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Heinrich I von Anhalt b. about 1170 d. 1252

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Lineage Anhalt
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Heinrich I von Anhalt
Other given names Heinrich I Fürst von Anhalt

Judith von Polen [Piasten] b. about 1153 d. after 12 December 1201

Bernhard III von Sachsen [Askanier] b. 1140 d. 9 February 1212

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Heinrich I. (Anhalt)


about 1170 birth:

child birth: Albrecht d'Anhalt [Anhalt] d. about 1245

child birth: Hermann d'Anhalt [Anhalt] d. 1289

child birth: Magnus d'Anhalt [Anhalt] d. after 18 June 1264

child birth: Otto d'Anhalt [Anhalt] d. after 19 July 1246

child birth: Gertruda d'Anhalt [Anhalt] d. 1275

about 1210 child birth: Sophie von Anhalt [Anhalt] b. about 1210 d. between 23 November 1272 and 5 January 1274

about 1210 child birth: Гедвига Ангальская [Асканианские] b. about 1210 d. 21 December 1259

1211 marriage: Ирмгарда [Людовинги] b. 1197 d. 1244

1212 title: граф Ангальт

about 1215 child birth: w Henri II d'Anhalt-Aschersleben (dit « le Gros ») [Anhalt] b. about 1215 d. 12 June 1266

1218 child birth: w Bernhard d'Anhalt-Bernbourg (Bernhard Ier) [Anhalt] b. 1218 d. 1287

1218 title: prince d'Anhalt

about 1220 child birth: Jutta d'Anhalt [Anhalt] b. about 1220 d. after 14 May 1277

about 1230 child birth: w Siegfried Ier d'Anhalt-Zerbst (Siegfrid Ier) [Anhalt] b. about 1230 d. 1298

1252 death:


