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Ermengarde de la Flèche (du Maine) b. about 1096 d. 15 January 1126

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Lineage Beaugency
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Ermengarde de la Flèche
Other last names du Maine
Other given names Eremburge

Helias de la Flèche (de Maine) [Beaugency] b. estimated 1060 d. 11 July 1110

Maude du Loire (Bellamy) [Saint-Denis] b. 1055 d. 1099

Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Ermengarde_of_Maine
Reference numbers GEDCOM::AdriaenAlbout.ged::INDI @I231728@::Kjansen


about 1096 birth:

1106 child birth: Matilda von Anjou [Château-Landon] b. 1106 d. 31 May 1155

1110 child birth: Elias van Anjou [Château-Landon] b. 1110 d. 15 January 1151

1110 title: Countess of Maine

from 1110 - 1126 title: Château-du-Loir, Lady of Château-du-Loir

July 1110 marriage: Fulk V d'Anjou ("The Younger") [Château-Landon] b. about 1092 d. 13 November 1144

after 1112 child birth: Sibylle d'Anjou [Château-Landon] b. after 1112 d. 1165

24 August 1113 child birth: Anjou, France, Geoffrey V of Anjou (First of the House Plantagenet) [Plantagenet] b. 24 August 1113 d. 7 September 1151

15 January 1126 death: or 12 october 1126

From grandparents to grandchildren

John LeFleche (de Maine)
birth: 1042
marriage: Paula de Maine
death: 1097
burial: Angers, St Auban
Garsende of Maine
birth: about 1030
marriage: Thibault III de Blois
title: 1044, Comtesse de Blois, de Tours, de Châteaudun, de Chartres, de Sancerre, de Provins, de Saint-Florentin et de Château-Thierry
other: Thibault III de Blois , Répudiation
marriage: Albert-Azzo II van Este , 2
death: about 1071
Hugo IV von Maine
birth: about 1018
marriage: Bertha de Blois
death: 26 March 1051
Paula de Maine
birth: 1025
marriage: John LeFleche (de Maine)
death: 1044, La Flèche (72)
Gervase de Saint-Denis (du Loire)
birth: about 1040, Château-du-Loir, France
title: Château-du-Loir, Sire de Château-du-Loir
marriage: Eremburge de Loire , datum is 23 september
death: about 1095
Eremburge de Loire
birth: estimated 1040
marriage: Gervase de Saint-Denis (du Loire) , datum is 23 september
death: about 1090, datum is 4 juni
Helias de la Flèche (de Maine)
birth: estimated 1060, Maine, France
title: from 1093 - 1110, Comte du Maine
death: 11 July 1110
burial: Saint-Pierre de la Couture
Maude du Loire (Bellamy)
birth: 1055, Château-du-Loir, France
death: 1099
== 3 ==
Fulk V d'Anjou ("The Younger")
birth: about 1092, Angers
title: 14 April 1109, Comte d'Anjou
title: 1110, Comte de Tours
marriage: w Ermengarde de la Flèche (du Maine)
marriage: Melisende van Rethel , Jerusalem
death: 13 November 1144, Acre (Israel), Palestine
Ermengarde de la Flèche (du Maine)
birth: about 1096
title: 1110, Countess of Maine
title: from 1110 - 1126, Château-du-Loir, Lady of Château-du-Loir
marriage: Fulk V d'Anjou ("The Younger")
death: 15 January 1126, or 12 october 1126
== 3 ==
Балдуин III (Бодуэн) Иерусалимский (Анжуйский)
birth: 1131
title: 1153, Король Иерусалима
death: 10 February 1162, Триполи
Amalric I ? (of Jerusalem)
birth: 1136
title: 1151, Count of Ascalon
title: after 1162, King of Jerusalem
