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Maria of Hungary b. 1257 d. 25 March 1323

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Lineage Arpad
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Maria of Hungary

Stephen V of Hungary [Arpad] b. about 18 October 1239 d. 6 August 1272

Елизавета Куманка [Куманы] b. before 1240 d. 1290

Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Maria of Hungary (1257-1323)


1257 birth:

1270 marriage: Charles II of Naples [Capet-Anjou-Sicily] b. 1254 d. 6 May 1309

1270 title: Princesse de Salerne

8 September 1271 child birth: Charles Martel of Anjou [Capet-Anjou-Hungary] b. 8 September 1271 d. 12 August 1295

1273 child birth: w Marguerite of Anjou and Maine [Capet-Anjou-Sicily] b. 1273 d. 31 December 1299

9 February 1274 child birth: Ночера Инферёре, w Людовик Тулузский [Капетинги-Анжу-Сицилийские] b. 9 February 1274 d. 19 August 1297

1278 child birth: Robert von Anjou [Anjou] b. 1278 d. 20 January 1343

10 November 1278 child birth: Naples, Philippe de Tarente (Philippe Ier) [Capétien-Anjou-Sicile-Tarente] b. 10 November 1278 d. 26 December 1332

1280 child birth: Blanche of Anjou [Capet-Anjou-Sicily] b. 1280 d. 14 October 1310

1281 child birth: Raymond Bérenger d'Andria [Capétien-Anjou-Sicile] b. 1281 d. 1307

1283 child birth: Jean d'Anjou [Capétien-Anjou-Sicile] b. 1283

1284 child birth: Tristan d'Anjou [Capétien-Anjou-Sicile] b. 1284 d. 1286

7 April 1285 title: Foggia, Reine de Naples et Comtesse d'Anjou, du Maine, de Provence et de Forcalquier

August 1289 child birth: Eleanor of Anjou [Capet-Anjou-Sicily] b. August 1289 d. 9 August 1341

1290 child birth: Marie von Anjou [Kapetinger-Anjou-Sizilien] b. 1290 d. 1347

1292 child birth: Pierre de Gravina [Capétien-Anjou-Sicile] b. 1292 d. 1315

1294 child birth: w Джованни Анжуйский [Капетинги-Анжу-Сицилия-Дураццо] b. 1294 d. 5 April 1336

