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Marie of France (de Champagne) b. 1145 d. 11 March 1198

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Lineage Capet
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Marie of France
Other last names de Champagne

Eleanor Aquitaine [Ramnulfids] b. 1122 d. 1 April 1204

Людовик VII Молодой Капетинг [Капетинги] b. 1120 d. 18 September 1180


1145 birth:

1164 marriage: w Henry I (Henri) ? (The Liberal) [Blois] b. 1126 d. 17 March 1181

1164 title: Регент графства Шампань

29 July 1166 child birth: w Hendrik II van Champagne [Blois] b. 29 July 1166 d. 10 September 1197

about 1174 child birth: w Marie von Champagne [Blois-Champagne] b. about 1174 d. 29 August 1204

13 January 1179 child birth: Troyes (Aube), Theobald III de Champagne [Blois-Champagne] b. 13 January 1179 d. 24 May 1201

11 March 1198 death:

burial: Meaux, cathédrale Saint-Étienne


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From grandparents to grandchildren

Раймунд де Пуатье
birth: 1099
marriage: w Constance of Antioch
title: from 1136 - 29 June 1149, князь Антиохии
death: 27 June 1149, Антиохия, Убит в битве при Инабе
Agnès de Poitiers
birth: July 1103, Poitiers (86)
marriage: Aimery V de Thouars
title: 13 November 1135, Jaca, Reine d'Aragon
marriage: Ramiro II van Aragon , Jaca
death: 1159, Fontevraud-l'Abbaye (49)
Willem van Poitiers Valentinois
birth: 1105
death: 4 March 1187
William X de Aquitanie-Poitou
birth: 1099, Toulouse
marriage: w Eleonore Châtellerault
death: 9 April 1137, Santiago de Compostela
burial: Santiago de Compostela
Eleonore Châtellerault
birth: about 1103, Châtellerault
marriage: William X de Aquitanie-Poitou
death: between March 1130 and 1136
Сесилія Франківська Капетович
birth: 1097, Франківське королівство
marriage: Раймон II Триполийский Тулузский
title: 1115, Триполійське графство, Франківське королівство, графиня триполійська
death: after 1145, Франківське королівство
birth: about 1078
marriage: Bohemund I
death: 14 September 1126
Fleury de France
birth: about 1095
death: after 1119
Henri de France
birth: 1083
death: 1083
Charles de France
birth: 1085
death: 1091
Eudes de France
birth: 1087
death: 1094
Philippe de Mantes
birth: about 1092
death: after 1133
Louis VI of France
birth: 1 December 1081, Paris
marriage: Люсьен из Рошефор
annulment: Люсьен из Рошефор
title: from 30 July 1108 - 1 August 1137, Melun, Roi de France
other: 3 August 1108, Reims, Sacre
marriage: w Adelheid van Maurienne (van Savoye) , Paris
death: 1 August 1137, Béthisy-Saint-Pierre, France
burial: after 1 August 1137, Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), France, Basilica of St Denis
Agnès de Savoie
birth: 1103
marriage: Archembaud VII Bourbon
title: 1120, Dame de Bourbon
marriage: w Archambaud VI de Bourbon
death: 1181
Amédée III de Savoie
birth: 1092
marriage: Matilda de Albon
death: 30 April 1148, Chypre
burial: 1 May 1148, Monte S. Croix
William V of Montferrat
birth: about 1115
marriage: Judith of Babenberg
title: from 1136 - August 1191, Marquess of Montferrat
death: August 1191
Guillaume de Savoie
occupation: chanoine à Liège
death: 1130
Guy de Savoie
occupation: abbé à Namur
Rinaldo de Savoie
occupation: prévôt de Saint-Maurice d'Aguno
Giovanna de Montferrat
death: after 1142
Mathieu Ier de Montmorency
birth: 1100
title: seigneur de Montmorency, d'Écouen, de Marly-le-Roi, de Conflans-Sainte-Honorine et d'Attichy
marriage: w Aline FitzRoy
marriage: w Adelheid van Maurienne (van Savoye)
title: between 1138 and 1160, connétable de France
death: 1160
Adelheid van Maurienne (van Savoye)
birth: 1100
