, Comtesse de Nantes
death: 1 June 1146
Сесилія Франківська Капетович
birth: 1097, Франківське королівство
marriage: Раймон II Триполийский Тулузский
title: 1115, Триполійське графство, Франківське королівство, графиня триполійська
death: after 1145, Франківське королівство
Fleury de France
birth: about 1095
death: after 1119
Geoffroy IV d'Anjou
birth: between 1070 and 1075
title: 19 May 1098, Angers (49), comte d'Anjou
death: 19 May 1106, Candé (49)
burial: Angers (49), abbaye Saint-Nicolas
Philippe de Mantes
birth: about 1092
death: after 1133
Ursion de Château-Landon
property: Seigneur de Nemours
Ermengarde de la Flèche (du Maine)
birth: about 1096
title: 1110, Countess of Maine
title: from 1110 - 1126, Château-du-Loir, Lady of Château-du-Loir
marriage: Fulk V d'Anjou ("The Younger")
death: 15 January 1126, or 12 october 1126
Fulk V d'Anjou ("The Younger")
birth: about 1092, Angers
title: 14 April 1109, Comte d'Anjou
title: 1110, Comte de Tours
marriage: Ermengarde de la Flèche (du Maine)
marriage: Melisende van Rethel , Jerusalem
death: 13 November 1144, Acre (Israel), Palestine
Alix Rethel
birth: about 1110
marriage: Bohemund II de Antioch
title: 1126, Princesse d'Antioche et de Tarente
death: before 1152, Lattaquié
Melisende van Rethel
birth: 1101
title: 2 June 1129, Jérusalem, Comtesse d'Anjou, de Tours et du Maine
marriage: Fulk V d'Anjou ("The Younger") , Jerusalem
title: 14 September 1131, Jérusalem, Reine de Jérusalem
death: 1 September 1161
== 3 ==
Matilda von Anjou
birth: 1106
title: 1119, Princesse héritière d'Angleterre
marriage: William Atheling
title: 1149, Fontevraud-l'Abbaye (49), Dame Abbesse
death: 31 May 1155
Elias van Anjou
birth: 1110
marriage: Philippe du Perche
death: 15 January 1151
Sibylle d'Anjou
birth: after 1112
marriage: Willem ? (Clito)
divorce: Willem ? (Clito)
marriage: w Dietrich von Elsass , Jérusalem (?)
death: 1165, Jerusalem, Béthanie
Geoffrey V of Anjou (First of the House Plantagenet)
birth: 24 August 1113, Anjou, France
other: Onbekende Voornamen/maîtresse Nr.2 Onbekende Afkomst
other: Onbekende Voornamen/maîtresse Nr.3 Onbekende Afkomst
marriage: Mathilde FitzHenry (Norman) , Le Mans
title: 17 June 1128, Count of Anjou
title: 7 April 1141, Lincoln (England), Duc de Normandie
death: 7 September 1151, Château-du-Loir, France
Балдуин III (Бодуэн) Иерусалимский (Анжуйский)
birth: 1131
title: 1153, Король Иерусалима
death: 10 February 1162, Триполи
Maria ?
