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Godefroid II de Louvain b. about 1110 d. 13 June 1142

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Lineage Hainaut
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Godefroid II de Louvain

Godefroid Ier de Louvain [Hainaut] b. about 1063 d. 25 January 1139

Ida van Chiny [Chiny] b. estimated 1085 d. before 1122

Wiki-page wikipedia:fr:Godefroid II de Louvain
Reference numbers GEDCOM::AdriaenAlbout.ged::INDI @I7409@::Kjansen


about 1110 birth:

1139 marriage: Lutgardis von Sulzbach [Sulzbach] b. about 1115 d. 14 April 1146

1140 child birth: Maria van Louvain [Hainaut] b. 1140 d. 1197

estimated 1140 child birth: w Gottfried III von Löwen [Hennegau] b. estimated 1140 d. 21 August 1190

13 June 1142 death:

burial: Louvain, St Pieter,


  1.,%20LOUVAIN.htm#GodefroiILouvainVLowLothdied1139B -

From grandparents to grandchildren

Henry II, Count of Louvain -
birth: about 1020, Nivelles
title: between 1054 and 1078, Earl of Brussels
death: after 1078
burial: Nivelles
Adela van Betuwe
birth: estimated 1050
death: after 1086
burial: Nivelles
Otton II de Chiny
birth: estimated 1065
title: comte de Chiny
marriage: Adelheid van Namen
death: 28 March 1123
Hendrik I van La Roche
birth: estimated 1070
marriage: Mathilda de Limbourg
death: 1126
Godefroi Ier de Namur -
birth: 1068
marriage: Ermesinde de Luxemburg
death: 19 August 1139, Floreffe
Ida van Louvain
birth: estimated 1065
children count: au moins 9
marriage: Balduin II von Hennegau
death: 1139
Hendrik III van Leuven
birth: 1063
death: 1095
Clémence de Bourgogne
birth: about 1078
title: 1091, comtesse héritière de Flandre
marriage: Robert de Flandre (Robert II)
title: 13 October 1093, Torhout, comtesse de Flandre
title: about 1120, comtesse de Louvain, de Bruxelles, Landgravine de Brabant, duchesse de Basse-Lotharingie et marquise d'Anvers
marriage: Godefroid Ier de Louvain , 1125
death: about 1133
burial: Bourbourg (59), abbaye Notre-Dame de Bourbourg, Châtellenie de Bourbourg
Godefroid Ier de Louvain
birth: about 1063
title: comte de Louvain
title: between 1095 and 1139, Louvain, duc de Lorraine
title: between 1095 and 1139, Bruxelles, comte de Bruxelles
title: between 1095 and 1139, comte de landgrave de Brabant
marriage: Ida van Chiny
title: between 1106 and 1139, marquis d'Anvers
title: between 1106 and 1125, duc de Basse-Lotharingie
title: between 1106 and 1139, marquis d'Anvers
marriage: Clémence de Bourgogne , 1125
death: 25 January 1139
burial: Affligem, abbaye d'Affligem
Albert I van Chiny
birth: estimated 1110
marriage: Agnes van Bar
death: 29 February 1162
burial: Orval
Ida van Chiny
birth: estimated 1085
marriage: Godefroid Ier de Louvain
death: before 1122
== 3 ==
Adelheid van Louvain
birth: 1106
death: 23 April 1157
Ida van Louvain
birth: 1100
marriage: Arnold I, of Cleves
title: 1128, Comtesse de Clèves
death: 27 July 1162, datum is 27 juli
Adeliza Brabant
birth: 1103, Leuven
marriage: Henry I of England (Beauclerc)
title: 24 January 1121, Windsor (Berkshire), Queen Consort von England
death: 23 April 1151, Affligem, Affligem Abbey
Godefroid II de Louvain
birth: about 1110
marriage: Lutgardis von Sulzbach
death: 13 June 1142
burial: Louvain, St Pieter,
== 3 ==
Margarethe von Limburg
birth: 1138
marriage: w Gottfried III von Löwen , Paris
death: 1172
burial: Sint Pieter (Löwen)
Imagina van Loon
birth: 1150
death: 1214
Gottfried III von Löwen
birth: estimated 1140
marriage: Margarethe von Limburg , Paris
death: 21 August 1190
burial: Pieterskerk, Löwen
Mathilde von Boulogne
birth: 1170
title: 1179, Löwen
marriage: Henry I Leuwen (Duke of Brabant)
title: 1183, Löwen
title: 1190, Comtesse de Louvain, Marquise d'Anvers et Duchesse de Basse-Lotharingie
death: 1210
Marie de France
birth: 1198
title: 1 August 1206, Marquise de Namur
marriage: Henry I Leuwen (Duke of Brabant)
title: 1213, Duchesse de Brabant, de Basse-Lotharingie, Marquise d'Anvers et Comtesse de Louvain
death: 15 August 1224
burial: Affligem
Henry I Leuwen (Duke of Brabant)
birth: 1165
marriage: Mathilde von Boulogne
title: 1183, Graf von Brüssel
title: 1190, Herzog von Brabant
marriage: Marie de France
death: 5 September 1235, Cologne
Willem Godfried van Leuven
birth: 1180
death: after 1224

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