  1. Voir aussi Wikipédia : - (en) (de)

From grandparents to grandchildren

Agnes - (of Poland)
birth: 1137
marriage: Мстислав II Ізяславич Князь Руський і Київський
title: from 1168 - 1182, Grand Duchess of Kiev
death: after 1182
Vladislaus II Piast
birth: 1105
marriage: w Agnes von Österreich
title: from 1138 - 1146, Prince of Poland
death: 30 May 1159
Казимир II Справедливый Пястов
birth: 1138, Польское королевство
marriage: Елена Ростиславна Смоленская (Польская)
marriage: Helena
title: from 1173 - 1194, Сандомирское княжество, Польское королевство, сандомирский князь
title: from 1177 - 1191, Польское королевство, польский князь, 12-й принцепс
title: from 1177 - 1181, Калишское княжество, Польское королевство, калишский князь
title: from 1186 - 1194, Мазовецкое княжество, Польское королевство, мазовецкий князь
title: from 1191 - 1194, Польское княжество, Польское королевство, польский князь, 14-й принцепс
death: 5 May 1194, Польское княжество, Польское королевство
birth: 1115
death: 26 August 1137
birth: 12 April 1116
title: from 12 April 1116 - 1128, Polish Princess
marriage: w Magnus Nielsson (the Strong)
title: from 1128 - 25 June 1134, Queen of Sweden
title: from 1135 - 1140, Princess Minsk
marriage: w Volodar Glebovich
marriage: w Swerker I Starszy
title: from 1148 - 25 December 1155, Queen of Sweden
death: after 25 December 1155
Boleslav IV ? (Kędzierzawy)
birth: between 1120 and 1121
marriage: w Верхослава Всеволодовна
title: from 1138 - 5 January 1173, князь мазовецький
title: from 1146 - 5 January 1173, князь польський
title: from 1146 - 1163, князь Вроцлавский
title: from 1166 - 5 January 1173, князь сандомирський
death: 5 January 1173
Генрих Сандомирский
birth: about 1130
marriage: Евдокия Владимировна Галицкая и Волынская
title: from 1146 - 18 October 1166, князь Сандомирский
death: 18 October 1166
Leuitgarda ? (Drovomira)
birth: between 1128 and 1129
marriage: Dietrich II
divorce: Dietrich II
death: about 1160
Jutta de Pologne
birth: 1132
marriage: Otto I ? (Askanskie) , Kruszwica
title: 6 January 1148, Kruszwica, Margravine héritière de Brandebourg
title: 18 November 1170, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: 1174
birth: 1108
death: after 1 June 1124
birth: about 1120
death: 10 October 1136
birth: 16 August 1122
death: 19 October 1131
birth: between 1123 and 1124
title: монахиня в монастыре Цвайфелтена
death: 7 May 1160
Mieszko III Piast (of Poland)
death: 13 March 1202
Mieszko III
birth: between 1126 and 1127
marriage: Elisabeth van Hongarije
marriage: Евдокия Изяславна
title: from 1173 - 1177, Князь Польши
title: from 1189 - 1199, Князь Польши (Кракова)
title: from 1191 - 1191, Князь Польши
title: from 1199 - 1202, Князь Польши (Кракова)
death: 13 March 1202, Kalisz
Geza III of Hungary
birth: 1130, Tolna (Hungary)
title: from 1141 - 31 May 1162, King of Croatia
title: from 13 February 1141 - 31 May 1162, King of Hungary
marriage: Ефросиния Мстиславна Русская и Киевская (Венгерская)
death: 13 May 1162
Ladislaus II
birth: 1131
title: from 1137 - 1159, герцог Боснии
title: from 1162 - 14 January 1163, король Венгрии
death: 14 January 1163
Stefan IV
birth: about 1133
marriage: Marie Komnenos
death: 11 April 1165
Elisabeth van Hongarije
birth: about 1128
marriage: Mieszko III
death: 21 July 1153
Albert Ier de Brandebourg - (Albert Ier l’Ours)
birth: about 1100
marriage: w Sophia von Winzenburg
title: from 1124 - 1131, Margrave de Lausitz
title: from 1134 - 1157, Margrave de Nordmark
title: from 1138 - 1142, Duc de Saxe
title: from 1140 - 1170, Comte de Weimar-Orlamünde
title: from 1157 - 1170, Margrave de Brandebourg
death: 18 November 1170
Sophia von Winzenburg
birth: 1100, Winzenburg
marriage: Albert Ier de Brandebourg - (Albert Ier l’Ours)
title: 1124, Dame de Ballenstedt
title: 1157, Markgräfin von Brandenburg
death: 1160, Brandenburg
Odon of Poznań
birth: about 1145
title: from 1177 - 1182, książę wielkopolski
marriage: Вышеслава Ярославна
death: 20 April 1194
birth: 1154
title: 1174
marriage: Soblieslav II
marriage: w Koenraad II van Landsberg
death: 2 April 1209, klooster van Dobrilugk
Болеслав Куявский
birth: 1159
title: from 1186 - 13 September 1195, князь Куявии
death: 13 September 1195
birth: about 1164
title: from 1191 - 1193, князь Калишский
death: 2 August 1193
birth: between 1162 and 1164
marriage: Racibor I
death: after 11 May 1183
Anastasia Meshkovna
birth: about 1162
title: Принцесса Польши
marriage: Boguslav I
death: after 30 May 1240
Vladislav III Тонконогий Tonkonogy
birth: 1161
marriage: Lucille
title: from 1202 - 1206, Князь Польши
title: from 1227 - 1229, Князь Кракова
death: 3 November 1231
birth: 1150
death: between 1166 and 1179
Judith von Polen
birth: about 1153
marriage: Bernhard III von Sachsen
death: after 12 December 1201
Otto I ? (Askanskie)
birth: about 1128
marriage: Jutta de Pologne , Kruszwica
title: from 1170 - 1184, маркграф Бранденбурга
marriage: Adelheid van Holland
death: 7 March 1184
Hedwig Askanier von Brandenburg
birth: about 1140
marriage: Otto II von Meißen
death: March 1203
burial: after March 1203, Kloster Altzella, bei Nossen
Герман I
birth: 1125
title: from 1167 - 1176, граф Веймар-Орламюнде
death: 1176
Siegfried de Brandebourg
birth: 1132
death: 24 October 1184
Bernhard III von Sachsen
birth: 1140
marriage: Judith von Polen
