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Welf VI b. 1115 d. 15 December 1191

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Lineage Braunschweig
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Welf VI
Other given names Welf VI.

Henry IX, "the Black" von Bayern [Braunschweig] b. about 1074 d. 13 December 1126

w Вульфільда Воєводиня Саська [Воєводи Саські] b. estimated 1080 d. 29 December 1126

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Welf VI.


1115 birth:

marriage: w Uta von Schauenburg [Calw] b. about 1115 d. about 1197

about 1130 child birth: Elisabeth [Braunschweig] b. about 1130 d. about 1180

about 1140 child birth: Welf VII [Braunschweig] b. about 1140 d. 12 September 1167

from 1152 - 1162 title: Markgraf der Toskana

15 December 1191 death: Memmingen

From grandparents to grandchildren

Foulcois d'Este
birth: about 1070
death: between 1134 and 1136
Welf IV (Ier) de Bavière
birth: estimated 1030
marriage: Judith de Flandre
death: 9 November 1101, Paphos
burial: Weingarten
Baldwin V The Pious (of Flanders)
birth: about 1012, Baudauin Flanders
marriage: Adele Capet (of France) , Paris
title: 30 May 1035, Graf von Flandern
death: 1 September 1067, Lille, France
Judith de Flandre
birth: 1033, Bruges, comté de Flandre
marriage: Welf IV (Ier) de Bavière
death: 5 March 1094, Weingarten, margraviat d'Autriche
Magnus Ordulphsson (Duke of Saxony)
birth: about 1045
marriage: Zsofia (Sophia) Arpad
title: from 1072 - 23 August 1106, Herzog von Sachsen
death: 23 August 1106
burial: Lüneburg, St. Michaelis
Geza II of Hungary
birth: 1048
marriage: Sophie von Looz
title: from 1063 - 1074, Prince Nitra
marriage: w Synadene von Byzanz
title: from 1074 - 25 April 1077
death: 25 April 1077
Ladislaus I
birth: 1048
title: from 25 April 1077 - 29 July 1095
marriage: Аделаида Швабская
death: 20 June 1095
Euphemia von Ungarn
birth: about 1045
marriage: Ota d'Olomouc
death: 2 April 1111
Ulrich I von Istrien
birth: estimated 1025
title: 1045, Markgraf von Istrien (1045/60–1070)
title: 1050, Markgraf von Krain (1050/58–1070)
marriage: Zsofia (Sophia) Arpad
title: 1067, Graf von Weimar (1067–1070)
death: 6 March 1070
Zsofia (Sophia) Arpad
birth: about 1050
marriage: Ulrich I von Istrien
title: from 6 March 1070 - 18 June 1095, durch 2. Heirat Herzogin von Sachsen after 6 Mar 1070) MAGNUS of Saxony, son of ORDULF Duke in Saxony [Billung]
marriage: Magnus Ordulphsson (Duke of Saxony)
death: 18 June 1095
burial: Lüneburg, St. Michaelis chirch
Henry IX, "the Black" von Bayern
birth: about 1074
marriage: w Вульфільда Воєводиня Саська
title: from 24 November 1120 - 1126, Duke of Bavaria
death: 13 December 1126, Ravensburg
burial: Weingarten, Weingarten Abbey
Richardis von Weimar-Orlamünde
birth: estimated 1070
marriage: Ekkehard I von Scheyern
death: 16 May 1120
burial: after 16 May 1120, Eisenhofen
Poppo II von Istrien
birth: estimated 1065
marriage: w Richarde van Sponheim
death: 1098
Вульфільда Воєводиня Саська
birth: estimated 1080
marriage: Henry IX, "the Black" von Bayern
death: 29 December 1126, Altdorf
burial: Abdij Weingarten
== 3 ==
Judith of Bavaria
birth: 1100
marriage: Friedrich II von Staufen (von Schwaben)
death: 22 February 1131, Lorch
Mathilde of Bavaria
birth: estimated 1110
marriage: Gebhard III von Sulzbach
death: 16 March 1183
burial: Kastl
Henry X 'the Proud" of Bavaria
birth: about 1108
title: from 1126 - 1138, Herzog von Bayern
marriage: Gertrud von Supplingenburg
title: from 1136 - 1139, Markgraf von Tuszien
title: from 1137 - 1138, Herzog von Sachsen
death: 20 October 1139
burial: Königslutter
Uta von Schauenburg
birth: about 1115
marriage: Welf VI
death: about 1197
Welf VI
birth: 1115
marriage: Uta von Schauenburg
title: from 1152 - 1162, Markgraf der Toskana
death: 15 December 1191, Memmingen
== 3 ==
Welf VII
birth: about 1140
death: 12 September 1167, Siena
Rudolf von Pfullendorf
birth: about 1100
marriage: Elisabeth
death: 9 January 1181, Jerusalem
birth: about 1130
marriage: Rudolf von Pfullendorf
death: about 1180
Albrecht III (Albert) von Habsburg
birth: about 1138, Габсбург
marriage: Ita von Pfullendorf-Bregenz
title: from 19 August 1167 - 10 February 1199, 8-й Граф Габсбург
death: 25 November 1199, Габсбург
Ita von Pfullendorf-Bregenz
title: Графиня Пфуллендорф-Брегенц
marriage: Albrecht III (Albert) von Habsburg

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