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Agnes von Österreich b. 1111 d. 25 January 1157

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Lineage Babenberger
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Agnes von Österreich

Agnes ? (van Waiblingen) [?] b. about 1072 d. 24 September 1143

Leopold III of Austria [Babenberg] b. 1073 d. 15 November 1136

Wiki-page wikipedia:fr:Agnès de Babenberg


1111 birth:

child birth: Альберт [Пясты] d. after 1168

1125 marriage: Vladislaus II Piast [Piast] b. 1105 d. 30 May 1159

1125 title: Princesse héritière de Pologne

1127 child birth: w Boleslaw I ? (Bolesław I the Tall) [Piast] b. 1127 d. 8 December 1201

between 1130 and 1140 child birth: Wrocław, Richilda Piast [Piast] b. between 1130 and 1140 d. 16 June 1185

between 1131 and 1146 child birth: Вроцлав, Нижняя Силезия, Мешко I Плясоногий Силезский [Пясты] b. between 1131 and 1146 d. 16 May 1211

28 October 1138 title: Płock, Princesse de Pologne, Duchesse de Pologne, de Silésie et de Sandomierz

between 1146 and 1157 child birth: w Конрад Тонконогий [Пясты] b. between 1146 and 1157 d. between 17 January 1180 and 1190

25 January 1157 death:


  1. - Wikipédia

From grandparents to grandchildren

Judith of Swabia
birth: from 21 June 1054 - 23 September 1054, Goslar, 9. April 1047
engagement: Шаламон Венгерский Арпад , im Rahmen eines Friedensschluss Heiliges Römisches Reich und Ungarn
marriage: Шаламон Венгерский Арпад
marriage: Vladyslav I Herman
death: between 14 March 1092 and 14 March 1115
burial: Stift Admont, Steiermark
Беатриса Сальско-Франковская
birth: 1037, Святое Римское царство
title: 1043, Stift Gandersheim, Святое Римское царство, настоятельница обители
title: 1044, Stift Quedlinburg, Святое Римское царство, настоятельница обители
death: 13 July 1061, Святое Римское царство
Mathilde van Beieren
birth: October 1048
marriage: w Rodolphe de Rheinfelden
death: 12 May 1060, Goslar
Адельгейда Салическо-Франковская
birth: 1045, Святое Римское царство
title: 1061, Гандерсгеймская обитель, Святое Римское царство, настоятельница обители
title: 1061, Stift Vreden, Святое Римское царство, настоятельница обители
title: from 1063 - 1096, Кведлинбургская обитель, Святое Римское царство, настоятельница обители
death: 11 January 1096, Святое Римское царство
Konrad II von Bayern
birth: about September 1052, Regensburg
title: from 1054 - 10 April 1055, герцог Баварии
death: 10 April 1055, Regensburg
Евпраксия Всеволодовна Русская и Киевская
birth: about 1070, Киев, Великое княжество Русское
marriage: Генрих Штаденский
marriage: Генрих IV Генрихов сын Салический
death: July 1109, Киев, Великое княжество Русское
Генрих IV Генрихов сын Салический
birth: 11 November 1050, Гослар, Святое Римское царство
title: 1056, Святое Римское царство, римский, немецкий царь
marriage: Bertha of Turin , Trebur, Germany
title: 31 March 1084, Святое Римское царство, римский царь
marriage: Евпраксия Всеволодовна Русская и Киевская
death: 7 August 1106, Льеж, Бельгийское королевство, Святое Римское царство
Gebhard I van Sulzbach
birth: between 1036 and 1038
death: after 1070
Amadeus II of Savoy
birth: about 1048
title: граф Савойский
title: граф Морьенн
title: лорд Буги
title: лорд Аосты
title: лорд Шабле
marriage: Johanna of Geneva
death: 26 January 1080
burial: St Jean, Maurienne
Adélaïde de Savoie
birth: between 1047 and 1053
marriage: w Rodolphe de Rheinfelden
death: 1079
Peter I von Savoyen
birth: 1048
marriage: Agnès d'Aquitaine
title: 1060, Graf von Savoyen
death: 1078
Othon de Savoie
occupation: évêque d’Asti
death: 1088
Bertha of Turin
birth: 21 September 1051
marriage: Генрих IV Генрихов сын Салический , Trebur, Germany
death: 27 December 1087, Mainz
burial: Speyer, Speyer Cathedral
Адальберт I Виндбергский
title: граф Виндберг
death: 1145
Léopold II de Babenberg
birth: 1050
marriage: Ida de Cham
title: 9 June 1075, Margrave d'Autriche
death: 12 October 1095, Gars am Kamp
Ida de Cham
birth: about 1055
marriage: Léopold II de Babenberg
title: 1065, Margravine héritière d'Autriche
title: 1075, Margravine d'Autriche
death: 1101
Henry V du Saint-Empire (Dynastie Salique, Dynastie Franconienne)
birth: 11 August 1086, Goslar, Empire romain d'Occident
religion: christianisme
