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Heinrich "the Lion" von Bayern b. about 1129 d. 6 August 1195

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Lineage Braunschweig
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Heinrich "the Lion" von Bayern
Other given names "der Löwe"

Henry X 'the Proud" of Bavaria [Braunschweig] b. about 1108 d. 20 October 1139

Gertrud von Supplingenburg [Supplingenburg] b. 18 April 1115 d. 1843

Reference numbers GEDCOM::AdriaenAlbout.ged::INDI @I215979@::Kjansen


about 1129 birth: Ravensburg

child birth: Mathilda de Saxe [Braunschweig] d. 1219

from 1142 - 1180 title: Herzog von Sachsen

about 1148 marriage: w Clémence de Zähringen [Zähringen] d. about 1173

about 1155 child birth: Гертруда Баварская [Вельфы Брауншвейгские] b. about 1155 d. 1 July 1197

from 1156 - 1180 title: Herzog von Bayern

23 November 1162 divorce: w Clémence de Zähringen [Zähringen] d. about 1173

1165 engagement: Матильда Английская [Плантагенеты] b. about August 1156 d. 28 June 1189

1 February 1168 marriage: Minden (North Rhine-Westphalia), cathedral, Матильда Английская [Плантагенеты] b. about August 1156 d. 28 June 1189

1172 child birth: Mathilde van Saksen [Brunswijk] b. 1172 d. 1209

about 1173 child birth: Генрих V Старший (Длинный) Рейнский [Вельфы Брауншвейгские] b. about 1173 d. 28 April 1227

between 1175 and 1176 child birth: Otto IV, Keizer van Duitsland [Brunswijk] b. between 1175 and 1176 d. 19 May 1218

11 April 1184 child birth: William of Lüneburg (of Winchester) [Braunschweig-Lüneburg] b. 11 April 1184 d. 12 December 1213

6 August 1195 death: Braunschweig

burial: Braunschweig, cathedral


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Hertog van Beieren, Saksen en Brunswijk