marriage: Maria ? , Tyre (Lebanon)
death: 11 July 1174
William Atheling
birth: 5 August 1103
title: 5 August 1103, hertog van Normandie
marriage: Matilda von Anjou
death: 25 November 1120
Matilda von Anjou
birth: 1106
title: 1119, Princesse héritière d'Angleterre
marriage: William Atheling
title: 1149, Fontevraud-l'Abbaye (49), Dame Abbesse
death: 31 May 1155
Elias van Anjou
birth: 1110
marriage: Philippe du Perche
death: 15 January 1151
Dietrich von Elsass
birth: about 1099, Bitche
marriage: w Marguerite de Clermont
marriage: Swanhild
marriage: Sibylle d'Anjou , Jérusalem (?)
death: 4 February 1168, Гравелен
burial: abdij Watten
Willem ? (Clito)
birth: 25 October 1102
marriage: Sibylle d'Anjou
divorce: Sibylle d'Anjou
title: from 1127 - 27 July 1128, Count of Flanders
marriage: Жанна Монферратская
death: 28 July 1128, Aalst
Sibylle d'Anjou
birth: after 1112
marriage: Willem ? (Clito)
divorce: Willem ? (Clito)
marriage: Dietrich von Elsass , Jérusalem (?)
death: 1165, Jerusalem, Béthanie
Mathilde FitzHenry (Norman)
birth: 7 February 1102, London, England
marriage: Henry V ? (Dynastie Salique, Dynastie Franconienne) , Worms (Germany)
title: 25 November 1120, Barfleur, Princesse héritière d'Angleterre
title: 17 June 1128, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France, Notre Dame
marriage: Geoffrey V of Anjou (First of the House Plantagenet) , Le Mans
title: 1141, Lincoln (England), Duchesse de Normandie
death: 10 September 1167, Rouen
Geoffrey V of Anjou (First of the House Plantagenet)
birth: 24 August 1113, Anjou, France
other: Onbekende Voornamen/maîtresse Nr.2 Onbekende Afkomst
other: Onbekende Voornamen/maîtresse Nr.3 Onbekende Afkomst
marriage: Mathilde FitzHenry (Norman) , Le Mans
title: 17 June 1128, Count of Anjou
title: 7 April 1141, Lincoln (England), Duc de Normandie
death: 7 September 1151, Château-du-Loir, France
Laurette d'Alsace
title: 1150, Duchesse de Limbourg et Comtesse d'Arlon
marriage: w Heinrich II von Niederlothringen
title: 1157, Comtesse de Luxembourg et de Namur
death: 1170
Baldwin V de Avesnes
birth: about 1150
marriage: w Margarete I von Elsass , Le Quesnoy
title: 1171, Graf von Hennegau als Nachfolger seines Vaters
title: 1188, als Balduin I. Markgraf von Namur in der Nachfolge seines Onkels Heinrich der Blinde von Luxemburg
title: 1191, als Balduin VIII. Graf von Flandern in der Nachfolge von Philipp I. von Elsaß
death: 17 December 1195, Bergen
burial: after 17 December 1195, Mons (Belgium), Sainte-Waudru chirch
Margarete I von Elsass
birth: about 1145
marriage: Baldwin V de Avesnes , Le Quesnoy
title: 1191, Графиня Фландрии
death: 15 November 1194, Brügge, Schloss Male
burial: Sint-Donaas, Брюгге
William van Poiton
birth: 22 July 1136
death: 30 January 1164
Geoffrey VI van Anjou
birth: 3 June 1134
title: 1156, comte d'Anjou
title: 1156, Le Mans (72), comte du Maine
title: 1156, comte de Nantes
death: 27 July 1158
Eleanor Aquitaine
birth: 1122, Poitiers, France, or [[Place:Bordeaux]], or [[Place:Nieul-sur-l'Autise]]
title: 9 April 1137, Duchesse d'Aquitaine
title: 9 April 1137, Santiago de Compostela, Duchesse d'Aquitaine
marriage: Людовик VII Молодой Капетинг , Bordeaux