1295 child birth: Béatrice d'Anjou [Capétien-Anjou-Sicile] b. 1295 d. 1321

25 March 1323 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Elisabeth von Ungarn
birth: 7 July 1207, Sárospatak, Ungarn, Burg Sárospatak
marriage: w Людвиг IV Святой Тюрингский
death: 17 November 1231, Marburg
other: 1235, канонизирована папой Григорием IX
Violant of Hungary
birth: about 1216, Esztergom, Hungary
marriage: Jaime I de Aragón , Barcelona, La Barceloneta
title: 8 September 1235, Queen Consort of Aragon
death: 9 October 1251, Huesca, Spain
Anna - Anissia
birth: about 1204
death: 1221
marriage: Ivan Asen
Stephen Postumus (of Hungary)
birth: 1236
death: 10 April 1271
birth: about 1208
title: from 1213 - 1215, князь Галицкий
title: from 1215 - 1219, князь Галицкий
title: from 1219 - 1221, князь Галицкий
title: from 1226 - 1241, герцог Славонский
title: from 1226 - 1241, герцог Хорватский
death: between May 1241 and June 1241, Загреб, умер от ран полученных в битве на реке Шайо с монголами 11 апреля 1241 года
Bela IV of Hungary
birth: 29 November 1206
marriage: Maria ? (Laskarina, Laskaris)
title: from 14 October 1235 - 3 May 1270, King of Hungary
title: from 14 October 1235 - 3 May 1270, King of Croatia
title: from 1254 - 1258, Duke of Styria
death: 3 May 1270
Irène Lascarine
birth: about 1200
title: impératrice de Nicée
marriage: Jean III Doukas Vatatzès
death: 1241
Sophie Laskaris
birth: about 1210
marriage: Friedrich d'Autriche (Friedrich II)
title: 1227, Princesse d'Autriche
divorce: Friedrich d'Autriche (Friedrich II)
title: 1228, Duchesse de Mödling
death: 1246
Maria ? (Laskarina, Laskaris)
birth: 1206, Nicaea (no source!)
marriage: Bela IV of Hungary
death: between 24 June 1270 and 16 July 1270, Esztergom, Hungary
Котян Сутоевич Тертероба Половец
title: from 1192 - 1223, половецький хан
death: 17 March 1241, Пешт, Угорщина
Anna von Ungarn
birth: about 1226
marriage: Rostislav Mikhailovich ?
death: about 1285
Kinga Árpád (of Poland)
birth: 5 March 1224
marriage: Bolesław V ? (the Chaste)
death: 24 July 1292
other: 1690, beatification by Pope Alexander VIII
other: 16 June 1999, canonization by Pope John Paul II
Иоланда Арпад
birth: about 1235, Эстергом, Венгерское королевство
marriage: Boleslaus Piast (the Pious)
death: after 17 June 1298, Гнезно, Польское королевство
other: 4 June 1827, беатифицирована
Margareta von Ungarn
birth: 27 January 1242, Klis, Kroatien
death: 18 January 1270, Buda, Budapest, Ungarn
other: 1789, беатифицирована
other: 1943, канонизирована
Erszebet de Hongrie
birth: 1236
marriage: w Heinrich de Bavière (Heinrich XIII)
title: 1250, Princesse de Bavière
title: 29 November 1253, Landshut, Duchesse de Haute-Bavière
title: 1255, Duchesse de Basse-Bavière
death: 1271
Stephen V of Hungary
birth: about 18 October 1239, Buda, Hungary
title: from 1246 - 1272, King of Hungary
title: from 1246 - 1272, King of Croatia
marriage: Елизавета Куманка
title: from 1258 - 1260, Duke of Styria
death: 6 August 1272, Csepel Island, Hungary
== 3 ==
Ladislaus IV Kumanian
birth: 5 August 1262
marriage: Marie Elizabeth Capet ? (of Sicily)
title: from 1272 - 10 July 1290
title: from 1272 - 10 July 1290, король Хорватии
death: 10 July 1290, Kőrösszeg
Katalina von Ungarn
birth: about 1256
marriage: Stefan Dragutin Nemanjić
death: after 1314
Анна Венгерская Арпад
birth: about 1260
marriage: Andronikos II Palaiologos
