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Heinrich I zu Werle d. 8 October 1291

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Lineage Mecklenburg
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Heinrich I zu Werle
Other given names Heinrich I, Prinz zu Werle

w Nikolaus von Werle-Rostock [Mecklenburg] b. about 1220 d. 14 May 1277

Jutta d'Anhalt [Anhalt] b. about 1220 d. after 14 May 1277

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Heinrich I. (Werle)


child birth: w Risca de Mecklembourg-Werle-Güstrow [Mecklembourg] d. 1317

marriage: w Richiza Birgersdotter [Folkunger] b. about 1245

8 October 1291 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Henry Borwin II
birth: about 1170
marriage: Christin ? (d'Ecosse)
title: 1201, Prince de Rostock
title: 1219, князь Мекленбурга
death: 5 June 1226
Christin ? (d'Ecosse)
title: 1200, Princesse héritière de Mecklembourg
marriage: Henry Borwin II
title: 1201, Princesse de Rostock
title: 1219, Princesse de Mecklembourg
death: 1248
Людвиг IV Святой Тюрингский
birth: 28 October 1200, Кройцбург
title: from 25 April 1217 - 11 September 1227, пфальцграф Саксонии, 18-й
title: from 25 April 1217 - 11 September 1227, ландграф Тюрингии, 9-й
marriage: Elisabeth von Ungarn
death: 11 September 1227, Отранто, Италия
Heinrich IV Raspe van Thuringen
birth: 1204
marriage: w Elisabeth de Brandebourg
marriage: w Gertruda d'Autriche
title: from 1241 - 16 February 1247, ландграф Тюрингии
title: from 1241 - 16 February 1247, пфальцграф Саксонии
title: from 22 May 1246 - 16 February 1247, анти-король Германии
death: 16 February 1247
Jutta of Thuringia
birth: about 1184
marriage: Dietrich von Meißen
marriage: Poppo XIII von Henneberg
death: 6 August 1235, Schleusingen, Thuringia
burial: after 6 August 1235, Kloster Veßra, Thuringia
Konrad von Hessen-Gudensberg
birth: about 1206
title: from 1239 - 1240, Hochmeister des Deutschen Ordens
death: 24 July 1240, Rom
birth: 1197
marriage: Heinrich I von Anhalt
title: 1211, Princesse de Saxe et Comtesse héritière d'Anhalt
title: 1212, Comtesse d'Anhalt
title: 1218, Princesse d'Anhalt
death: 1244
Albrecht I von Sachsen
birth: about 1175
title: from 1212 - 1260, Herzog von Sachsen
marriage: Agnieszka Austrijski
marriage: Agneta of Thuringia
marriage: Helena von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
death: between 7 October 1260 and 8 November 1261
Heinrich I von Anhalt
birth: about 1170
marriage: Ирмгарда
title: 1212, граф Ангальт
title: 1218, prince d'Anhalt
death: 1252
Johann I Theologicos
birth: 1211
title: 1226, Prince de Mecklembourg
marriage: Luitgard de Henneberg
death: 1264
Nikolaus von Werle-Rostock
birth: about 1220
title: from 1229 - 1234, сеньор Ростока
marriage: Jutta d'Anhalt
title: from 1234 - 14 May 1277, сеньор Верле
death: 14 May 1277
Henri II d'Anhalt-Aschersleben (dit « le Gros »)
birth: about 1215
marriage: Mathilde de Brunswick
title: 1252, prince d'Anhalt-Aschersleben
death: 12 June 1266
Sophie von Anhalt
birth: about 1210
marriage: Othon II Andechs von Meranien (de Bourgogne)
marriage: Siegfried von Regenstein
death: between 23 November 1272 and 5 January 1274
Siegfried Ier d'Anhalt-Zerbst (Siegfrid Ier)
birth: about 1230
title: 1252, prince d'Anhalt-Zerbst
marriage: Katarina de Suède
other: 1290, abdication
death: 1298, Köthen (Anhalt), principauté d'Anhalt-Zerbst du Saint-Empire romain germanique
