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Joanna Jadwiga de Varsovie b. about 1260 d. after 14 December 1300

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Lineage Piast
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Joanna Jadwiga de Varsovie

Judyta (Judith) Mazowiecka [Piast] b. 1226 d. about December 1257

Heinrich III von Breslau [Piasten] b. between 1227 and 1230 d. 3 December 1266


about 1260 birth:

child birth: Elisabeth von Anhalt und Aschersleben [Anhalt]

1283 marriage: Otto I von Anhalt und Aschersleben [Askanier] d. 25 June 1304

1283 title: Princesse d'Anhalt-Aschersleben

about 1285 child birth: Otto II von Anhalt [Askanier] b. about 1285 d. 24 July 1315

about 1285 child birth: Sophie d'Anhalt [Anhalt] b. about 1285

after 14 December 1300 death:


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From grandparents to grandchildren

Maria Anastasia
birth: 1164, Королівство Польське
marriage: w Vsevolod Svyatoslavich (Гориславичи)
death: 1194
Leszek ? (The White)
birth: about 1184
marriage: Grzymisława Ingvarevna
title: from 1194 - 1198, High Duke of Poland
title: from 1194 - 1227, Duke of Sandomierz
title: from 1194 - 1200, Duke of Masovia
title: from 1199 - 1199, High Duke of Poland
title: from 1206 - 1210, High Duke of Poland
title: from 1211 - 24 October 1227, High Duke of Poland
death: 23 November 1227, Gąsawa, Kujawy, Poland
Агафья Святославовна Северская
birth: 1190, Владимир-Волынское княжество
marriage: Conrad Mazowiecki
death: 2 June 1248
birth: 1190
death: 1206
birth: between 1191 and 1213
birth: about 1190
death: before 11 May 1214
birth: between 1180 and 1190
death: before 22 March 1214
birth: before 1209
title: аббатисса Требница
death: 6 December 1268
Henry II "the Pious" Piast
birth: between 1196 and 1207
marriage: w Ганна Богемська Премишльська
title: from 1238 - 1241, Wrocław, Duke of Lower Silesia
title: from 1238 - 1241, Kraków, High Duke of all Poland as well as Duke of Southern Greater Poland
death: 9 April 1241, Legnica, k.a.
Wenceslaus I of Bohemia ? (Premyslid)
birth: about 1205, Prague
marriage: Кунигунда Швабская
title: 1226, King of Bohemia
death: 23 September 1253, Králův Dvůr
Margarete Dagmar of Bohemia
birth: about 1186
marriage: Waldemar II "the Conqueror" of Denmark (1202-41)
title: from 1205 - 1213, Принцесса Богемии
death: 24 May 1212
Přemysl de Moravie (Přemysl Ier)
birth: 1209
title: 1228, Margrave de Moravie
marriage: Margarethe de Méranie (Méranie)
death: 16 October 1239
Vladislav de Moravie (Vladislav II)
birth: 1207
title: 1224, Margrave de Moravie
death: 1228
Blazena de Bohême
birth: 1210
death: 24 October 1280
Anezka de Bohême
birth: 1211
death: 6 May 1282
Ганна Богемська Премишльська
birth: 1204
marriage: Henry II "the Pious" Piast
title: 1218, Princesse de Pologne
title: 19 March 1238, Krosno Odrzańskie, Duchesse de Wroclaw, de Petite-Pologne, de Poznan et de Kalisz
title: 1239, Duchesse de Gnesne
death: 23 June 1265
Casimir I Kujawski
birth: Куявське князівство, Польське королівство
Kazimierz I Kujawski
birth: about 1211, Bydgoszcz, Poland
marriage: Constance Wroclaw , Wrocław, Poland
marriage: Євфимія Євфросинія Опольська
death: 14 December 1267, Bydgoszcz, Poland
Mieszko II von Oppeln-Ratibor
birth: about 1220
marriage: Judyta (Judith) Mazowiecka
death: 22 October 1246
Judyta (Judith) Mazowiecka
birth: 1226
title: princess Mazowsze
marriage: Mieszko II von Oppeln-Ratibor
marriage: Heinrich III von Breslau
death: about December 1257
Болеслав II Генрихів син П'яст
birth: about 1217
title: герцог Силезии
marriage: Гедвига Ангальская
death: about 26 December 1278
Wladislaw von Schlesien
birth: 1237
title: from 1265 - 1270, Salzburg, Erzbischof von Salzburg
title: 1265, Passau, Bischof von Passau
death: 27 April 1270, vermutlich in Salzburg
Heinrich III von Breslau
birth: between 1227 and 1230
marriage: Judyta (Judith) Mazowiecka
death: 3 December 1266
== 3 ==
Otto I von Anhalt und Aschersleben
title: 1266, Fürst von Anhalt-Aschersleben
marriage: Joanna Jadwiga de Varsovie
death: 25 June 1304
Joanna Jadwiga de Varsovie
birth: about 1260
marriage: Otto I von Anhalt und Aschersleben
title: 1283, Princesse d'Anhalt-Aschersleben
death: after 14 December 1300
== 3 ==
Elisabeth von Meißen
birth: 1264
marriage: Otto II von Anhalt
title: 24 August 1309, Prinzessin von Anhalt-Aschersleben
death: 1332
Otto II von Anhalt
birth: about 1285
title: 13 June 1304, князь Ангальт-Ашерслебен
marriage: Elisabeth von Meißen
death: 24 July 1315
Bernhard I von Regenstein
birth: about 1310

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