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Richiza Birgersdotter b. about 1245

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Lineage Folkunger
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Richiza Birgersdotter
Other given names Richiza Birgersdotter, Prinzessin von Schweden

Ingeborg Eriksdotter [Eriksgeschlecht] d. 1254

Birger Magnusson von Bjälbo [Folkunger] b. about 1210 d. 21 October 1266

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Rikitsa Birgersdatter


about 1245 birth:

child birth: w Risca de Mecklembourg-Werle-Güstrow [Mecklembourg] d. 1317

marriage: w Heinrich I zu Werle [Mecklenburg] d. 8 October 1291

From grandparents to grandchildren

Ingeborg van Denemarken
birth: 1174
title: 14 August 1193, Corbeil
marriage: Philippe Auguste de France (Philippe II) , Amiens
annulment: Philippe Auguste de France (Philippe II) , Paris
death: 29 July 1236, Corbeil-Essonnes (91)
marriage: Boguslav I
title: 1176
death: 1177
Knut VI of Denmark
birth: 1163
marriage: Гертруда Баварская
title: 1182, King of Denmark
death: 12 November 1202
Waldemar II "the Conqueror" of Denmark (1202-41)
birth: 28 June 1170
title: from 1202 - 28 March 1241, King of Denmark
title: 1202
marriage: Margarete Dagmar of Bohemia
title: 1202, roi des Slaves
marriage: Berengaria of Portugal
death: 28 March 1241, Vordingborg
Helena von Dänemark
birth: about 1180
title: Herzogin von Lüneburg
marriage: William of Lüneburg (of Winchester) , Hamburg
death: 22 November 1233, Lüneburg
Richardis de Danemark
birth: between 1174 and 1180
marriage: Erik X von Schweden
title: 1210, Reine de Suède
death: 8 May 1220, Ringsted
Erik X von Schweden
birth: 1180
marriage: Richardis de Danemark
death: 10 April 1216, Burg Näs auf Visingsö
Birger Magnusson von Bjälbo
birth: about 1210
marriage: Ingeborg Eriksdotter
death: 21 October 1266, Jälbolung
== 3 ==
== 3 ==
Albrecht II von Braunschweig-Göttingen
birth: 1268
title: 15 August 1279, Duc de Brunswick-Lunebourg
marriage: w Risca de Mecklembourg-Werle-Güstrow
title: 1291, Prince de Göttingen
title: 1292, Prince de Wolfenbüttel
death: 22 September 1318
Risca de Mecklembourg-Werle-Güstrow
title: 1284, Duchesse de Brunswick-Lunebourg
marriage: Albrecht II von Braunschweig-Göttingen
title: 1291, Princesse de Göttingen
title: 1292, Princesse de Wolfenbüttel
death: 1317
Sophia de Brandebourg
birth: 1300
marriage: w Magnus I von Braunschweig-Göttingen
title: 1327, Princesse de Brunswick
title: 1333, Margravine de Landsberg et Comtesse palatine de Saxe
title: 1344, Princesse de Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
death: 1356
Magnus I von Braunschweig-Göttingen
birth: 1304
marriage: Sophia de Brandebourg
title: 1333, Герцог Брауншвейг-Люнебурга
title: 1344, Prince de Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
death: 1369
Elisabeth de Hesse
birth: about 1320
title: 1339, Princesse de Brunswick
marriage: w Ernst I von Braunschweig-Göttingen
title: 1344, Duchesse de Brunswick-Lünebourg et Princesse de Gottingen
death: 7 March 1390
Ernst I von Braunschweig-Göttingen
birth: 1305
marriage: Elisabeth de Hesse
title: 1344, Duc de Brunswick-Lünebourg et Prince de Gottingen
death: 24 April 1367
birth: 1297
marriage: Waldemar de Brandebourg
title: 1309, Margravine de Brandebourg
title: 1319, Duchesse de Brunswick-Lunebourg et Princesse de Göttingen et Wolfenbüttel
marriage: Otto de Brunswick-Göttingen
death: 1334
Jutta de Hesse
birth: 1289
title: 1311, Princesse de Brunswick-Lunebourg
marriage: Otto de Brunswick-Göttingen
death: 1317
Otto de Brunswick-Göttingen
birth: 24 June 1290
marriage: Jutta de Hesse
title: 22 November 1318, Duc de Brunswick-Lunebourg et Prince de Göttingen et de Wolfenbüttel
marriage: Агнесса
death: 30 August 1344, Göttingen
Johann von Hessen
birth: 1278
marriage: Adelheid von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
title: 21 December 1308, Marburg, Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel
death: 1311
Adelheid von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
birth: 1290
title: 1306, Landerbgräfin von Hessen
marriage: Johann von Hessen
title: 21 December 1308, Marburg, Landgräfin von Hessen-Kassel
death: 1311
Mathilda de Brunswick-Göttingen
birth: 1293
death: 1356
Wilhelm de Brunswick-Göttingen
birth: 1295
death: 1318
Risca de Brunswick-Göttingen
birth: 1298
death: 1317
Johann de Brunswick-Göttingen
birth: 1300
death: 1321
Bruno de Brunswick-Göttingen
birth: 1303
death: 1306
Lüder de Brunswick-Gottingen
birth: 1307
death: 1319
Judith de Brunswick-Gottingen
birth: 1309
death: 1332

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