title: 1105, roi de Bourgogne et d’Arles
title: 13 April 1111, Empereur du saint Empire romain germanique
marriage: Mathilde FitzHenry (Norman) , Worms (Germany)
death: 23 May 1125, Utrecht, Pays-Bas, anciennement appartenant au Saint Empire romain germanique
burial: Spire (ville), cathédrale Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption-et-Saint-Étienne
Аделаида Салическая
birth: 1070
death: 4 June 1079
Генрих Салическо-Франковский
birth: 1 August 1071
death: 2 August 1071
Конрад Салический
birth: 12 February 1074, Герсфельдское аббатство, Святое Римское царство
title: 1076, Нижне-Лотарингское герцогство, Святое Римское царство, нижнелотарингский герцог
title: 1087, Римско-Немецкое королевство, Святое Римское царство, римско-немецкий король
title: 1093, Италийское королевство, Святое Римское царство, италийский король
marriage: Konstanze
burial: 1101, Санта Репарата, Флоренция, Итальянское королевство, Святое Римское царство
death: 27 July 1101, Флоренция, Итальянское королевство, Святое Римское царство
Frederik I van Zwaben
birth: about 1050
title: from 1079 - 4 June 1105, Herzog von Schwaben
engagement: Agnes ? (van Waiblingen)
marriage: Agnes ? (van Waiblingen)
death: 4 June 1105
burial: Lorch (klooster)
Agnes ? (van Waiblingen)
birth: about 1072
children count: 23 (or ici on lui en a accordé 24 !)
engagement: Frederik I van Zwaben
marriage: Frederik I van Zwaben
title: 1106
marriage: Leopold III of Austria
death: 24 September 1143, Klosterneuburg
Ида Австрийская
birth: about 1076, Wien, Österreich
marriage: Lutold Znojemský
death: 14 April 1115
Gerberge d'Autriche
marriage: Borzevoi II
title: about 1100, Duchesse de Bohême
death: 13 July 1142
Leopold III of Austria
birth: 1073
title: 12 October 1095, Margrave of Austria
marriage: Agnes ? (van Waiblingen)
death: 15 November 1136
== 3 ==
Friedrich II von Staufen (von Schwaben)
birth: 1090
title: from 4 April 1105 - 6 April 1147, Duc de Souabe
marriage: Judith of Bavaria
marriage: Agnes van Saarbrucken
death: 6 April 1147, Alzey
Helika van Staufen
birth: about 1087
marriage: Frederik III van Burg Lengenfeld
death: 24 September 1109
burial: Kloster Ensdorf, Bayern
Judith of Babenberg
birth: about 1115
marriage: w William V of Montferrat
title: May 1135, marquise de Montferrat
death: after 1168
Konrad III
birth: between 1093 and 1094, Bamberg, Bayern
title: from 1116 - 7 March 1120, Herzog in Franken
marriage: Gertrud von Sulzbach
title: 7 March 1138, Römisch-deutscher König
death: 15 February 1152, Bamberg, Bayern
Гертруда фон Бабенберг
birth: about 1118
title: 1140, Королева Богемии
marriage: w Vladislav II de Bohême
death: 4 August 1150
Henri II d'Autriche
birth: 1107
marriage: Gertrud von Supplingenburg
title: 1140, Comte palatin du Rhin
title: 18 October 1141, Margrave d'Autriche
title: 1143, Duc de Bavière
marriage: Феодора Комнина (Бабенберги)
title: 17 September 1156, Duc d'Autriche
death: 13 January 1177, Vienne (Autriche)
Otto von Freising
birth: about 1112, Klosterneuburg, Niederösterreich
title: 1138, Bischof von Freising
death: 22 September 1158, Zisterzienserkloster Morimond, Grand Est, Frankreich
burial: Parnoy-en-Bassigny (52), Abbaye de Morimond
Léopold Ier de Bavière - (Léopold IV)
birth: 1108
title: 15 November 1136, Margrave d'Autriche
marriage: Maria de Bohême
title: 1139, Duc de Bavière
death: 18 October 1141, Niederalteich
Konrad de Babenberg - (Archevêque)
birth: 1115
title: 29 June 1164, Salzburg, Archevêque de Salzburg
death: 28 September 1168, Salzburg
Bertha van Schwaben
birth: between 1088 and 1089
death: between 1120 and 1142
Heinrich von Schwaben
death: before 1102
Beatrix von Schwaben
death: after 1147
Adalbert von Staufen
birth: about 1090
Vladislaus II Piast
birth: 1105
marriage: w Agnes von Österreich
title: from 1138 - 1146, Prince of Poland
death: 30 May 1159
Agnes von Österreich
birth: 1111
marriage: Vladislaus II Piast
title: 1125, Princesse héritière de Pologne
title: 28 October 1138, Płock, Princesse de Pologne, Duchesse de Pologne, de Silésie et de Sandomierz
death: 25 January 1157
== 3 ==
Alphonse VII de Castille et Leon
birth: 11 March 1105, Caldas de Reis, royaume de Galice
title: 1112, roi de Galice
title: 1126, roi de Castille et de Leon
marriage: Berenguela de Barcelone , Saldaña
