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Matilde de Montferrat

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Lineage Alérame
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Matilde de Montferrat

Gisela of Burgundy [Burgundy-Ivrea] b. about 1070 d. May 1133

w Rainier I of Montferrat [Aleramici] b. 1084 d. about May 1137


marriage: Albert Zueta (di Massa) [Zueta] d. before 1166

From grandparents to grandchildren

Alberada von Buonalbergo
birth: about 1033
marriage: w Robert Guiscard de Hauteville
annulment: w Robert Guiscard de Hauteville
death: July 1122
burial: Abtei Santissima Trinità di Venosa, Venosa, Grab der Familie Hauteville
William I FitzReynold (of Burgundy)
birth: 1020
title: comte de Bourgogne
title: comte de Mâcon
marriage: w Étiennette (Sthéphanie) de Bourgogne
death: 12 November 1087, Besançon
burial: Besançon, St-Jean
Étiennette (Sthéphanie) de Bourgogne
birth: estimated 1035
title: comtesse de Bourgogne par mariage
marriage: William I FitzReynold (of Burgundy)
death: after 1088
Arrigo de Montferrat
death: after 1126
Guillaume IV de Montferrat
birth: between 1030 and 1035, dans le Piémont du royaume d'Italie du Saint-Empire
marriage: Aude d'Agliè
title: between 1084 and 1100, marquis de Montferrat
death: about 1100
Raymond de Bourgogne
birth: about 1070, Besançon (25)
title: comte d'Amérois
marriage: Уррака I Леонская и Кастильская , Toledo
title: from 1092 - 24 May 1107, comte de Galice
title: from 1092 - 24 May 1107, comte de Coimbra
title: between 1096 and 24 May 1107, roi de Léon
death: 24 May 1107, Grajal de Campos, Espagne
Étienne Ier de Bourgogne
birth: 1065
title: comte de Mâcon
title: comte de Vienne
marriage: w Béatrix von Lothringen
title: between 1097 and 1102, comte de Bourgogne
death: 18 May 1102
Ermentrude de Bourgogne (Mömpelgard, van Montbéliard)
birth: about 1050
marriage: w Theodoric I de Montbéliard
death: after 8 March 1105
burial: Autun, Cathédrale
Gui de Bourgogne (Calixte II)
birth: about 1050, Quingey (25)
title: from 1088 - 1119, Vienne (38), Archevêque de Vienne
caste: from 1119 - 1124, Pape
other: 11 February 1119, Cluny (71), élu pape.
death: 12 December 1124, Rome
Sybille de Bourgogne
birth: 1065
marriage: Эд I Боррель (Рыжий) Бургундский
title: 1080, duchesse de Bourgogne
death: 1103
Berthe de Bourgogne
title: 1093, Reine de Castille, de Leon, de Galice et de Tolède
marriage: (дубль) Альфонсо VI Храбрый
death: 1098
Clémence de Bourgogne
birth: about 1078
title: 1091, comtesse héritière de Flandre
marriage: Robert de Flandre (Robert II)
title: 13 October 1093, Torhout, comtesse de Flandre
title: about 1120, comtesse de Louvain, de Bruxelles, Landgravine de Brabant, duchesse de Basse-Lotharingie et marquise d'Anvers
marriage: Godefroid Ier de Louvain , 1125
death: about 1133
burial: Bourbourg (59), abbaye Notre-Dame de Bourbourg, Châtellenie de Bourbourg
Humbert II of Savoy
birth: about 1065
title: from 26 January 1080 - 14 October 1103, Conde de Saboya
marriage: Gisela of Burgundy
death: 14 October 1103
burial: Moûtiers (73), Cathédrale
Rainier I of Montferrat
birth: 1084
title: from 1100 - 1135, Margrave of Montferrat
marriage: Gisela of Burgundy
death: about May 1137
== 3 ==
Agnès de Savoie
birth: 1103
marriage: Archembaud VII Bourbon
title: 1120, Dame de Bourbon
marriage: w Archambaud VI de Bourbon
death: 1181
Adelheid van Maurienne (van Savoye)
birth: 1100
title: 28 March 1115, Montmartre
marriage: Louis VI of France , Paris
marriage: Mathieu Ier de Montmorency
title: 1141, Dame de Montmorency, d'Ecouen, de Marly-le-Roi, de Conflans-Sainte-Honorine et d'Attichy
burial: after 18 November 1154, St Pieter, Parijs (Montmartre)
Amédée III de Savoie
birth: 1092
marriage: Matilda de Albon
death: 30 April 1148, Chypre
burial: 1 May 1148, Monte S. Croix
William V of Montferrat
birth: about 1115
marriage: Judith of Babenberg
title: from 1136 - August 1191, Marquess of Montferrat
death: August 1191
Guillaume de Savoie
occupation: chanoine à Liège
death: 1130
Guy de Savoie
occupation: abbé à Namur
Rinaldo de Savoie
occupation: prévôt de Saint-Maurice d'Aguno
Giovanna de Montferrat
death: after 1142
Albert Zueta (di Massa)
title: Marquis de Parodi et de Gavi
marriage: Matilde de Montferrat
death: before 1166
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