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Anne de Bourbon b. 1312 d. 1402

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Lineage Bourbon
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Anne de Bourbon

Louis I de Bourbon [Bourbon] b. 1279 d. 29 January 1342

Marie Hainault [Avesnes] b. 1290 d. 1 September 1354


1312 birth:

1324 marriage: Гиг VII д’Альбон [Альбон-Форе] b. 1299 d. 1358

1402 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Agnes of France
birth: 1260
marriage: Robert de Bourgogne (Robert II)
title: 1279, Duchesse de Bourgogne et Reine titulaire de Thessalonique
death: 1327
Филипп III Капетинг
birth: 30 April 1245, замок Пуасси, Париж, Франция
christening: 1 May 1245, замок Пуасси, Париж, Франция
title: 11 January 1260, Король Франции, 10-й
marriage: Isabella d'Aragon , Clermont-Ferrand, Cathedral
title: 25 August 1270, Tunis, Roi de France
other: 15 August 1271, Reims (51), Sacre
marriage: w Maria von Brabant , Vincennes
death: 5 October 1285, Перпиньян, Франция
burial: Аббатство Сен-Дени, Париж, Франция
Margarete von Frankreich
birth: 1254
title: February 1269, Princesse de Brabant
marriage: Johann I von Brabant
death: 1271
Blanca de Francia
birth: 1253
marriage: w Фердинанд де ла Серда , Burgos
title: 30 November 1268, Burgos, Comtesse de la Cerda et Infante de Castille
death: 17 June 1320
Blanche Капетинг
birth: 11 July 1240
death: 29 April 1243
Isabella von Frankreich
birth: 2 March 1242
marriage: Theobald II von Navarra
title: 1255, Melun (77), Reine de Navarre et Comtesse de Champagne
death: 27 April 1271, Îles d’Hyères
Louis de France
birth: 25 February 1244, Paris
death: 11 January 1260, Paris
Jean Tristan de France
birth: 8 April 1250, Damiette
marriage: Jolanthe von Burgund
death: 3 August 1270, Tunis
Pierre de France (Pierre Ier d'Alençon)
birth: 29 June 1251, Palestine
title: 1268, Comte d'Alençon
title: 1272, Comte de Blois, de Chartres et Seigneur de Guise
marriage: Jeanne de Blois-Châtillon , Paris
death: 6 April 1284, Salerne
Jean de France
birth: 1247
death: 10 March 1248
Robert Capet (de Clermont)
birth: 1256, Paris, France
title: January 1257, Paris, France, Count of Clermont
marriage: Beatrice Bourgogne , Clermont (Oise), France
burial: after 7 February 1317, Paris (75), Cloître Saint-Jacques
death: 1318
Beatrice Bourgogne
birth: 1257, Bourbon-Lancy, France
marriage: Robert Capet (de Clermont) , Clermont (Oise), France
death: 1 October 1310, Murat (Allier), France, Murat Castle
Baudouin d'Avesnes
death: after 1299
Bouchard d'Avesnes
birth: 26 May 1251
death: 29 November 1296
Gui d'Avesnes
birth: 1253
death: 1317
Guillaume d'Avesnes
birth: 1254
death: 1296
Florent d'Avesnes
birth: 1255
title: 1289, Prince d'Achaïe
marriage: Isabelle de Villehardouin
death: 23 January 1297
Jeanne d'Avesnes
death: 1304
John II of Avesnes
birth: about 1248
marriage: Philippa of Luxembourg
title: 1280, Count of Hainaut
title: 1299, Count of Holland
death: 22 August 1304, Valenciennes
Henry VI of Luxembourg
birth: 1240
marriage: Beatrice of Avesnes
title: from 1281 - 1288, Count of Luxembourg
title: from 1281 - 1288, Count of Arlon
death: 5 June 1288
Isabelle de Luxembourg
birth: 1247
marriage: Guido Dampierre von Flandern
title: 1264, Comtesse de Flandre et de Namur
death: 25 September 1298
Philippa of Luxembourg
birth: 1252
marriage: John II of Avesnes
