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Beatrix von Béziers

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Lineage Транкавель
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Beatrix von Béziers
Other given names Beatrix von Béziers

Raimund I Trencavel [Trencavel] d. 1167

Adelaide [?]


1180 marriage: Raimund VI von Toulouse [Toulouse] b. 27 October 1156 d. 2 August 1222

1180 child birth: Konstanze von Toulouse [Toulouse] b. 1180 d. 1260

1193 divorce: Raimund VI von Toulouse [Toulouse] b. 27 October 1156 d. 2 August 1222

From grandparents to grandchildren

Bernard Ato IV
birth: 1066
title: Albi (81), vicomte d’Albi
title: Nîmes (30), vicomte de Nîmes
death: 1129
Cecilia of Provence
birth: about 1065
death: 1150
Roger Ier Trencavel
title: Carcassonne (11), vicomte de Carcassonne
title: Albi (81), vicomte d’Albi
marriage: Bernarde de Comminges
death: 1150
Raimund I Trencavel
title: after 1129, Vizegraf von Agde
title: after 1129, виконт Безье
marriage: Saura de Barcelone
title: after 1150, Vizegraf von Carcassonne, et d'Albi
death: 1167
== 3 ==
Roger II Trencavel (vicomte de Béziers, de Carcassonne et d’Albi)
birth: 1149
title: 1167, Vicomte de Béziers
title: 1167, Vicomte de Carcassonne
title: 1167, Vicomte d'Albi
death: 1194
== 3 ==
Richard de Toulouse
birth: after 1198
death: 1199
Bertrand Ier
birth: about 1198
title: первый виконт Брюникеля
death: between October 1249 and November 1249
Guillemette de Toulouse
title: дама де Монлор и де Сен-Жори
Raymonde de Toulouse
occupation: монахиня в Леспинассе
Sancho VII von Navarra
birth: 1170
title: from 1194 - 1234, rjhjkm Yfdfhhs
marriage: Konstanze von Toulouse
divorce: Konstanze von Toulouse
death: 1234
Pierre Bermond d’Anduze
birth: 1190
title: сеньор Андюза
marriage: Konstanze von Toulouse
death: 1215
Pierre Bermond VII d’Anduze
birth: 1204
title: seigneur d’Anduze et de Sauve (Gard)
marriage: Jasserande de Valentinois (Poitiers)
death: 1254

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