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Arnold II ? (of Cleves) b. estimated 1155 d. before 1200

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Lineage Cleves
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Arnold II ?
Other last names of Cleves

Diederik II (Theodoric) ? (of Cleves) [Cleves] d. 27 April 1172

Adelheid de Sulzbach [Sulzbach] b. estimated 1140 d. 10 September 1189

Wiki-page wikipedia:Arnold_II,_Count_of_Cleves


estimated 1155 birth:

1192 child birth: Dietrich I von Falkenburg and Heinsberg (Cleves-Falkenburg) [Cleves] b. 1192 d. 4 November 1228

between 1198 and 1201 title:

estimated 1200 child birth: Heinsberg, Mechtild ? (of Cleves) [Cleves] b. estimated 1200 d. about 1254

before 1200 death:


Acting regent for his brother's son

[edit] Sources

  1. -

From grandparents to grandchildren

Arnold I, of Cleves
birth: about 1100
title: 1119, Comte de Clèves
marriage: Ida van Louvain
death: 20 February 1147
Godefroid II de Louvain
birth: about 1110
marriage: Lutgardis von Sulzbach
death: 13 June 1142
burial: Louvain, St Pieter,
Adelheid van Louvain
birth: 1106
death: 23 April 1157
Adeliza Brabant
birth: 1103, Leuven
marriage: Henry I of England (Beauclerc)
title: 24 January 1121, Windsor (Berkshire), Queen Consort von England
death: 23 April 1151, Affligem, Affligem Abbey
Ida van Louvain
birth: 1100
marriage: Arnold I, of Cleves
title: 1128, Comtesse de Clèves
death: 27 July 1162, datum is 27 juli
Gertrud von Sulzbach
birth: about 1114
marriage: Konrad III
death: about 14 April 1146, Abtei Hersfeld, Bad Hersfeld
burial: Kloster Ebrach
Берта Гогенштауфен
birth: about 1110, Сульцбах, Святое Римское царство
adoption: 1142, Святое Римское царство, [[Person:410043]]
marriage: Manuel I Komnenos (Ho Megas) , Царьград, Греческое царство
death: about 1158, Святое Римское царство
Gebhard III von Sulzbach
birth: about 1114
marriage: Mathilde of Bavaria
death: 23 October 1188
burial: Kastl
Judith of Bavaria
birth: 1100
marriage: Friedrich II von Staufen (von Schwaben)
death: 22 February 1131, Lorch
Henry X 'the Proud" of Bavaria
birth: about 1108
title: from 1126 - 1138, Herzog von Bayern
marriage: Gertrud von Supplingenburg
title: from 1136 - 1139, Markgraf von Tuszien
title: from 1137 - 1138, Herzog von Sachsen
death: 20 October 1139
burial: Königslutter
Welf VI
birth: 1115
marriage: w Uta von Schauenburg
title: from 1152 - 1162, Markgraf der Toskana
death: 15 December 1191, Memmingen
Mathilde of Bavaria
birth: estimated 1110
marriage: Gebhard III von Sulzbach
death: 16 March 1183
burial: Kastl
Arnold II of Cleves
title: 1198, Comte de Clèves
death: 1201
Diederik II (Theodoric) ? (of Cleves)
marriage: Adelheid de Sulzbach
marriage: Adelheid de Sulzbach
title: 20 February 1147, Comte de Clèves
death: 27 April 1172
== 3 ==
Dietrich III ? (of Cleves)
birth: between 1160 and 1170
title: 27 April 1172, Duke of Cleves
marriage: Margaretha van Holland , Lisse
death: 1198
Aleidis de Heinsberg
birth: estimated 1175
death: 1217, Clèves
Arnold II ? (of Cleves)
birth: estimated 1155
title: between 1198 and 1201
death: before 1200
== 3 ==
Arnold van Heusden
birth: estimated 1190
marriage: Mechtild ? (of Cleves)
death: about 1242
Mechtild ? (of Cleves)
birth: estimated 1200, Heinsberg
marriage: Arnold van Heusden
death: about 1254
Jan IV van Heusden
birth: estimated 1235
marriage: Aleid van Arberg
death: 15 October 1268, Keulen
Engelbert II von Falkenburg
birth: about 1220
death: 20 October 1274, Bonn

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