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Koenraad II van Landsberg b. after 13 September 1159 d. 6 May 1210

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Lineage Wettin
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Koenraad II van Landsberg

Дедо III фон Веттин [Веттины] b. about 1130 d. 16 August 1190

w Mechthilde van Heinsberg [Heinsberg] b. estimated 1135 d. 20 January 1189

Wiki-page wikipedia:nl:Koenraad II van Lausitz


after 13 September 1159 birth:

after 1180 marriage: w Elizabeth [Piast] b. 1154 d. 2 April 1209

1185 child birth: Mathilde van Landsberg [Wettin] b. 1185 d. 1225

6 May 1210 death:

burial: Zschillen

From grandparents to grandchildren

Conrad I "the Great" Wettin of Meissen and Lausitz
birth: about 1098
marriage: Luitgard van Elchingen
title: from 1130 - 1156, Margrave of Meissen
title: from 1136 - 1156, Markgraf der Ober- u. Niederlausitz
title: from 1136 - 1156, margrave de Lusace
title: to 1157, Graf von Wettin
death: 5 February 1157, Halle (Saale)
burial: after 5 February 1157, Halle (Saale), Augustiner-Chorherrenstift St.-Peter auf dem Lauterberg
Luitgard van Elchingen
birth: estimated 1105
marriage: Conrad I "the Great" Wettin of Meissen and Lausitz
death: 19 June 1145, Klooster, Gerbstedt
burial: Klooster, Gerbstedt
Gozewijn II van Heinsberg
birth: estimated 1105
marriage: Aleidis van Sommerschenburg
death: 8 April 1167
Adolf II van Berg
birth: about 1090
marriage: Adelheid de Arnsberg
marriage: Irmgard von Schwarzenburg-Spondheim
title: 31 July 1106, Comte de Berg
death: 12 October 1170
Bruno de Berg
death: 1137
Aleidis van Sommerschenburg
birth: estimated 1110
marriage: Gozewijn II van Heinsberg
death: 10 March 1184
Dietrich II
birth: about 1118
marriage: Leuitgarda ? (Drovomira)
divorce: Leuitgarda ? (Drovomira)
title: from 1156 - 9 February 1185, Margrave Sorb
death: 9 February 1185
Otto II von Meißen
birth: 1125
marriage: Hedwig Askanier von Brandenburg
title: from 5 February 1157 - 18 February 1190, Markgraf von Meißen
death: 18 February 1190
Heinrich I von Wettin
birth: about 1142
death: 1181
Adélaide de Wettin
marriage: w Sven de Danemark (Sven III)
title: from 1152 - 1157, reine consort de Danemark
marriage: Albrecht de Ballenstedt (Albrecht III)
death: 23 October 1181
Дедо III фон Веттин
marriage: w Mechthilde van Heinsberg
birth: about 1130
death: 16 August 1190, Базилика Санта-Кроче
burial: Kloster Wechselburg
Godfried van Heinsberg
birth: estimated 1140
marriage: Sophia van Loon (van Nörvenich) , Keulen, huwelijk voltrokken door aartsbisschop Philip van Keulen, broer van Godfried
Philipp I von Heinsberg
birth: about 1130
title: 1167, Köln, Erzbischof von Köln
death: 13 August 1191, Neapel
Mechthilde van Heinsberg
marriage: Дедо III фон Веттин
birth: estimated 1135
death: 20 January 1189
burial: Kloster Wechselburg
== 3 ==
Dietrich III von Lausitz-Landsberg
title: Graf von Sommerschenburg und Groitzsch, Propst zu Magdeburg
death: 1207
death: 1174
birth: 1154
title: 1174
marriage: Soblieslav II
marriage: w Koenraad II van Landsberg
death: 2 April 1209, klooster van Dobrilugk
Koenraad II van Landsberg
birth: after 13 September 1159
marriage: Elizabeth
death: 6 May 1210
burial: Zschillen
== 3 ==
Albrecht II van Brandenburg
birth: 1176
title: 4 July 1205, klooster van Lehnin
marriage: Mathilde van Landsberg
death: 25 February 1220
Mathilde van Landsberg
birth: 1185
title: 1205, klooster van Lehnin
marriage: Albrecht II van Brandenburg
death: 1225, Salzwedel
Bożena Przemyślidka
birth: about 1231
marriage: Otton III Pobożny Askańczyk
title: 1243, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: 25 May 1296, Breslau
Otton III Pobożny Askańczyk
birth: 1215
title: 25 February 1220, маркграф Бранденбурга
marriage: Bożena Przemyślidka
death: 9 October 1267, Brandenburg (Havel)
Otto I (the Child) of Brunswick-Lüneburg
birth: about 1204
children count: 10
marriage: Matilda (Mehtild) von Brandenburg
title: 1235, duc de Brunswick
title: 1235, duc de Lunebourg
death: 9 June 1252
Matilda (Mehtild) von Brandenburg
birth: estimated 1210
marriage: Otto I (the Child) of Brunswick-Lüneburg
title: 1228, Princesse de Lunebourg
title: 1235, Duchesse de Brunswick et de Lunebourg
title: 1235, duchesse de Lunebourg
death: 10 June 1261
birth: 1217
marriage: Johann de Brandebourg (Johann Ier)
title: 1230, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: 1247
Jutta de Saxe
marriage: Johann de Brandebourg (Johann Ier)
title: 1255, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: 4 April 1266
Johann de Brandebourg (Johann Ier)
birth: 1213
title: 1220, Margrave de Brandebourg
marriage: Zofia
marriage: Jutta de Saxe
death: 4 April 1266
Heinrich IV Raspe van Thuringen
birth: 1204
marriage: w Elisabeth de Brandebourg
marriage: w Gertruda d'Autriche
title: from 1241 - 16 February 1247, ландграф Тюрингии
title: from 1241 - 16 February 1247, пфальцграф Саксонии
title: from 22 May 1246 - 16 February 1247, анти-король Германии
death: 16 February 1247

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