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Guillaume II / Willem II van Ponthieu-Aumale d. 4 October 1221

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Lineage Montgomery
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Guillaume II / Willem II van Ponthieu-Aumale
Other given names Talvas

Jean Ier de Ponthieu (Jean Ier Montgommery) [Montgomery] b. 1141 d. 30 June 1191

Béatrice Campdavaine (de Ponthieu) [Campdavaine]

Wiki-page wikipedia:fr:Guillaume II de Ponthieu
Reference numbers GEDCOM::AdriaenAlbout.ged::INDI @I242846@::Kjansen


20 August 1195 marriage: Adelheid van Vexin [Capet] b. October 1160 d. 1213

1200 child birth: Maria van Pointhieu-Aumale [Montgomery] b. 1200 d. 1251

4 October 1221 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Pons de Tripoli
birth: about 1096
title: between 1112 and 1137, comte de Trípoli
death: 25 March 1137, Terre sainte
Jean Ier d'Alençon
marriage: Beatrix du Maine
title: 1171, Comte d'Alençon
death: 1191
Guy II de Ponthieu
marriage: Ida - (de Ponthieu)
death: 25 December 1147, Turquie, Éphèse de la province d'Izmir
Ангерран (Ингельрам) де Сен-Поль
marriage: Ида д'Авен
title: from 1141 - 1150, граф де Сен-Поль
graduation: 1150
Jean Ier de Ponthieu (Jean Ier Montgommery)
birth: 1141
marriage: Béatrice Campdavaine (de Ponthieu)
title: 1147, comte de Ponthieu
death: 30 June 1191
Hugues IV de Campdavaine
title: comte de Saint-Pol
title: Thrace, seigneur de Didymotique
marriage: Yolande de Hainaut
death: 1205, Constantinople, goutte, Empire latin de Constantinople
burial: Frévent (62), abbaye Notre-Dame de Cercamp
== 3 ==
== 3 ==
Simon de Dammartin
birth: 1180
title: from 1206 - 1214, comte d'Aumale
marriage: Maria van Pointhieu-Aumale
title: from 1230 - 21 September 1239, Abbeville (80), comte de Ponthieu
title: from 1231 - 21 September 1239, Montreuil (62), comte de Montreuil
death: 21 September 1239, Abbeville (80)
Maria van Pointhieu-Aumale
birth: 1200
marriage: Simon de Dammartin
death: 1251, Abbeville
Ferdinand III of Castile
birth: 30 July 1199, Zamora (Spain)
title: 1217, King of Castile
marriage: Елизавета Швабская
title: 1230, King of León
marriage: w Жанна де Даммартен , Burgos
death: 31 May 1252, Seville (Spain)
burial: Seville (Spain), Cathédrale de Séville
Жанна де Даммартен
birth: 1220
marriage: Ferdinand III of Castile , Burgos
title: 1237, королева Кастилии и Леона
death: 16 March 1279, Абвиль
Jean II de Roucy-Pierrepont
birth: 1205
title: Roucy (02), comte de Roucy
marriage: Maria van Dammartin
marriage: Isabelle de Dreux
death: 1251, En Flandres
Otto II von Geldern
birth: 1215
marriage: Margarethe van Kleef
marriage: Philippa von Dammartin
death: 10 January 1271
burial: Kloster Graefenthal
Raoul de Coucy (Raoul II)
marriage: Elizabeth van Chatillon
marriage: Philippa von Dammartin
title: 1242, Sire de Coucy, de Condé, de Marle, de La Fère, de Crécy, de Vervins, de Crépy
death: 1250, Mansourah (Égypte)
Philippa von Dammartin
birth: 1220
marriage: Raoul de Coucy (Raoul II)
marriage: Otto II von Geldern
death: 14 April 1277
burial: 14 April 1284, Kloster Graefenthal
Agathe de Dammartin
birth: 1218
title: Abbeville (80), dame de Ponthieu
marriage: Aimeri de Châtellerault
death: 1268

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