title: 1135, empereur de toutes les Espagnes
marriage: Richilda Piast
death: 21 August 1157, La Fresneda
Raimond-Bérenger II de Provence
birth: about 1135
title: from 1144 - 1166, hrabia Prowansji
marriage: Richilda Piast
death: 1166
Richilda Piast
birth: between 1130 and 1140, Wrocław
marriage: Альбрехт II фон Эверштейн
marriage: Alphonse VII de Castille et Leon
title: October 1152, Impératrice de toutes les Espagnes
marriage: Raimond-Bérenger II de Provence
title: from 1162 - 1166, Comtesse de Provence
death: 16 June 1185
birth: 1150, Силезия
marriage: Мешко I Плясоногий Силезский
death: 12 October 1210
Мешко I Плясоногий Силезский
birth: between 1131 and 1146, Вроцлав, Нижняя Силезия
title: from 1163 -, князь Cилезии, до 1172 или 1173 г.
marriage: Людмила
title: from 1177 - 16 May 1211, князь Рацибужский
title: from 1177 - 16 May 1211, князь Бытома и Освенцима
title: from 1201 - 16 May 1211, князь Опольский
title: from 1210 - 16 May 1211, князь Польши, 21-й под именем Мешко IV
death: 16 May 1211, Краков, Małopolskie
burial: Краковский собор
Конрад Тонконогий
birth: between 1146 and 1157
title: from 1177 -, князь Глогува
death: between 17 January 1180 and 1190
death: after 1168
St.Hedwig of Silesia
birth: 1174
title: герцогиня Андекс-Мерано
marriage: Heinrich I. der Bärtige von Schlesien (Polen)
title: after 1238, монахиня, под именем Ядвига Силезская
death: 15 October 1243
Heinrich I. der Bärtige von Schlesien (Polen)
birth: between 1165 and 1170, Głogów
marriage: St.Hedwig of Silesia
title: from 1201 - 19 March 1238, Князь вроцлавский (Силезии)
title: from 1201 - 1202, князь опольский
title: from 1206 - 1207, князь калишский
title: from 1232 - 1238, князь краковский
title: from 1234 - 1234, князь калишский
title: from 1234 - 1238, князь великопольский
death: 19 March 1238, Кросно Crossen an der Oder
Ferdinand II von León
birth: 1137, Toledo
title: from 1157 - 21 January 1188, король Леона
marriage: w Urraca of Portugal
annulment: w Urraca of Portugal , Mariage annulé par le pape Alexandre III
marriage: Teresa Fernandez de Trava
marriage: Urraca Lopez de Haro
death: 22 January 1188, Benavente
Sancha van Leon
birth: 1140
marriage: Sancho VI von Navarra , Carrión de los Condes, Spanien
title: 2 June 1153, Reina Consorte de Navarra.
death: 5 August 1179
Constance van Castilie
birth: 1140
other: January 1154
marriage: Людовик VII Молодой Капетинг
title: January 1154, Reine de France
death: 4 October 1160, St Denis
Sancho III van Castilie
birth: 1133
marriage: Sancha van Navarra , Calahorra de Boedo
title: 1157, Rey de Castilla.
death: 31 August 1158, Toledo
Raymond Alfonso II de Aragón
birth: between 1 March 1157 and 25 March 1157, Barcelona
title: Comte de Barcelone
title: Comte de Roussillon
marriage: 30 January 1160
title: 18 July 1164, Rey de Aragón.
title: 1166, Conde de Barcelona.
marriage: Sancha de Castilla , Zaragoza
death: 25 April 1196, Perpignan
Sancha de Castilla
birth: 21 September 1154, Toledo (Spain)
title: 18 January 1174, Infanta de Castilla.
marriage: Raymond Alfonso II de Aragón , Zaragoza
death: November 1208, Villanueva de Sigena, Spain, Monastery of Sijenna
birth: between 1143 and 1160
title: from 1173 - 1198, князь Опольский
title: from 1198 - 22 March 1201, епископ Вроцлава
death: 22 March 1201
Duphold II
birth: between 1154 and 1162
title: Герцог Моравии
death: 21 November 1190
marriage: w Adelaide Piast
Adelaide Piast
birth: between 1165 and 1178
title: Принцесса Силезии
marriage: Duphold II
death: after 1213
Казимир I Ратибор Силезский
birth: between 1176 and 1179, Opole, Opolskie, Poland
marriage: Wiola (Viola) ? (Opolska)
title: from 1211 -, князь силезско-опольский и рацибужский
death: between 13 May 1229 and 13 May 1230, Opole, Opolskie, Poland, Został pochowany w ufundowanym hojnie przez siebie klasztorze norbertanek w podopolskich Czarnowąsach
death: after 7 May 1162
birth: between 1155 and 1160
death: between 27 June 1175 and 27 June 1180
birth: between 1157 and 1163
death: between 18 July 1175 and 18 July 1181
birth: between 1158 and 1168
death: between 5 July 1175 and 1190
birth: between 1161 and 1169
death: before 10 March 1174
birth: after 1180
death: before 4 June 1199

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