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Otto II von Meißen b. 1125 d. 18 February 1190

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Lineage Wettin
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Otto II von Meißen
Other given names Gen. "der Reiche"

Conrad I "the Great" Wettin of Meissen and Lausitz [Wettin] b. about 1098 d. 5 February 1157

Luitgard van Elchingen [Elchingen-Ravenstein] b. estimated 1105 d. 19 June 1145

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Otto (Meißen)


1125 birth:

child birth: Sophie Wettin von Meißen [Wettin-Meißen]

1144 marriage: Hedwig Askanier von Brandenburg [Askanier] b. about 1140 d. March 1203

from 5 February 1157 - 18 February 1190 title: Markgraf von Meißen

1158 child birth: Albrecht I von Meißen [Wettin] b. 1158 d. 24 June 1195

after 1160 child birth: Adelheid de Misnie (Misnie) [Wettin] b. after 1160 d. 1 February 1211

11 March 1162 child birth: Dietrich von Meißen [Wettin] b. 11 March 1162 d. 18 February 1221

18 February 1190 death:


wikipedia:en:Otto II, Margrave of Meissen;;

From grandparents to grandchildren

Деди I Лужицкий
birth: about 1010
title: from 1034 - October 1075, граф Айленбургский, под именем Деди I
title: from 1046 - 1069, маркграф Лужицкий, 8-й под именем Деди I
title: from 1069 - October 1075, маркграф Лужицкий, 8-й под именем Деди I
death: October 1075
Тимо фон Веттин
birth: before 1034
title: граф Брены
title: граф Веттина
marriage: Ida van Northeim
death: between 1101 and 1118
burial: Kloster Niemegk
Hendrik van Northeim
birth: about 1055
marriage: w Gertrud von Braunschweig
death: before 10 April 1101, Bursfelde, Bursfelde abbey
Ethelinde van Northeim
birth: about 1050
death: after 1075
Friedrich II von Staufen (von Schwaben)
birth: 1090
title: from 4 April 1105 - 6 April 1147, Duc de Souabe
marriage: Judith of Bavaria
marriage: Agnes van Saarbrucken
death: 6 April 1147, Alzey
Helika van Staufen
birth: about 1087
marriage: Frederik III van Burg Lengenfeld
death: 24 September 1109
burial: Kloster Ensdorf, Bayern
Judith of Babenberg
birth: about 1115
marriage: w William V of Montferrat
title: May 1135, marquise de Montferrat
death: after 1168
Agnes von Österreich
birth: 1111
marriage: Vladislaus II Piast
title: 1125, Princesse héritière de Pologne
title: 28 October 1138, Płock, Princesse de Pologne, Duchesse de Pologne, de Silésie et de Sandomierz
death: 25 January 1157
Konrad III
birth: between 1093 and 1094, Bamberg, Bayern
title: from 1116 - 7 March 1120, Herzog in Franken
marriage: Gertrud von Sulzbach
title: 7 March 1138, Römisch-deutscher König
death: 15 February 1152, Bamberg, Bayern
Гертруда фон Бабенберг
birth: about 1118
title: 1140, Королева Богемии
marriage: w Vladislav II de Bohême
death: 4 August 1150
Henri II d'Autriche
birth: 1107
marriage: Gertrud von Supplingenburg
title: 1140, Comte palatin du Rhin
title: 18 October 1141, Margrave d'Autriche
title: 1143, Duc de Bavière
marriage: Феодора Комнина (Бабенберги)
title: 17 September 1156, Duc d'Autriche
death: 13 January 1177, Vienne (Autriche)
Otto von Freising
birth: about 1112, Klosterneuburg, Niederösterreich
title: 1138, Bischof von Freising
death: 22 September 1158, Zisterzienserkloster Morimond, Grand Est, Frankreich
burial: Parnoy-en-Bassigny (52), Abbaye de Morimond
Léopold Ier de Bavière - (Léopold IV)
birth: 1108
title: 15 November 1136, Margrave d'Autriche
marriage: Maria de Bohême
title: 1139, Duc de Bavière
death: 18 October 1141, Niederalteich
Konrad de Babenberg - (Archevêque)
birth: 1115
title: 29 June 1164, Salzburg, Archevêque de Salzburg
death: 28 September 1168, Salzburg
Heinrich von Schwaben
death: before 1102
Beatrix von Schwaben
death: after 1147
Adalbert von Staufen
birth: about 1090
Bertha van Schwaben
birth: between 1088 and 1089
death: between 1120 and 1142
Conrad I "the Great" Wettin of Meissen and Lausitz
birth: about 1098
marriage: Luitgard van Elchingen
title: from 1130 - 1156, Margrave of Meissen
title: from 1136 - 1156, Markgraf der Ober- u. Niederlausitz
title: from 1136 - 1156, margrave de Lusace
title: to 1157, Graf von Wettin
death: 5 February 1157, Halle (Saale)
burial: after 5 February 1157, Halle (Saale), Augustiner-Chorherrenstift St.-Peter auf dem Lauterberg
Luitgard van Elchingen
birth: estimated 1105
marriage: Conrad I "the Great" Wettin of Meissen and Lausitz
death: 19 June 1145, Klooster, Gerbstedt
burial: Klooster, Gerbstedt
== 3 ==
Dietrich II
birth: about 1118
marriage: Leuitgarda ? (Drovomira)
divorce: Leuitgarda ? (Drovomira)