death: 1281, Константинополь, Византия
birth: 1268
title: герцог Славонии
death: 1278
Charles II of Naples
birth: 1254
title: 1254, King of Naples
marriage: Maria of Hungary
title: 7 January 1285, King of Albania
death: 6 May 1309
Maria of Hungary
birth: 1257
marriage: Charles II of Naples
title: 1270, Princesse de Salerne
title: 7 April 1285, Foggia, Reine de Naples et Comtesse d'Anjou, du Maine, de Provence et de Forcalquier
death: 25 March 1323
== 3 ==
Charles de Valois Capet
birth: 12 March 1270
marriage: Catherine de Courtenay
title: 1285, Roi d'Aragon, titulaire
title: 1285, Alençon (61), comte d'Alençon
title: 1290, Count of Valois
title: 1290, comte du Perche
marriage: w Marguerite of Anjou and Maine , Corbeil, France
title: 16 August 1290, Empereur titulaire de Constantinople
title: 16 August 1290, Le Mans (72), comte du Maine
marriage: Matilde de Chatillon
death: 16 December 1325
burial: after 16 December 1325, Paris, Couvent des Dominicains, rue Saint-Jacques
Marguerite of Anjou and Maine
birth: 1273
marriage: Charles de Valois Capet , Corbeil, France
title: 16 August 1290, Corbeil-Essonnes, Comtesse d'Anjou, du Maine, de Valois, d'Alençon, de Chartres et du Perche
death: 31 December 1299
Frederick III of Sicily
birth: 13 December 1272
title: 1296, King of Sicily
marriage: Eleanor of Anjou
death: 25 June 1337
Eleanor of Anjou
birth: August 1289
marriage: Frederick III of Sicily
title: 17 May 1302, Reine de Sicile
death: 9 August 1341
James II of Aragon
birth: 10 August 1267, Valencia (Spain)
marriage: Marie de Chypre
marriage: Elisende de Moncada
title: 11 November 1285, King of Sicily
title: 18 June 1291, King of Aragon
marriage: w Isabella von Kastilien
annulment: w Isabella von Kastilien
marriage: Blanche of Anjou , Vilabertran
death: 5 November 1327, Barcelona
Blanche of Anjou
birth: 1280
marriage: James II of Aragon , Vilabertran
title: 1 November 1295, королева Сицилии
death: 14 October 1310, Barcelona
Klementia of Habsburg
birth: 1262
marriage: Charles Martel of Anjou , Vienna (Austria)
title: 11 January 1281, Vienne (Autriche), Princesse héritière de Hongrie
title: 10 July 1290, Kőröshegy, Reine de Hongrie
death: 8 February 1293
Charles Martel of Anjou
birth: 8 September 1271
marriage: Klementia of Habsburg , Vienna (Austria)
title: 10 July 1290, Kőröshegy, Roi de Hongrie
death: 12 August 1295, Naples
Agnès de Périgord
marriage: w Джованни Анжуйский
title: 14 November 1321, Duchesse de Durazzo et Princesse d'Achaïe
death: 1345
Джованни Анжуйский
birth: 1294
title: from 1315 - 1336, граф Гравины
marriage: Mathilde von Hennegau
other: Mathilde von Hennegau , Répudiation
marriage: Agnès de Périgord
title: from 1322 - 1333, князь Ахайи
death: 5 April 1336
Иоланда Арагонская
birth: 1273
marriage: Robert von Anjou , Rom
title: 23 March 1297, Rom, Princesse de Naples
death: 1302
Sancha von Mallorca
birth: about 1285
title: 21 June 1304, Neapel
marriage: Robert von Anjou , Perpignan
title: 6 May 1309, Foggia, Königin von Neapel
death: 1345
Robert von Anjou
birth: 1278
marriage: Иоланда Арагонская , Rom
marriage: Sancha von Mallorca , Perpignan
title: from 1309 - 1343, Graf von Provence
title: from 6 May 1309 - 20 January 1343, König von Neapel
title: from 1318 - 1322, Fürst von Achaia
death: 20 January 1343
Тhamar Ange
marriage: Philippe de Tarente (Philippe Ier)
title: 1296, Princesse de Tarente, d'Achaïe et Duchesse d'Athènes