title: from 1173 - 2 February 1212, Fürst von Anhalt
title: from 1180 - 2 February 1212, Herzog von Sachsen
death: 9 February 1212, Ballenstedt
== 3 ==
Albrecht I von Sachsen
birth: about 1175
title: from 1212 - 1260, Herzog von Sachsen
marriage: Agnieszka Austrijski
marriage: Agneta of Thuringia
marriage: Helena von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
death: between 7 October 1260 and 8 November 1261
birth: 1197
marriage: Heinrich I von Anhalt
title: 1211, Princesse de Saxe et Comtesse héritière d'Anhalt
title: 1212, Comtesse d'Anhalt
title: 1218, Princesse d'Anhalt
death: 1244
Heinrich I von Anhalt
birth: about 1170
marriage: Ирмгарда
title: 1212, граф Ангальт
title: 1218, prince d'Anhalt
death: 1252
== 3 ==
Mathilde de Brunswick
marriage: w Henri II d'Anhalt-Aschersleben (dit « le Gros »)
title: 1245, princesse héritière d'Anhalt
title: 1252, princesse d'Anhalt-Aschersleben
death: 1295
Henri II d'Anhalt-Aschersleben (dit « le Gros »)
birth: about 1215
marriage: Mathilde de Brunswick
title: 1252, prince d'Anhalt-Aschersleben
death: 12 June 1266
Othon II Andechs von Meranien (de Bourgogne)
birth: between 1171 and 1184
marriage: Sophie von Anhalt
title: from 1204 - 7 May 1234, герцог Меранский
title: from 1204 - 1225, герцог Афинский, 1-й
title: 1208, граф Плассенбурга
marriage: Beatrix II van Hohenstaufen (van Bourgondië)
death: 7 May 1234
Sophie von Anhalt
birth: about 1210
marriage: Othon II Andechs von Meranien (de Bourgogne)
marriage: Siegfried von Regenstein
death: between 23 November 1272 and 5 January 1274
Katarina de Suède
birth: 1245
marriage: w Siegfried Ier d'Anhalt-Zerbst (Siegfrid Ier)
title: 17 October 1259, Princesse d'Anhalt-Zerbst
death: 1289
Siegfried Ier d'Anhalt-Zerbst (Siegfrid Ier)
birth: about 1230
title: 1252, prince d'Anhalt-Zerbst
marriage: Katarina de Suède
other: 1290, abdication
death: 1298, Köthen (Anhalt), principauté d'Anhalt-Zerbst du Saint-Empire romain germanique
Nikolaus von Werle-Rostock
birth: about 1220
title: from 1229 - 1234, сеньор Ростока
marriage: Jutta d'Anhalt
title: from 1234 - 14 May 1277, сеньор Верле
death: 14 May 1277
Jutta d'Anhalt
birth: about 1220
marriage: Nikolaus von Werle-Rostock
death: after 14 May 1277
Sophia de Schleswig
birth: 1240
marriage: w Bernhard d'Anhalt-Bernbourg (Bernhard Ier)
title: 3 February 1258, Princesse d'Anhalt-Bernbourg
death: after 1284
Bernhard d'Anhalt-Bernbourg (Bernhard Ier)
birth: 1218
title: 1252, Prince d'Anhalt-Bernbourg
marriage: Sophia de Schleswig
death: 1287
Albrecht d'Anhalt
death: about 1245
Hermann d'Anhalt
death: 1289
Magnus d'Anhalt
death: after 18 June 1264
Otto d'Anhalt
death: after 19 July 1246
Болеслав II Генрихів син П'яст
birth: about 1217
title: герцог Силезии
marriage: Гедвига Ангальская
death: about 26 December 1278
birth: between 1261 and 1263
marriage: w Генрих V Брюхатый
death: 28 September 1304
Генрих V Брюхатый
birth: about 1248
marriage: Елизавета
title: from 1273 - 1278, князь Яворский
title: from 1278 - 1296, князь Легницкий
title: from 1290 - 22 February 1296, князь Вроцлавский
death: 22 February 1296, Легница
burial: монастырь клариссинок во Вроцлаве
Bolko I von Schweidnitz
birth: about 1253
marriage: Beatrycze , Berlin
death: 9 November 1301
Johann de Brandebourg (Johann II)
birth: 1237
marriage: Hedwig de Werle
title: 4 April 1266, Margrave de Brandebourg
death: 10 September 1281
Hedwig de Werle
birth: 1243
marriage: Johann de Brandebourg (Johann II)
title: 1258, Margravine héritière de Brandebourg
title: 4 April 1266, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: 1287
Agnese de Brandebourg
birth: 1275
marriage: w Albert Ier d'Anhalt-Zerbst (Albrecht Ier)
title: 1300, Princesse d'Anhalt-Zerbst
death: 1329
birth: about 1251
marriage: w Albert Ier d'Anhalt-Zerbst (Albrecht Ier)
death: after 28 February 1289
Albert Ier d'Anhalt-Zerbst (Albrecht Ier)
marriage: Лютгард
title: about 1295, prince d'Anhalt-Zerbst
marriage: Agnese de Brandebourg
death: between 17 August 1316 and 2 March 1317
Joanna Jadwiga de Varsovie
birth: about 1260
marriage: Otto I von Anhalt und Aschersleben
title: 1283, Princesse d'Anhalt-Aschersleben
death: after 14 December 1300
Otto I von Anhalt und Aschersleben
title: 1266, Fürst von Anhalt-Aschersleben
marriage: Joanna Jadwiga de Varsovie
death: 25 June 1304
Heinrich Anhalt-Aschersleben (Heinrich III)
title: 1266, Prince d'Anhalt-Anschlersleben
death: 11 November 1307, Magdebourg
Johann d'Anhalt-Bernbourg
title: 1287, Comte d'Anhalt-Bernbourg
death: 5 June 1291
Аlbrecht d'Anhalt-Bernbourg
title: 1304, Prince d'Anhalt-Bernbourg
death: 14 September 1324
Helena von Rügen
birth: 1270
marriage: Bernhard d'Anhalt-Bernbourg (Bernhard II)
title: 27 December 1302, Princesse d'Anhalt-Bernbourg
death: 9 August 1315
Bernhard d'Anhalt-Bernbourg (Bernhard II)
birth: 1260
title: 1287, Comte d'Anhalt-Bernbourg
marriage: Helena von Rügen
death: after 26 December 1323
Heinrich d'Anhalt-Bernbourg
death: 14 March 1324
Johann I von Werle
birth: about 1245
marriage: Sophie von Lindow-Ruppin
death: 15 October 1283
Agnes von Schlesien-Liegnitz
birth: between 1243 and 1250
marriage: Ulrich I von Württemberg
death: 13 March 1265
Sophia d'Anhalt-Bernbourg
death: 20 May 1322
Siegfrid d'Anhalt-Zerbst
death: 25 February 1317, Magdebourg

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