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Reginald de Dunstanville b. about 1110 d. 1 July 1175
From Rodovid EN
Lineage | Dunstanville |
Sex | Male |
Full name (at birth) | Reginald de Dunstanville |
♂ Henry I of England (Beauclerc) [Normandy] b. 1068 d. 1 December 1135 ♀ Sibyl Corbet (of Alcester) [Corbet] b. estimated 1070 | |
Wiki-page | wikipedia:Reginald_de_Dunstanville,_1st_Earl_of_Cornwall |
about 1110 birth: Dénestanville, Normandy, England
child birth: ♂ Николас Фиц-Реджинальд [Данстанвильские] d. before 1 July 1175
child birth: ♂ Джон Фиц-Реджинальд [Данстанвильские] d. after 1 July 1175
child birth: ♀ Ursula FitzReginald (Dunstanville) [Dunstanville]
child birth: ♀ Ursula Dunstanville (FitzReginald) [Dunstanville]
child birth: ♀ Эмма Корнуоллская [Данстанвильские] d. about 1208
child birth: ♀ Sarah de Dunstanville (de Cornouailles) [Dunstanville] d. 23 November 1216
child birth: ♀ Maud FitzReynold (Dunstanville) [Dunstanville]
title: comte de Cornouailles
1138 child birth: Cornwall, England, ♀ Hawyse de Dunstanville [Dunstanville] b. 1138 d. after 21 April 1162
1141 marriage: ♀ Mabel FitzRichard (Buckenhall) [FitzRichard]
21 July 1149 child birth: Stoke (Plymouth), ♀ Beatrix de Vaux [Vaux] b. 21 July 1149 d. 24 March 1217
1 July 1175 death: Chertsey (Surrey), England
See also in Wikipedia :
• Réginald de Dunstanville (fr)
• Reginald de Dunstanville, 1. Earl of Cornwall (de)
• Reginald de Dunstanville, 1st Earl of Cornwall (en)
• Rinaldo di Dunstanville, 1º Conte di Cornovaglia (it)
• Реджинальд Фиц-Рой (ru)
[edit] Sources
From grandparents to grandchildren
marriage: ♂ w Enguerrand de Ponthieu (Picard)
marriage: ♂ w Lambert van Boulogne
title: from 1053 - 1080, comtesse d'Aumale
death: about 1083, Aumale, France

title: Count de Mortain
death: 8 December 1090, Roches, France
burial: Fatouville-Grestain, Abbaye de Grestain
marriage: ♀ Richilde von Hennegau
title: 1051, Markgraf von Antwerpen (Reichstag von Goslar)
marriage: ♀ Richildis de Eguisheim
title: 1 September 1067, durch Heirat der Richilde, Gräfin von Berg und Hennegau, als Balduin I. Graf von Berg und von Hennegau
death: 17 July 1070, Abtei Hasnon, Flandern (franz. heute: Hanson, Hauts-de-France, Frankreich
burial: about 18 July 1070, Saint-Amand-les-Eaux (59), Abbaye de Hasnon

marriage: ♀ Гертруда Саксонская Биллун
title: 1071, Голландское графство, Святое Римское царство, граф голландский
death: 13 October 1093, Святое Римское царство

title: from 9 September 1087 - 2 August 1100, King of England
death: 2 August 1100, Hampshire (England), New Forest, hunting accident or assassination
burial: Winchester (England), Hampshire (England), Winchester Cathedral

marriage: ♂ Stephen II Henri (de Blois) , Breteuil
title: 1080, Caen
title: 30 September 1089, Épernay, Comtesse de Blois, de Châteaudun, de Chartres, de Meaux et Dame de Sancerre, de Saint-Florentin, de Provins, de Montereau, de Vertus, d'Oulchy-le-Château, de Château-Thierry, de Châtillon-sur-Marne et de Montfélix
death: 8 March 1138
death: 27 May 1085, Norfolk (England), Castle Acre
burial: Lewes Priory
engagement: ♀ Margarethe von Maine
title: from 1063 - 1069, Comte du Maine
title: from 9 September 1087 - 28 September 1106, Duc de Normandie
other: from 1096 - 1100, participe aux croisades
marriage: ♀ Sibylla Conversano
death: 10 February 1134, Cardiff (Wales)
title: 18 June 1066, Caen (14), Ordination
title: 1112, Abbesse
death: 30 July 1125
marriage: ♂ w Alan IV of Brittany (Fergant)
title: 1086, Duchesse de Bretagne et Comtesse de Rennes
death: 1090

marriage: ♂ Henry I of England (Beauclerc) , Westminster (England)
title: 11 November 1100, Queen Consort of England
title: 15 October 1106, Tinchebray, Duchesse de Normandie
death: 1 May 1118, London, England, Westminster Palace
burial: Westminster Abbey or Winchester
marriage: ♂ Henry I of England (Beauclerc)
title: 24 January 1121, Windsor (Berkshire), Queen Consort von England
death: 23 April 1151, Affligem, Affligem Abbey

title: 5 August 1103, hertog van Normandie
marriage: ♀ Matilda von Anjou
death: 25 November 1120

marriage: ♂ Henry V du Saint-Empire (Dynastie Salique, Dynastie Franconienne) , Worms (Germany)
title: 25 November 1120, Barfleur, Princesse héritière d'Angleterre
title: 17 June 1128, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France, Notre Dame
marriage: ♂ Geoffrey V of Anjou (First of the House Plantagenet) , Le Mans
title: 1141, Lincoln (England), Duchesse de Normandie
death: 10 September 1167, Rouen
marriage: ♀ w Mabel ? (Lady Gloucester)
title: from 1122 - 31 October 1147, Earl Gloucester, 1st
death: 31 October 1147
children count: pas de descendance.
marriage: ♂ w Alexander I Dunkeld (of Scotland)
death: 12 July 1122
death: 23 March 1226, England, Stoke, Devon
title: Earl of Leicester
title: Count de Mёlan
marriage: ♀ Maud FitzReynold (Dunstanville)
death: 16 August 1204, Poitiers
title: from 1148 - 1199, виконт Лиможский
marriage: ♀ Sarah de Dunstanville (de Cornouailles)
death: 1199
marriage: ♀ Marguerite de Limoges
death: 25 August 1245
burial: Le Chastenet
marriage: ♀ Marguerite de Limoges
title: 1199, comte de Périgord
death: before 1211
other: Héros de la lutte contre Richard-Coeur de Lion.
marriage: ♀ Aigline de Limoges
death: 1195