divorce: Philippe de Tarente (Philippe Ier)
death: 1311
Philippe de Tarente (Philippe Ier)
birth: 10 November 1278, Naples
title: from February 1294 - 1331, prince de Tarente, d'Achaïe et Duc d'Athènes
marriage: Тhamar Ange
title: from 1306 - 1313, roi d'Albanie
divorce: Тhamar Ange
marriage: w Catherine de Valois , Fontainebleau
death: 26 December 1332, Naples
burial: Église San Domenico Maggiore
Людовик Тулузский
birth: 9 February 1274, Ночера Инферёре
title: October 1294, епископ Тулузский
title: 23 December 1296, Бриньоль
death: 19 August 1297, Бриньоль
Sancho von Mallorca
birth: 1277, Montpellier
title: 1299, король Майорки
marriage: Marie von Anjou
title: 29 April 1311, граф Руссильона
death: 4 September 1324, Formiguères, Capcir
Marie von Anjou
birth: 1290
marriage: Sancho von Mallorca
title: 1302, Infante héritière de Majorque
title: 29 April 1311, Palma de Majorque, Reine de Majorque, Comtesse de Roussillon, de Cerdagne et Dame de Montpellier
death: 1347
Raymond Bérenger d'Andria
birth: 1281
death: 1307
Jean d'Anjou
birth: 1283
Tristan d'Anjou
birth: 1284
death: 1286
Pierre de Gravina
birth: 1292
death: 1315
Béatrice d'Anjou
birth: 1295
death: 1321
Стефан II Баварский
birth: 22 December 1311, Мюнхен, Бавария
marriage: w Елизавета Сицилийская
title: 11 October 1347, Герцог Верхней Баварии
title: 1349, Герцог Нижней Баварии-Ландсхута
marriage: Margarete de Nuremberg
title: 1363, Герцог Верхней Баварии
death: 19 May 1375, Ландсхут, Бавария
Елизавета Сицилийская
birth: 1310
marriage: Стефан II Баварский
death: 21 March 1349, Ландсхут, Германия
burial: Фрауэнкирхе в Мюнхене
Isabelle de Valois (Valois)
birth: 1313
marriage: Peter I de Bourbon (Bourbon)
title: 25 January 1336, Princesse héritière de Bourbon
title: 1342, Duchesse de Bourbon
death: 26 July 1383
Marie de Valois
birth: 1309
marriage: Karl von Kalabrien , Paris
title: 11 January 1324, Paris (75), Duchesse de Calabre et Vice-Reine de Naples
death: 6 December 1328
Catherine de Valois
birth: 1303, Valois
marriage: Philippe de Tarente (Philippe Ier) , Fontainebleau
title: 29 July 1313, Fontainebleau (77), Princesse de Tarente, d'Achaïe et Duchesse d'Athènes
death: 20 September 1346, Naples
Isabelle de Valois
birth: about 1306
death: about 11 November 1349
Blanca Margarete von Valois
birth: 1316, по др. данным 1317
title: from 1316 - May 1329, Принцесса де Валуа
title: from May 1329 - May 1348, Королева Чехии
marriage: Charles IV Holy Roman Emperor (Wenceslaus V) , Prague
death: 1 August 1348, Prag
Jeanne Bourgogne
birth: 1293, Burgundy, France
title: July 1313, Comtesse de Valois
marriage: Philip VI of France
title: 1 February 1328, Paris, France
other: 29 May 1328, Reims, Sacre
death: 12 December 1349
Blanka von Navarra
birth: 1333
title: 29 January 1350, Brie-Comte-Robert (77), Reine de France
marriage: Philip VI of France , Brie-Comte-Robert
death: 5 October 1398
Philip VI of France
birth: 1293, France
marriage: Jeanne Bourgogne
title: 1 February 1328, Count of Anjou
other: 29 May 1328, Count of Maine
marriage: Blanka von Navarra , Brie-Comte-Robert
death: 22 August 1350, Nogent-le-Roi, France
burial: after 22 August 1350, Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), France, Saint Denis Basilica
Teresa d'Entença
marriage: Alfonso IV of Aragon , Barcelona
title: 10 September 1314, Barcelona, Infante d'Aragon
death: 1326