title: 28 March 1115, Montmartre
marriage: Louis VI of France , Paris
marriage: Mathieu Ier de Montmorency
title: 1141, Dame de Montmorency, d'Ecouen, de Marly-le-Roi, de Conflans-Sainte-Honorine et d'Attichy
burial: after 18 November 1154, St Pieter, Parijs (Montmartre)
Henry II Plantagenet ("Curtmantle")
birth: 5 March 1133, Le Mans, Sarthe, France
other: w Ida de Tosny (Countess of Norfolk)
title: from 1150 - 1189, Château-du-Loir, France, Duc de Normandie et Comte d'Anjou, du Maine et de Touraine
other: Ikenai , maîtresse
title: from 1152 - 1172, Roi d'Angleterre et Seigneur d'Irlande
marriage: Eleanor Aquitaine , Bordeaux, (or Poitiers)
title: from 1154 - 1189, London, Sacre
other: Alix/maîtresse Nr.2 de Porhoët , maîtresse
other: Rosamund Clifford
death: 6 July 1189, Chinon, France
burial: Fontevraud-l'Abbaye, France, Fontevraud Abbey
Eleanor Aquitaine
birth: 1122, Poitiers, France, or [[Place:Bordeaux]], or [[Place:Nieul-sur-l'Autise]]
title: 9 April 1137, Duchesse d'Aquitaine
title: 9 April 1137, Santiago de Compostela, Duchesse d'Aquitaine
marriage: Людовик VII Молодой Капетинг , Bordeaux
title: 25 July 1137, Reine de France
other: 25 December 1137, Bourges, Sacre
annulment: Людовик VII Молодой Капетинг , Beaugency
marriage: Henry II Plantagenet ("Curtmantle") , Bordeaux, (or Poitiers)
title: 18 May 1152, Queen of England
title: 18 May 1152, Poitiers, Comtesse d'Anjou
title: 18 May 1152, Poitiers, Comtesse du Maine
title: 18 May 1152, Poitiers, Comtesse de Touraine
title: 25 October 1154, Reine d'Angleterre et Dame d'Irlande
other: 19 December 1154, London, Sacre
death: 1 April 1204, Poitiers
Pierre Ier de Courtenay
birth: April 1126, Reims, France
marriage: Elisabeth de Courtenay
title: 1150, Seigneur de Courtenay, Chantecoq, Champignelles, Montargis, Château-Renard and Tanlay
death: 10 April 1183, Acre (Israel), Palestine
burial: Exeter (Devon), Exeter Cathedral
Philips van Frankrijk
birth: 29 August 1116
other: 14 April 1129, Reims (51), Sacre
death: 13 October 1131, Parijs
burial: after 13 October 1131, Saint-Denis (93)
Henri de France
birth: 1121
title: from 1149 - 1161, Beauvais, Bischof von Beauvais
title: from 1161 - 1175, Reims, Erzbischof von Reims
death: 13 November 1175, Reims
Philips van Frankrijk
birth: between 1132 and 1133
occupation: Paris, Frankreich, епископ Парижа
death: 4 September 1161, Parijs
burial: Notre Dame
Robert Ier de Dreux (dit : le Grand)
birth: 1125
marriage: Agnès de Garlande
marriage: Hedwig van Montfort Evreux (Evreux)
title: 1145, Comte du Perche
marriage: Agnes van Baudément
title: 1152, Comte de Dreux, de Braine et Seigneur de Fère-en-Tardenois, d'Arcy, de Nesles, de Longueville, de Quincy-sous-le Mont, de Savigny-sur-Ardres de Beaudement, de Torcy, de Chailly de Longjumeau
death: 11 October 1188
Гуго Капетинг
birth: about 1122
death: умер в младенчестве
Ne de France
death: умерла в младенчестве
Adela of Champagne (du Blois)
birth: 1140, Blois, France
marriage: Людовик VII Молодой Капетинг
title: 13 November 1160, Paris, Reine de France
death: 4 June 1206, Paris, France
Constance van Castilie
birth: 1140
other: January 1154
marriage: Людовик VII Молодой Капетинг
title: January 1154, Reine de France
death: 4 October 1160, St Denis
Людовик VII Молодой Капетинг
birth: 1120
other: 25 October 1131, король Франции, соправитель Людовика VI
marriage: Eleanor Aquitaine , Bordeaux
title: 8 August 1137, король Франции, 6-й
annulment: Eleanor Aquitaine , Beaugency
marriage: Constance van Castilie
title: 18 November 1154, Paris (75), Roi de France
marriage: Adela of Champagne (du Blois)
death: 18 September 1180, Мелюн, Франция
burial: Фонтенбло