From grandparents to grandchildren

Henry IX, "the Black" von Bayern
birth: about 1074
marriage: w Вульфільда Воєводиня Саська
title: from 24 November 1120 - 1126, Duke of Bavaria
death: 13 December 1126, Ravensburg
burial: Weingarten, Weingarten Abbey
Richardis von Weimar-Orlamünde
birth: estimated 1070
marriage: Ekkehard I von Scheyern
death: 16 May 1120
burial: after 16 May 1120, Eisenhofen
Poppo II von Istrien
birth: estimated 1065
marriage: w Richarde van Sponheim
death: 1098
Вульфільда Воєводиня Саська
birth: estimated 1080
marriage: Henry IX, "the Black" von Bayern
death: 29 December 1126, Altdorf
burial: Abdij Weingarten
Petronilla von Holland
birth: about 1081
marriage: w Floris II von Holland
death: 23 May 1144
burial: Rijnsburg
Judith van Supplinburg
birth: estimated 1070
marriage: w Otto II van Zutphen
death: 1118
burial: St Walburgiskerk te Zutphen
Simon of Lorraine
birth: about 1076
marriage: Adelheid
title: 30 December 1115, duc de Lorraine
death: about 14 January 1139
Irmgard von Schwarzenburg-Spondheim
birth: 1097, Scheinfeld, Germany, Schwarzenberg castle
marriage: Adolf II van Berg
death: 1179
Lothar III
birth: before 9 June 1075, Breitenwang
marriage: Richenza von Northeim
title: from 1106 - 4 December 1137, Herzog von Sachsen
title: 24 August 1125, Römisch-deutscher König
title: 4 June 1133, Römisch-deutscher Kaiser
death: 3 December 1137, Breitenwang, Tirol (Bundesland)
burial: 31 December 1137, Kaiserdom (Königslutter), Königslutter am Elm
Richenza von Northeim
birth: about 1088
marriage: Lothar III
death: 10 June 1141
burial: Kaiserdom (Königslutter)
Judith of Bavaria
birth: 1100
marriage: Friedrich II von Staufen (von Schwaben)
death: 22 February 1131, Lorch
Mathilde of Bavaria
birth: estimated 1110
marriage: Gebhard III von Sulzbach
death: 16 March 1183
burial: Kastl
Welf VI
birth: 1115
marriage: w Uta von Schauenburg
title: from 1152 - 1162, Markgraf der Toskana
death: 15 December 1191, Memmingen
Henry X 'the Proud" of Bavaria
birth: about 1108
title: from 1126 - 1138, Herzog von Bayern
marriage: Gertrud von Supplingenburg
title: from 1136 - 1139, Markgraf von Tuszien
title: from 1137 - 1138, Herzog von Sachsen
death: 20 October 1139
burial: Königslutter
Henri II d'Autriche
birth: 1107
marriage: Gertrud von Supplingenburg
title: 1140, Comte palatin du Rhin
title: 18 October 1141, Margrave d'Autriche
title: 1143, Duc de Bavière
marriage: Феодора Комнина (Бабенберги)
title: 17 September 1156, Duc d'Autriche
death: 13 January 1177, Vienne (Autriche)
Gertrud von Supplingenburg
birth: 18 April 1115
marriage: Henry X 'the Proud" of Bavaria
title: 1139
marriage: Henri II d'Autriche
title: 1140, Comtesse palatine du Rhin
title: 18 October 1141, Margravine d'Autriche
title: 18 April 1143, Duchesse de Bavière
death: 1843
== 3 ==
Матильда Английская
birth: about August 1156, Виндзор (Беркшир), Виндзорский замок
adoption: Braunschweiger Dom, Braunschweig
engagement: Heinrich "the Lion" von Bayern
marriage: Heinrich "the Lion" von Bayern , Minden (North Rhine-Westphalia), cathedral
death: 28 June 1189, Брауншвейг, Саксонское герцогство, Виндзорский замок
Heinrich "the Lion" von Bayern
birth: about 1129, Ravensburg
title: from 1142 - 1180, Herzog von Sachsen
marriage: Clémence de Zähringen
title: from 1156 - 1180, Herzog von Bayern
divorce: Clémence de Zähringen
engagement: Матильда Английская
marriage: Матильда Английская , Minden (North Rhine-Westphalia), cathedral
death: 6 August 1195, Braunschweig
burial: Braunschweig, cathedral
== 3 ==
Maria van Brabant
birth: 1190
marriage: Otto IV, Keizer van Duitsland , Maastricht
marriage: w Wilhelm I. von Holland
death: between 9 March 1260 and 14 June 1260
Otto IV, Keizer van Duitsland
birth: between 1175 and 1176
title: 9 June 1198, Römisch-deutscher König
title: 1209, Römisch-deutscher Kaiser
marriage: Beatrix von Schwaben
marriage: Maria van Brabant , Maastricht
death: 19 May 1218, Harzburg
burial: Braunschweiger Dom
Helena von Dänemark
birth: about 1180
title: Herzogin von Lüneburg
marriage: William of Lüneburg (of Winchester) , Hamburg
death: 22 November 1233, Lüneburg
William of Lüneburg (of Winchester)
birth: 11 April 1184
marriage: Helena von Dänemark , Hamburg
death: 12 December 1213
burial: Lüneburg, Monastery of Saint Michael
Enguerrand de Coucy (Enguerrand III)
birth: 1182, Coucy-le-Château (02), Château de Coucy
marriage: Beatrix van Vignory
title: 1191, Sire de Coucy, de Condé, de Marle, de La Fère, de Crécy, de Vervins, de Crépy
marriage: Mathilde van Saksen
marriage: Marie de Montmirail
death: 1242
Mathilde van Saksen
birth: 1172
marriage: Enguerrand de Coucy (Enguerrand III)
title: 1204, Dame de Coucy, de Condé, de Marle, de La Fère, de Crécy, de Vervins, de Crépy
death: 1209
Генрих V Старший (Длинный) Рейнский
birth: about 1173
marriage: Agnes von Staufen
title: from 1195 - 28 April 1227, граф Брауншвейга
title: from 1195 - 1212, пфальцграф Рейнский
death: 28 April 1227, Брауншвейг
burial: Брауншвейг, кафедральный собор
Éléonore de Savoie
birth: 1167
death: 1204
Alice de Savoie
birth: 1166
death: 1174
Friedrich IV von Schwaben
birth: about 1144
title: 1152, Herzog von Schwaben
title: 1152, Graf von Rothenburg
marriage: Гертруда Баварская
death: 19 August 1167, Rom
Knut VI of Denmark
birth: 1163
marriage: Гертруда Баварская
title: 1182, King of Denmark
death: 12 November 1202
Henrich Borwin I ? (Lord Rostock)
birth: 1150
marriage: Mathilda de Saxe
title: 30 December 1178, Lüneburg, Prince de Mecklembourg
other: 1219, Abdication
death: 28 January 1227
Mathilda de Saxe
title: 178, Princesse de Mecklembourg
marriage: Henrich Borwin I ? (Lord Rostock)
death: 1219
Оттон II Светлейший Баварский
birth: 7 April 1206, Кельхайм
marriage: Агнесса Пфальцская (Виттельсбахи)
title: 1227, пфальцграф Рейнский
title: 1231, герцог Баварии
death: 29 November 1253, Ландсхут
Агнесса Пфальцская (Виттельсбахи)
birth: 1201
title: 1225
marriage: Оттон II Светлейший Баварский
title: 1227, Графиня Палатина Рейнская
title: 1231, Герцогиня Баварии
death: 1267
Matilda (Mehtild) von Brandenburg
birth: estimated 1210
marriage: Otto I (the Child) of Brunswick-Lüneburg
title: 1228, Princesse de Lunebourg
title: 1235, Duchesse de Brunswick et de Lunebourg
title: 1235, duchesse de Lunebourg
death: 10 June 1261
Otto I (the Child) of Brunswick-Lüneburg
birth: about 1204
children count: 10
marriage: Matilda (Mehtild) von Brandenburg
title: 1235, duc de Brunswick
title: 1235, duc de Lunebourg
death: 9 June 1252
Christin ? (d'Ecosse)
title: 1200, Princesse héritière de Mecklembourg
marriage: Henry Borwin II
title: 1201, Princesse de Rostock
title: 1219, Princesse de Mecklembourg
death: 1248
Henry Borwin II
birth: about 1170
marriage: Christin ? (d'Ecosse)
title: 1201, Prince de Rostock
title: 1219, князь Мекленбурга
death: 5 June 1226
Hermann V von Baden und Verona
title: 13 September 1190, Markgraf von Baden und Verona
marriage: Irmengard bei Rhein
death: 16 January 1243
Irmengard bei Rhein
birth: about 1200
marriage: Hermann V von Baden und Verona
title: 1217, Margravine de Bade-Bade
death: 24 February 1260

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