title: 25 July 1137, Reine de France
other: 25 December 1137, Bourges, Sacre
annulment: Людовик VII Молодой Капетинг , Beaugency
marriage: Henry II Plantagenet ("Curtmantle") , Bordeaux, (or Poitiers)
title: 18 May 1152, Queen of England
title: 18 May 1152, Poitiers, Comtesse d'Anjou
title: 18 May 1152, Poitiers, Comtesse du Maine
title: 18 May 1152, Poitiers, Comtesse de Touraine
title: 25 October 1154, Reine d'Angleterre et Dame d'Irlande
other: 19 December 1154, London, Sacre
death: 1 April 1204, Poitiers
Henry II Plantagenet ("Curtmantle")
birth: 5 March 1133, Le Mans, Sarthe, France
other: Ida de Tosny (Countess of Norfolk)
title: from 1150 - 1189, Château-du-Loir, France, Duc de Normandie et Comte d'Anjou, du Maine et de Touraine
other: Ikenai , maîtresse
title: from 1152 - 1172, Roi d'Angleterre et Seigneur d'Irlande
marriage: Eleanor Aquitaine , Bordeaux, (or Poitiers)
title: from 1154 - 1189, London, Sacre
other: Alix/maîtresse Nr.2 de Porhoët , maîtresse
other: Rosamund Clifford
death: 6 July 1189, Chinon, France
burial: Fontevraud-l'Abbaye, France, Fontevraud Abbey
Maria van Engeland
birth: about 1136
marriage: w Matthäus von Elsass
death: 1182, abdij St. Austrebert, Montreuil
burial: abdij St. Austrebert, Montreuil
Matthäus von Elsass
birth: about 1137
marriage: Maria van Engeland
marriage: Eleonore von Vermandois
death: 25 July 1173, Driencourt, Normandie
Matilda de Portugal
birth: 1157, Coimbra
marriage: Philipp von Elsass
marriage: Odo III von Burgund
title: 1193, Duchesse de Bourgogne
divorce: Odo III von Burgund
death: 6 May 1218, Furnes
Philipp von Elsass
birth: about 1136
marriage: Елизавета де Вермандуа
title: 1167, граф де Вермандуа и Валуа
title: from 1168 - 1191, Graf von Flandern
marriage: Неизвестная Любовница
other: 1180, Lagny-sur-Marne, Participe au grand tournois de Lagny
marriage: Matilda de Portugal
death: 1 June 1191, Saint-Jean-d'Acre
burial: Clairvaux
Humbert III de Savoie
birth: 1 April 1136, Avigliana, Italie, château de Veillane
title: comte de Savoie
title: comte d'Aoste
title: comte de Maurienne
marriage: Файдива Тулузская
marriage: Gertrude de Lorraine (d'Alsace)
divorce: Gertrude de Lorraine (d'Alsace)
marriage: w Clémence de Zähringen
marriage: Beatrice van Macon (de Geneva)
death: 4 March 1189, Chambéry (73)
Gertrude de Lorraine (d'Alsace)
birth: 1140
marriage: Humbert III de Savoie
marriage: Hugo III van Oisy
divorce: Humbert III de Savoie
occupation: 1177, Messine, Italie, religieuse à Messine
death: 1190
Isabel Warenne
birth: 1136, Surrey (England)
title: Earl of Surrey, 4th
marriage: Hameline de Warrene FitzGeoffrey (Plantagenet)
death: 12 July 1203, Lewes (England), Surrey (England)
Hameline de Warrene FitzGeoffrey (Plantagenet)
birth: 1130, Normandy, France
title: vicomte van Touraine, titel is onzeker
title: earl van Surrey, uit rechte van zijn vrouw
title: graaf van Warenne
marriage: Isabel Warenne
death: 7 May 1202, Lewes (England)
burial: Lewes (England), Chapter House
Marie d'Anjou
title: abdis van Shaftesbury
death: 1216
Jean Ier d'Alençon
marriage: Beatrix du Maine
title: 1171, Comte d'Alençon
death: 1191

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