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Heinrich von Avesnes d. 1303

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Lineage Avesnes
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Heinrich von Avesnes
Other given names Kanoniker in Cambrai

John II of Avesnes [Avesnes] b. about 1248 d. 22 August 1304

Philippa of Luxembourg [Luxembourg] b. 1252 d. 6 April 1311


title: каноник в Камбре

1303 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Wilhelm II von Holland
birth: February 1228
marriage: Elisabeth de Brunswick , Brunswick (Basse-Saxe)
title: from 1254 - 1256, Römisch-deutscher König
death: 28 January 1256, Opmeer, Provinz Noord-Holland, Hoogwoud
burial: after 28 January 1256, Opmeer, Provinz Noord-Holland, 1256 zog er aus, um aufständische Friesen zu unterwerfen, brach am 28. Januar auf diesem Feldzug mit seinem Pferd bei Hoogwoud durch das Eis und wurde von den Friesen gefunden und getötet, wonach die Leiche verscharrt wurde
burial: 1282, Onze-Lieve-Vrouwe Abdij (Middelburg)
Adelheid von Holland
birth: 1222, 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
title: 9 October 1246, Valenciennes, France
marriage: John I of Avesnes
title: 1250, Comtesse héritière du Hainaut
death: 9 April 1284, Valenciennes
Guido Dampierre von Flandern
birth: 1226
marriage: Mathilde van Béthune
title: 1251, als Guido III. Herr (Seigneur) von Dampierre
title: 1253, граф Фландрии
marriage: w Isabelle de Luxembourg
title: 1264, Markgraf von Namur (-1297)
death: 7 March 1305, Compiègne, gestorben in französischer Gefangenschaft
Willem III van Dampierre
birth: 1224
title: 1231, Seigneur de Dampierre
marriage: Béatrice de Brabant
title: 1247, Comte de Flandre
death: 6 June 1251
Johanna von Dampierre
birth: 1225
marriage: Hugo III van Rethel
marriage: Theobald II van Bar
title: 1243, Comtesse de Bar
death: 1246
Baldwin of Avesnes
birth: 1219
marriage: Félicité de Coucy
title: 1244, Lord of Beaumont
death: 1295
John I of Avesnes
birth: 1 May 1218, Houffalize
title: 1244, Seigneur d'Avesnes
marriage: Adelheid von Holland
title: 1250, Comte héritier du Hainaut
death: 24 December 1257, Valenciennes, France
Theobald II van Bar
birth: 1220
title: 13 November 1239
marriage: Johanna von Dampierre
marriage: w Jeanne de Toucy
death: 1291
Erard de Bar
death: 1335
Isabelle de Bar
death: 1320
Renaud de Bar
death: 1271
Jeanne de Bar
birth: 1225
title: about 1258, Comtesse héritière de Chiny
title: 22 February 1273, Comtesse de Chiny
death: 1299
Margaret of Bar
birth: 1220
title: 1240
marriage: Henry V of Luxembourg
title: 1247, Comtesse de Luxembourg et de La Roche
title: 1256, Comtesse de Namur
death: 1275
Hendrik IV van Montjoie (de Limburg)
birth: 1195
marriage: Irmgard van Berg
title: 7 November 1225, Comte de Berg
title: from 1226 - 25 February 1247, граф Арлон
title: before 1226, сеньор Моншау
title: 2 July 1226, Duc de Limbourg
death: 25 February 1247
Catherina de Limbourg
birth: about 1215
marriage: Matthias II de Lorraine
title: 1225, Duchesse de Lorraine
death: 20 April 1255
Walram V 'de Lange' van Montjoie
birth: 1205
title: seigneur de Monschau
marriage: Elisabeth de Bar
death: 20 April 1242
Gerhard van Limburg (van Durbuy)
birth: 23 November 1223
marriage: Mechtild de Clèves
death: 28 February 1303
Ne de Bar
death: 1214
Renaud de Briey
death: 1213
Henry V of Luxembourg
birth: 1216
marriage: Margaret of Bar
title: from 1247 - 1281, Count of Luxembourg
title: from 1247 - 1281, Count of Laroche
title: from 1256 - 1264, Count of Arlon
title: from 1256 - 1264, Count of Namur
death: 24 December 1281
Baudouin d'Avesnes
death: after 1299
Bouchard d'Avesnes
birth: 26 May 1251
death: 29 November 1296
Gui d'Avesnes
birth: 1253
death: 1317
Guillaume d'Avesnes
birth: 1254
death: 1296
Florent d'Avesnes
birth: 1255
title: 1289, Prince d'Achaïe
marriage: Isabelle de Villehardouin
death: 23 January 1297
Jeanne d'Avesnes
death: 1304
John II of Avesnes
birth: about 1248
marriage: Philippa of Luxembourg
title: 1280, Count of Hainaut
title: 1299, Count of Holland
death: 22 August 1304, Valenciennes
Henry VI of Luxembourg
birth: 1240
marriage: Beatrice of Avesnes
title: from 1281 - 1288, Count of Luxembourg
title: from 1281 - 1288, Count of Arlon
death: 5 June 1288
Isabelle de Luxembourg
birth: 1247
marriage: Guido Dampierre von Flandern
title: 1264, Comtesse de Flandre et de Namur
death: 25 September 1298
Philippa of Luxembourg
birth: 1252
marriage: John II of Avesnes
death: 6 April 1311
== 3 ==
Willem Cuser
birth: estimated 1295
occupation: Baljuw van Waterland en Amstelland (1332), Rentmeester van Kennemerland,
marriage: Ida van Oosterwijk , datum huwelijkscontract
death: 1358
Marie Hainault
birth: 1290, Valenciennes, France
title: 22 September 1310, Murat (Allier), France, Murat Castle
marriage: Louis I de Bourbon , Pontoise
title: 1 October 1310, Paris, Dame de Bourbon
title: 27 December 1327, Paris, Duchesse de Bourbon et Comtesse de La Marche
death: 1 September 1354, Murat (Allier)
William III Count of Hainaut
birth: 1286
other: Onbekende Concubine de Moor
title: from 1304 - 1337, Count of Hainaut
title: from 1304 - 1337, Count of Holland
title: from 1304 - 1337, Count of Zeeland
marriage: Jeanne of Valois
death: 7 June 1337
Aleid van Henegouwen
birth: estimated 1290
marriage: w Wolfert II van Borselen
death: after 12 June 1351
Johann von Avesnes
birth: about 1275
death: 11 July 1302, Sporenschlacht
Simon von Avesnes
death: after 1303
Johann von Avesnes
birth: 1288
title: 22 August 1304, Valenciennes, seigneur d'Avesnes
marriage: Margarete von Soissons
death: 11 March 1356
Margarete von Avesnes
marriage: w Robert II von Artois
title: 1298, Comtesse d'Artois
death: 18 October 1342
Жанна д'Авен
title: монахиня в Фонтенелле
Матильда д'Авен
title: аббатиса Нивеля
Heinrich von Avesnes
title: каноник в Камбре
death: 1303
== 3 ==

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