death: 6 April 1311
Marguerite von Bourbon
birth: 1290
marriage: Johann I von Dampierre
title: 1308, Comtesse de Namur
death: 4 February 1309
Jean Clermont (Capet)
birth: 1283, Clermont, France
marriage: Jeanne D'Argie (Picard)
death: 17 July 1316, Paris, France
Blanche de Clermont
birth: 1281
marriage: Robert d'Auvergne (Robert VII) , Paris (75)
title: 25 June 1303, Paris (75), Comtesse héritière d'Auvergne et de Boulogne
death: 1304
Маrie de Clermont
birth: 1285
death: 1372
Pierre de Clermont
birth: 1287
death: 1331
Louis I de Bourbon
birth: 1279, Clermont (Oise), France
title: comte de la Marche
marriage: Marie Hainault , Pontoise
title: 1 October 1310, Paris (75), Sire de Bourbon
title: 27 December 1327, Paris (75), Duc de Bourbon et Comte de La Marche
death: 29 January 1342, Paris, France, St Jacques
Willem Cuser
birth: estimated 1295
occupation: Baljuw van Waterland en Amstelland (1332), Rentmeester van Kennemerland,
marriage: Ida van Oosterwijk , datum huwelijkscontract
death: 1358
William III Count of Hainaut
birth: 1286
other: Onbekende Concubine de Moor
title: from 1304 - 1337, Count of Hainaut
title: from 1304 - 1337, Count of Holland
title: from 1304 - 1337, Count of Zeeland
marriage: Jeanne of Valois
death: 7 June 1337
Aleid van Henegouwen
birth: estimated 1290
marriage: w Wolfert II van Borselen
death: after 12 June 1351
Johann von Avesnes
birth: about 1275
death: 11 July 1302, Sporenschlacht
Heinrich von Avesnes
title: каноник в Камбре
death: 1303
Simon von Avesnes
death: after 1303
Johann von Avesnes
birth: 1288
title: 22 August 1304, Valenciennes, seigneur d'Avesnes
marriage: Margarete von Soissons
death: 11 March 1356
Margarete von Avesnes
marriage: w Robert II von Artois
title: 1298, Comtesse d'Artois
death: 18 October 1342
Жанна д'Авен
title: монахиня в Фонтенелле
Матильда д'Авен
title: аббатиса Нивеля
Marie Hainault
birth: 1290, Valenciennes, France
title: 22 September 1310, Murat (Allier), France, Murat Castle
marriage: Louis I de Bourbon , Pontoise
title: 1 October 1310, Paris, Dame de Bourbon
title: 27 December 1327, Paris, Duchesse de Bourbon et Comtesse de La Marche
death: 1 September 1354, Murat (Allier)
== 3 ==
James I de Bourbon-La Marche
birth: 1321
marriage: Jeanne of Châtillon
title: 1342, граф де Ла Марш, 18-й
title: 1351, граф де Понтье, 16-й
death: 6 April 1362, Lyon (France)
Peter I de Bourbon (Bourbon)
birth: 1311, Vincennes (Val-de-Marne)
marriage: Isabelle de Valois (Valois)
title: estimated 1342, Duque de Borbón.
death: 19 September 1356, Poitiers, Poitou, France
Marie de Bourbon
birth: 1315
marriage: Ги де Лузиньян
marriage: w Robert de Tarente , Naples
title: 9 September 1347, Naples, Princesse de Tarente, d'Achaïe et Duchesse d'Athènes
death: 1387
Philippa de Bourbon
birth: 1326
death: 1328
Jacques de Bourbon
birth: 1318
death: 9 December 1318
Beatrix van Bourbon
birth: 1314, Francia
marriage: John of Bohemia , Vincennes (Val-de-Marne), Château de Vincennes
title: December 1334, Vincennes (94), Reine de Bohême et Comtesse de Luxembourg
marriage: Эд II де Грансей
death: 25 December 1383
Jeanne de Bourbon
marriage: Гишар де Шастеллю
birth: 1311
death: 20 December 1402, Cleppé (42)
Гиг VII д’Альбон
birth: 1299
marriage: Anne de Bourbon
title: from 1334 - 1358
death: 1358
== 3 ==

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