title: from 1156 - 9 February 1185, Margrave Sorb
death: 9 February 1185
Heinrich I von Wettin
birth: about 1142
death: 1181
Дедо III фон Веттин
marriage: w Mechthilde van Heinsberg
birth: about 1130
death: 16 August 1190, Базилика Санта-Кроче
burial: Kloster Wechselburg
Adélaide de Wettin
marriage: w Sven de Danemark (Sven III)
title: from 1152 - 1157, reine consort de Danemark
marriage: Albrecht de Ballenstedt (Albrecht III)
death: 23 October 1181
Hedwig Askanier von Brandenburg
birth: about 1140
marriage: Otto II von Meißen
death: March 1203
burial: after March 1203, Kloster Altzella, bei Nossen
Otto II von Meißen
birth: 1125
marriage: Hedwig Askanier von Brandenburg
title: from 5 February 1157 - 18 February 1190, Markgraf von Meißen
death: 18 February 1190
== 3 ==
Jutta of Thuringia
birth: about 1184
marriage: Dietrich von Meißen
marriage: Poppo XIII von Henneberg
death: 6 August 1235, Schleusingen, Thuringia
burial: after 6 August 1235, Kloster Veßra, Thuringia
Dietrich von Meißen
birth: 11 March 1162
marriage: Jutta of Thuringia
title: 1198, Markgraf von Meißen
title: 1210, als Dietrich III. Markgraf der Lausitz (Niederlausitz)
death: 18 February 1221, Kloster Altzella, Nossen
Sofia de Bohême
marriage: Albrecht I von Meißen , Ústí nad Labem
death: 25 May 1195
Albrecht I von Meißen
birth: 1158
marriage: Sofia de Bohême , Ústí nad Labem
title: from 18 February 1190 - 24 June 1195, Markgraf von Meißen
death: 24 June 1195, Krummhennersdorf, Halsbrücke, bei Freiberg/Mulde
burial: after 24 June 1195, Kloster Altzella, Nossen
Ottokar I Premysl of Bohemia
birth: about 1155
marriage: Adelheid de Misnie (Misnie)
title: 1191, Prince suzerain de Bohême
title: 1198, King of Bohemia
marriage: Констанция Венгерская
divorce: Adelheid de Misnie (Misnie)
death: 15 December 1230
Adelheid de Misnie (Misnie)
birth: after 1160
title: 1187, Princesse de Bohême
marriage: Ottokar I Premysl of Bohemia
title: 1191, Princesse suzeraine de Bohême
divorce: Ottokar I Premysl of Bohemia
death: 1 February 1211
Sophie Wettin von Meißen
other: 1. Hochzeit: als zweite Frau den Herzog Ulrich von Böhmen (Tochter Agnes); 2. Hochzeit (1187): Heinrich, Burggraf von Regensburg
Berta von Henneberg
birth: about 1218, Henneberg
marriage: Friedrich II von Castell
death: about 1257
Herman I z Hennebergu
birth: 1224
marriage: Margaretha van Holland
death: 18 December 1290
Dietrich V ? (of Cleves)
birth: 1185
marriage: Mathilde von Dinslaken
title: 1202, Duke of Cleves
marriage: Hedwig van Saksen Meissen
death: between 13 May 1260 and 26 June 1260
Hedwig van Saksen Meissen
birth: 1195
title: after 1224, Bedburg
marriage: Dietrich V ? (of Cleves)
death: 2 February 1249
Konstanze d'Autriche
birth: about 6 May 1212
marriage: Heinrich III Wettin of Thuringia
death: before 5 June 1243
Heinrich III Wettin of Thuringia
birth: about 1218
title: from 1221 - 15 February 1288, Margrave of Meissen
title: from 1221 - 15 February 1288, Margrave of Lusatia, last
marriage: Konstanze d'Autriche
title: from 1242 - 1265, Landgrave of Thuringia
title: from 1247 - 1288, Count Palatine of Saxony
death: 15 February 1288, Dresden
Christina Wettin von Meißen
birth: after 23 April 1186
other: Hochzeit mit Hartmann von Lobdeburg zu Elsterberg
death: after 1251
Wenceslaus I of Bohemia ? (Premyslid)
birth: about 1205, Prague
marriage: Кунигунда Швабская
title: 1226, King of Bohemia
death: 23 September 1253, Králův Dvůr
Přemysl de Moravie (Přemysl Ier)
birth: 1209
title: 1228, Margrave de Moravie
marriage: Margarethe de Méranie (Méranie)
death: 16 October 1239
Ганна Богемська Премишльська
birth: 1204
marriage: Henry II "the Pious" Piast
title: 1218, Princesse de Pologne
title: 19 March 1238, Krosno Odrzańskie, Duchesse de Wroclaw, de Petite-Pologne, de Poznan et de Kalisz
title: 1239, Duchesse de Gnesne
death: 23 June 1265
Vladislav de Moravie (Vladislav II)
birth: 1207
title: 1224, Margrave de Moravie
death: 1228
Blazena de Bohême
birth: 1210
death: 24 October 1280
Anezka de Bohême
birth: 1211
death: 6 May 1282
Waldemar II "the Conqueror" of Denmark (1202-41)
birth: 28 June 1170
title: from 1202 - 28 March 1241, King of Denmark
title: 1202
marriage: Margarete Dagmar of Bohemia
title: 1202, roi des Slaves
marriage: Berengaria of Portugal
death: 28 March 1241, Vordingborg
Margarete Dagmar of Bohemia
birth: about 1186
marriage: Waldemar II "the Conqueror" of Denmark (1202-41)
title: from 1205 - 1213, Принцесса Богемии
death: 24 May 1212

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