burial: 30 June 1817, перезахоронен в базилике аббатства Сен-Дени
== 3 ==
Geoffrey Plantagenet
birth: 23 September 1158
marriage: Constance de Bretagne
death: 19 August 1186
John Plantagenet ("Lackland")
birth: 24 December 1166, Oxford (England)
marriage: w Isabelle de Gloucester , Marlborough (Wiltshire)
marriage: Agatha de Ferrers
annulment: w Isabelle de Gloucester
title: from 6 April 1199 - 19 October 1216, King of England
other: 27 May 1199, Count of Maine
title: from September 1199 - 1216, Chinon, Count of Mortain
marriage: Isabelle Taillefer (van Angouleme)
death: 18 October 1216, Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, England, Newark Castle
Матильда Английская
birth: about August 1156, Виндзор (Беркшир), Виндзорский замок
adoption: Braunschweiger Dom, Braunschweig
engagement: Heinrich "the Lion" von Bayern
marriage: Heinrich "the Lion" von Bayern , Minden (North Rhine-Westphalia), cathedral
death: 28 June 1189, Брауншвейг, Саксонское герцогство, Виндзорский замок
William Plantagenet
birth: 17 August 1153
death: December 1156
Richard I Plantagenet "Lionheart"
birth: 8 September 1157, Oxford (England)
title: seigneur d'Irlande
title: duc de Normandie
title: from 1172 - 1196, Herzog von Aquitanien
marriage bann: Gisela
title: 1183, Comte du Maine
title: from 6 July 1189 - 6 April 1199, King of England
other: from 3 September 1189 - 6 April 1199, Duke of Normandy
marriage: Berengaria von Navarra , Limassol, Cyprus
title: from 1198 - 1199, Comte de Poitiers et Duc d'Aquitaine
death: 6 April 1199
burial: Fontevraud-l'Abbaye, Abbaye Notre-Dame de Fontevraud
Alienor d'Angleterre
birth: September 1161, Domfront (61)
marriage: Alfonso VIII of Castilla , Burgos
title: 1 September 1177, Burgos, Reine de Castille et de Tolède
death: October 1214, Burgos
Philippe Auguste de France (Philippe II)
birth: 21 August 1165, Paris, France
other: 1 November 1179, Co-roi de France
marriage: Isabelle de Avesnes , Le Transloy
title: 18 September 1180, Roi de France
marriage: Ingeborg van Denemarken , Amiens
annulment: Ingeborg van Denemarken , Paris
marriage: Agnès de Méranie (Agnès d'Andechs)
death: 14 July 1223, Mantes-la-Jolie, France
burial: Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), France
Margarita de Francia
birth: 1158, París, Francia
title: 2 November 1160, koningin van Engeland
marriage: Henry Plantagenet , Le Neubourg
title: 14 June 1170, gravin van Vexin
other: 27 August 1172, Winchester, Sacre
marriage: Bela III of Hungary
title: 1186, Reine de Hongrie
death: August 1197, Acre
Henry Plantagenet
birth: 28 February 1155, Londres
marriage: Margarita de Francia , Le Neubourg
title: 14 June 1170, Londres, Roi d'Angleterre et Seigneur d'Irlande
other: 14 July 1170, Londres, Sacre
death: 11 June 1183, Martel (Lot)
Henry I (Henri) ? (The Liberal)
birth: 1126
marriage: Marie of France (de Champagne)
death: 17 March 1181, Troyes (Aube)
burial: Troyes (Aube), Ssaint Etienne chirch.
Marie of France (de Champagne)
birth: 1145
marriage: Henry I (Henri) ? (The Liberal)
title: 1164, Регент графства Шампань
death: 11 March 1198
burial: Meaux, cathédrale Saint-Étienne
== 3 ==
Balduin VI von Hennegau
birth: July 1171, Valenciennes, Grafschaft Hennegau, Frankreich
marriage: w Marie von Champagne , Château-Thierry
title: 1194, als Balduin IX. Graf von Flandern als Erbe seiner Mutter
title: 1195, als Balduin VI. Graf von Henngau als Erbe seines Vaters
religion: 23 February 1200, St.-Donatus-Kirche, Brügge, Flandern, Gelübde zur Teilnahme am 4. Kreuzzug; Aufbruch am 14. April 1202
title: 9 May 1204, Hagia Sophia, Konstantinopel, Wahl und Krönung (16. Mai 1204)als Balduin I. zum Kaiser des neuen Lateinischen Kaiserreichs von Konstantinopel