Eleonore von Kastilien
birth: 1307
title: 1329, Reine d'Aragon, de Valence, de Sardaigne et Comtesse de Barcelone
marriage: Alfonso IV of Aragon
death: 1359
Alfonso IV of Aragon
birth: 2 November 1299
title: 10 September 1314, Count of Urgell
marriage: Teresa d'Entença , Barcelona
title: 5 November 1327, King of Aragon
marriage: Eleonore von Kastilien
death: 27 January 1336
William III Count of Hainaut
birth: 1286
other: Onbekende Concubine de Moor
title: from 1304 - 1337, Count of Hainaut
title: from 1304 - 1337, Count of Holland
title: from 1304 - 1337, Count of Zeeland
marriage: Jeanne of Valois
death: 7 June 1337
Jeanne of Valois
birth: about 1294, Longpont, France
marriage: William III Count of Hainaut
death: 7 March 1342, Maing
burial: 7 September 2001, Maing, Abbaye de Fontenelle
Elisabeth of Carinthia
birth: 1298
title: 23 April 1322
marriage: Peter II of Sicily , Catania, Sicily
title: 25 June 1337, Palerme, Reine de Sicile
death: after 1347
Peter II of Sicily
birth: 24 July 1305
title: 19 June 1321, King of Sicily
marriage: Elisabeth of Carinthia , Catania, Sicily
title: 25 June 1337, Palerme, Roi de Sicile
death: 15 August 1342, Calascibetta
Louis X of France
birth: 4 October 1289, Paris, France
title: 4 October 1289, King of Navarre
title: 2 August 1305, Vincennes (94), Roi de Navarre et Comte de Champagne
marriage: w Margaret of Burgundy
title: 29 November 1314, King of France
marriage: Clémence d'Anjou
other: 24 August 1315, Reims, Sacre
death: 5 June 1316, Vincennes (Val-de-Marne), France
burial: Abbaye de Saint-Denis
Clémence d'Anjou
birth: 8 February 1293
marriage: Louis X of France
title: 19 August 1315, королева Франции, 23-я
other: 24 August 1315, королева-консорт Наварры
death: 12 October 1328
Maria von Beuthen
birth: between 1282 and 1284
marriage: Charles I Robert of Hungary
death: 15 December 1317, Timișoara
Elizabeth of Poland
birth: 1305
marriage: Charles I Robert of Hungary
death: 29 December 1380, Budapest
Charles I Robert of Hungary
birth: 1288
marriage: Maria von Beuthen
title: from 12 July 1312 - 16 July 1342, King of Hungary
marriage: Béatrice de Luxembourg
marriage: Elizabeth of Poland
death: 16 July 1342, Visegrád
John III of Brittany
birth: 8 March 1286
marriage: Isabelle de Valois
marriage: w Isabella von Kastilien , Burgos
title: from 1312 - 30 April 1341, Viscount of Limoges
title: 27 April 1312, Duke of Brittany
marriage: Giovanna de Savoie
title: 1334, Earl of Richmond
death: 30 April 1341, Caen
Isabelle de Valois
birth: 1292
marriage: John III of Brittany
title: 1297, Princesse de Bretagne
title: 1301, Vicomtesse de Limoges
death: 1309
Marguerite Valois
birth: 1295
death: 1342
Маría De la Cerda y Lara
birth: 1319
title: 1335, Comtesse d'Etampes
marriage: w Charles II d'Alençon (de Valois)
title: December 1336, Comtesse de Chartres et d'Alençon
death: 19 November 1379, Париж, Франция
Jeanne de Joigny
title: April 1314, Princesse de France
marriage: w Charles II d'Alençon (de Valois)
title: 16 December 1325, Saint-Pierre-du-Perray (91), Comtesse de Chartres
title: April 1326, Paris (75), Comtesse d'Alençon
death: 24 September 1336
Charles II d'Alençon (de Valois)
birth: 1297
marriage: Jeanne de Joigny
title: 16 December 1325, Saint-Pierre-du-Perray, Comte de Chartres
title: April 1326, Paris, Comte d'Alençon
marriage: Маría De la Cerda y Lara
death: 26 August 1346, Crécy-en-Ponthieu