Bernhard d'Anhalt-Bernbourg (Bernhard Ier)
birth: 1218
title: 1252, Prince d'Anhalt-Bernbourg
marriage: Sophia de Schleswig
death: 1287
Albrecht d'Anhalt
death: about 1245
Hermann d'Anhalt
death: 1289
Magnus d'Anhalt
death: after 18 June 1264
Otto d'Anhalt
death: after 19 July 1246
Jutta d'Anhalt
birth: about 1220
marriage: Nikolaus von Werle-Rostock
death: after 14 May 1277
== 3 ==
Hedwig de Werle
birth: 1243
marriage: w Johann de Brandebourg (Johann II)
title: 1258, Margravine héritière de Brandebourg
title: 4 April 1266, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: 1287
Johann I von Werle
birth: about 1245
marriage: Sophie von Lindow-Ruppin
death: 15 October 1283
== 3 ==
Albrecht II von Braunschweig-Göttingen
birth: 1268
title: 15 August 1279, Duc de Brunswick-Lunebourg
marriage: w Risca de Mecklembourg-Werle-Güstrow
title: 1291, Prince de Göttingen
title: 1292, Prince de Wolfenbüttel
death: 22 September 1318
Risca de Mecklembourg-Werle-Güstrow
title: 1284, Duchesse de Brunswick-Lunebourg
marriage: Albrecht II von Braunschweig-Göttingen
title: 1291, Princesse de Göttingen
title: 1292, Princesse de Wolfenbüttel
death: 1317
Sophia de Brandebourg
birth: 1300
marriage: w Magnus I von Braunschweig-Göttingen
title: 1327, Princesse de Brunswick
title: 1333, Margravine de Landsberg et Comtesse palatine de Saxe
title: 1344, Princesse de Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
death: 1356
Magnus I von Braunschweig-Göttingen
birth: 1304
marriage: Sophia de Brandebourg
title: 1333, Герцог Брауншвейг-Люнебурга
title: 1344, Prince de Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
death: 1369
Elisabeth de Hesse
birth: about 1320
title: 1339, Princesse de Brunswick
marriage: w Ernst I von Braunschweig-Göttingen
title: 1344, Duchesse de Brunswick-Lünebourg et Princesse de Gottingen
death: 7 March 1390
Ernst I von Braunschweig-Göttingen
birth: 1305
marriage: Elisabeth de Hesse
title: 1344, Duc de Brunswick-Lünebourg et Prince de Gottingen
death: 24 April 1367
birth: 1297
marriage: Waldemar de Brandebourg
title: 1309, Margravine de Brandebourg
title: 1319, Duchesse de Brunswick-Lunebourg et Princesse de Göttingen et Wolfenbüttel
marriage: Otto de Brunswick-Göttingen
death: 1334
Jutta de Hesse
birth: 1289
title: 1311, Princesse de Brunswick-Lunebourg
marriage: Otto de Brunswick-Göttingen
death: 1317
Otto de Brunswick-Göttingen
birth: 24 June 1290
marriage: Jutta de Hesse
title: 22 November 1318, Duc de Brunswick-Lunebourg et Prince de Göttingen et de Wolfenbüttel
marriage: Агнесса
death: 30 August 1344, Göttingen
Johann von Hessen
birth: 1278
marriage: Adelheid von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
title: 21 December 1308, Marburg, Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel
death: 1311
Adelheid von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
birth: 1290
title: 1306, Landerbgräfin von Hessen
marriage: Johann von Hessen
title: 21 December 1308, Marburg, Landgräfin von Hessen-Kassel
death: 1311
Mathilda de Brunswick-Göttingen
birth: 1293
death: 1356
Wilhelm de Brunswick-Göttingen
birth: 1295
death: 1318
Risca de Brunswick-Göttingen
birth: 1298
death: 1317
Johann de Brunswick-Göttingen
birth: 1300
death: 1321
Bruno de Brunswick-Göttingen
birth: 1303
death: 1306
Lüder de Brunswick-Gottingen
birth: 1307
death: 1319
Judith de Brunswick-Gottingen
birth: 1309
death: 1332

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