death: after 12 July 1205, Tarnowo/Jantra, Bulgarien
Marie von Champagne
birth: about 1174
marriage: Balduin VI von Hennegau , Château-Thierry
death: 29 August 1204, Akkon
Blanca van Navarra
birth: 1176
title: Infante de Navarre
title: from 1199 - 1201, Comtesse consort de Champagne
marriage: Theobald III de Champagne , Chartres, France
death: 14 March 1229
Theobald III de Champagne
birth: 13 January 1179, Troyes (Aube)
marriage: Blanca van Navarra , Chartres, France
death: 24 May 1201
Hendrik II van Champagne
birth: 29 July 1166
title: from 1181 - 1197, Graaf van Champagne
title: from 1192 - 1197, Koning van Jeruzalem
marriage: Isabella ? (of Jerusalem)
death: 10 September 1197, Akko
Wilhelm II. von Dampierre
birth: 1196
title: 18 September 1216, Connétable der Champagne
title: 1223, Herr (Seigneur) von Bourbon und von Montlucon
marriage: Margarete II von Flandern , City of Westminster
death: 3 September 1231
Bouchard IV of Avesnes
birth: about 1182
marriage: Margarete II von Flandern , Le Quesnoy, France
annulment: Margarete II von Flandern
death: January 1244, Rupelmonde
Margarete II von Flandern
birth: 2 June 1202, Valenciennes, Grafschaft Hennegau
baptism: 2 June 1202, St.-Johann, Valenciennes, Grafschaft Hennegau
title: 23 July 1212, Gent
marriage: Bouchard IV of Avesnes , Le Quesnoy, France
annulment: Bouchard IV of Avesnes
title: 15 November 1223, Abtei Flynes, Douai, Flandern
marriage: Wilhelm II. von Dampierre , City of Westminster
death: 10 February 1280, Gent
burial: Abtei Flines
Melisende de Lusignan
birth: after 1201
marriage: Bohemund IV de Poitiers
death: after 1249, или в 1233
Maria Montferrat (Queen of Jerusalem)
birth: about 1192
title: 1 April 1205, Reine de Jérusalem
marriage: Jean (John) du Brienne , Tyr or Acre (Israël)
death: April 1212
Sibylle von Lusignan
birth: after February 1198
marriage: Leo (Levon) II "the Great" of Armenia
death: about 1230
Амори де Лузиньян
birth: about 1201
death: 2 February 1205, Акра
Margaret Bourbon
birth: 1211
marriage: Theobald (Thibaut) le Chansonnier (Theobald I , Thibaut IV , Theobald IV)
title: 1232, Comtesse de Champagne
title: 7 April 1234, Tudela (Navarre), Reine de Navarre
death: 12 April 1256
Agnes Beaujeu
birth: about 1202
marriage: Theobald (Thibaut) le Chansonnier (Theobald I , Thibaut IV , Theobald IV)
burial: 1231, Kloster Clairvaux
death: 11 July 1231
Theobald (Thibaut) le Chansonnier (Theobald I , Thibaut IV , Theobald IV)
birth: 30 May 1201, Troyes (Aube)
title: graaf van Champagne
marriage: Margaret Bourbon
marriage: Agnes Beaujeu
title: from 1234 - 1253, Roi de Navarre
death: 8 July 1253, Pamplona
Johanna von Hennegau
birth: 1200, Valenciennes, Grafschaft Hennegau
title: 1205, Gräfin von Hennegau und Flandern (-1224)
fact 1: 1235, Lille, Grafschaft Hennegau, Charta für Lille, wonach der Bürgermeister der Stadt vom Landesherrn zu bestimmen war
fact 2: 1236, Lille, Grafschaft Hennegau, Gründung des heute nach ihr benannten Hospizes
death: 5 December 1244, Markette/Marke bei Lille, Grafschaft Hennegau
Jeanne de Constantinople
birth: between 1194 and 1200
marriage: Thomas II of Savoy
death: 5 December 1244
Hugh I de Lusignan
birth: between 1194 and 1195
title: from 1205 - 10 January 1218, King of Cyprus
marriage settlement: Alice of Jerusalem
marriage: Alice of Jerusalem , Nicosia, Cyprus
death: 10 January 1218, Tripoli (Lebanon)
Alice of Jerusalem
birth: 1196
title: reine (consort) de Chypre
marriage settlement: Hugh I de Lusignan
marriage: Hugh I de Lusignan , Nicosia, Cyprus
death: 1246

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