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Baldwin de Redvers (3rd Earl Devon) b. about 1160 d. 28 May 1188

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Lineage Redvers
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Baldwin de Redvers
Other last names 3rd Earl Devon

Richard de Redvers (2nd Earl Devon) [Redvers] d. 21 April 1162

Hawyse de Dunstanville [Dunstanville] b. 1138 d. after 21 April 1162

Wiki-page wikipedia:Baldwin_de_Redvers,_3rd_Earl_of_Devon


about 1160 birth:

child birth: ? (Heiress of Redvers-Courtenay) [?]

28 May 1188 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

William Redvers
marriage: Mabel Beaumont (de Mellent)
death: 10 September 1217, Tiverton (Devon), England
William Atheling
birth: 5 August 1103
title: 5 August 1103, hertog van Normandie
marriage: Matilda von Anjou
death: 25 November 1120
Mathilde FitzHenry (Norman)
birth: 7 February 1102, London, England
marriage: Henry V du Saint-Empire (Dynastie Salique, Dynastie Franconienne) , Worms (Germany)
title: 25 November 1120, Barfleur, Princesse héritière d'Angleterre
title: 17 June 1128, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France, Notre Dame
marriage: Geoffrey V of Anjou (First of the House Plantagenet) , Le Mans
title: 1141, Lincoln (England), Duchesse de Normandie
death: 10 September 1167, Rouen
Robert, 1st Earl of Gloucester -
birth: about 1090, Caen
marriage: w Mabel ? (Lady Gloucester)
title: from 1122 - 31 October 1147, Earl Gloucester, 1st
death: 31 October 1147
Henry FitzRoy
death: 1158
Sybilla Norman
birth: 1092
children count: pas de descendance.
marriage: w Alexander I Dunkeld (of Scotland)
death: 12 July 1122
Robert FitzEdith (Lord Okehampton)
marriage: Maud d’Avranches du Sap (de Abrincis) , [[wk:fr:Henri Ier Beauclerc#Avec Edith FitzForne|Wikipédia]]
Reginald de Dunstanville
birth: about 1110, Dénestanville, Normandy, England
title: comte de Cornouailles
marriage: Mabel FitzRichard (Buckenhall)
death: 1 July 1175, Chertsey (Surrey), England
Richard de Redvers (2nd Earl Devon)
title: граф Девон
marriage: Hawyse de Dunstanville
death: 21 April 1162
Beatrix de Vaux
birth: 21 July 1149, Stoke (Plymouth)
death: 24 March 1217, Stoke Canon, Devon (England)
Джон Фиц-Реджинальд
title: граф Корнуолл
death: after 1 July 1175
Hawyse de Dunstanville
birth: 1138, Cornwall, England
marriage: Richard de Redvers (2nd Earl Devon)
death: after 21 April 1162
== 3 ==
Baldwin de Redvers (3rd Earl Devon)
birth: about 1160
death: 28 May 1188
== 3 ==
Richard Wydville
birth: before 1405
Jacquette de Luxembourg
birth: about 1415
marriage: w Richard Wydeville
marriage: John Lancaster (Duke of Bedford) , Thérouanne
title: 22 April 1433, Thérouanne, Duchesse de Bedford
death: 30 May 1472
Richard Wydeville
birth: about 1405, Maidstone (Kent), England
marriage: Jacquette de Luxembourg
death: 12 August 1469, (Executed)

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