birth: 1154
title: 1165, Koningin van Jeruzalem
marriage: Amalric I ? (of Jerusalem) , Tyre (Lebanon)
marriage: Balian von Ibelin
death: before 1217
Amalric I ? (of Jerusalem)
birth: 1136
title: 1151, Count of Ascalon
title: after 1162, King of Jerusalem
marriage: Maria ? , Tyre (Lebanon)
death: 11 July 1174
== 3 ==
Guido von Lusignan
birth: 1159
title: between 1180 and 1183, comte de Jaffa et d'Ascalon
marriage: Sibyla ? (of Jerusalem)
title: between 1186 and 1192, roi de Jérusalem
other: September 1191, Apollonie de Palestine, Israël, Bataille d'Arsouf
title: May 1192, принял управление Кипром, хотя Королем Кипра он не был коронован
death: 18 July 1194
William Montferrat (Longsword)
birth: about 1150
title: 1176, Comte de Jaffa et Askalon
marriage: Sibyla ? (of Jerusalem)
death: June 1177
Jean d'Ibelin
birth: 1179
title: seigneur de Beyrouth et d'Arsur
occupation: Jérusalem, Connétable et gouverneur de Jérusalem
occupation: gouverneur de Chypre
death: 1236
Amaury II de Lusignan
birth: 1145
marriage: w Эшива Ибелин
title: 1194, king of Cyprus
title: 1197, king of Jérusalem
marriage: Isabella ? (of Jerusalem) , Jerusalem, Acra (fortress)
death: 1 April 1205
Hendrik II van Champagne
birth: 29 July 1166
title: from 1181 - 1197, Graaf van Champagne
title: from 1192 - 1197, Koning van Jeruzalem
marriage: Isabella ? (of Jerusalem)
death: 10 September 1197, Akko
Konrad (Conrad) van Montferrat
birth: 1146
marriage: Феодора Ангел
title: 1187, Tyre (Lebanon), Prince de Tyr
title: 1190, Marquis de Montferrat
marriage: Isabella ? (of Jerusalem)
title: 1192, co-Roi de Jerusalem
death: 28 April 1192, Tyre (Lebanon), assassiné à Tyr
Baldwin IV the Leper
birth: 1161
title: from 15 July 1174 - 1185, Jerusalem, King of Jerusalem
death: 16 March 1185, Jerusalem
Hugh I de Lusignan
birth: between 1194 and 1195
title: from 1205 - 10 January 1218, King of Cyprus
marriage settlement: Alice of Jerusalem
marriage: Alice of Jerusalem , Nicosia, Cyprus
death: 10 January 1218, Tripoli (Lebanon)
Alix de Lusignan
birth: 1197
death: 1205
Ги де Лузиньян
birth: 1197
death: 1205
Жан де Лузиньян
birth: 1197
death: 1205
Bohemund IV de Poitiers
birth: 1172
title: from 1187 - March 1233, Ct Tripolis
marriage: Plaisance Embriaco of Giblet
title: from 1201 - 1205, Pr.Antioch
title: from 1208 - 1216, князь Антиохийский
marriage: Melisende de Lusignan
title: from 1219 - March 1233, князь Антиохии
death: March 1233
Melisende de Lusignan
birth: after 1201
marriage: Bohemund IV de Poitiers
death: after 1249, или в 1233
Jean (John) du Brienne
birth: 1170
title: from 1210 - 1212, King of Jerusalem
title: from 1210 - 1225, Regent von Jerusalem
marriage: Maria Montferrat (Queen of Jerusalem) , Tyr or Acre (Israël)
marriage: Rita d'Arménie
marriage: Berenguela de Leon
title: from 1231 - 1237, Roman Emperor of Constantinople
death: 23 March 1237
Maria Montferrat (Queen of Jerusalem)
birth: about 1192
title: 1 April 1205, Reine de Jérusalem
marriage: Jean (John) du Brienne , Tyr or Acre (Israël)
death: April 1212
Alice of Jerusalem
birth: 1196
title: reine (consort) de Chypre
marriage settlement: Hugh I de Lusignan
marriage: Hugh I de Lusignan , Nicosia, Cyprus
death: 1246
Leo (Levon) II "the Great" of Armenia
birth: 1150, Cilicia
title: from 1187 - 1219, King of Cilician Armenia
marriage: Elisabeth
marriage: w Sibylle von Lusignan
death: 1 May 1219, Cilicia
Sibylle von Lusignan
birth: after February 1198
marriage: Leo (Levon) II "the Great" of Armenia
death: about 1230
Амори де Лузиньян
birth: about 1201
death: 2 February 1205, Акра

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