Marie de Bourbon
birth: 1315
marriage: Ги де Лузиньян
marriage: w Robert de Tarente , Naples
title: 9 September 1347, Naples, Princesse de Tarente, d'Achaïe et Duchesse d'Athènes
death: 1387
Robert de Tarente
birth: 1319
title: 26 December 1332, Naples, Prince de Tarente, d'Achaïe et Duc d'Athènes
marriage: Marie de Bourbon , Naples
death: 10 September 1364
Katharina von Österreich
title: 3 February 1295, Burghausen, Herzogin von Niederbayern
birth: October 1295, Wien
title: 4 August 1305, Budapest, Königin von Ungarn
marriage: Karl von Kalabrien
title: 1316, Herzogin von Kalabrien
title: 1318, Vize Königin von Neapel
death: 18 January 1323, Neapel
Karl von Kalabrien
birth: 28 May 1298, Neapel
marriage: Katharina von Österreich
title: 1318, Duc de Calabre
marriage: Marie de Valois , Paris
death: 9 November 1328, Neapel
Елизавета Славонская
birth: 1352
marriage: Philippe de Tarente (Philippe II)
title: October 1370, Princesse de Tarente, d'Achaïe et Duchesse d'Athènes
death: before 1380
Philippe de Tarente (Philippe II)
birth: 1329
title: 10 September 1364, Prince de Tarente, d'Achaïe et Duc d'Athènes
marriage: Елизавета Славонская
death: 25 November 1374
Guigues de La Tour du Pin
birth: 1280
marriage: Beatrix von Ungarn
title: from 1306 - 1318, дофин Вьеннский
death: 5 March 1319
Johanna I von Anjou
birth: 1326
marriage: w Andreas von Ungarn , Neapel
title: from 1343 - 1382, Gräfin von Provence
title: from 20 January 1343 - 12 May 1382, Königin von Neapel
marriage: Ludwig von Tarent , Neapel
marriage: w Jakob IV von Mallorca , Castelnuovo (Toscane)
title: from 1373 - 1381, Fürstin von Achaia
marriage: w Otto von Braunschweig Grubenhagen , Neapel
death: 27 July 1382, Muro Lucano, Provinz Potenza
Ludwig von Tarent
birth: 1320
title: 23 May 1352, князь Таранто
marriage: Johanna I von Anjou , Neapel
death: 26 May 1362, Neapel
Marie de Calabre
birth: May 1329, Florence
title: Gräfin von Alba
marriage: w Карл , Neapel
title: 21 April 1343, Naples, Duchesse de Durazzo
death: 20 May 1366, Naples
birth: 1323
title: 5 April 1336, герцог Дураццо
marriage: Marie de Calabre , Neapel
death: 23 January 1348, казнён
Ludwig von Anjou
birth: 1301
death: 1310
Charles de Tarente
birth: 1296
death: 1315, убит в битве
Иоланда Арагонская
birth: 1310
marriage: Philippe de Tarente
title: February 1328, Princesse héritière de Tarente
death: after 19 June 1353
Oschin von Armenien
birth: 1282
title: from 1307 - 20 July 1320, König von Armenien
marriage: w Jeanne de Tarente
death: 20 July 1320
Jeanne de Tarente
birth: 1297
marriage: Oschin von Armenien
death: March 1393
Francesco Del Balzo
birth: about 1330
title: 1er duc d'Andria
title: comte de Montescaglioso
title: comte de Squillace
title: seigneur de Berre
title: seigneur de Mison
title: seigneur de Teano
marriage: Marguerite de Tarente (Balliol, des Baux)
marriage: Justine Orsini (d'Ursine)
death: 23 April 1422
Édouard Balliol
birth: about 1283
title: from 24 September 1332 - 20 January 1356, roi d'Ecosse
marriage: Marguerite de Tarente (Balliol, des Baux)
death: 1367, Wheatley Hills, Doncaster, Yorkshire, Angleterre
Blanche de Tarente
birth: 1309
death: 1337
Marie de Tarente
birth: 1327
Margherita Sanseverino
birth: about 1330
title: 1343, Comtesse de Gravina
marriage: Людовик
birth: 1324
title: 5 April 1336, граф Гравины
marriage: Margherita Sanseverino
death: 22 July 1364
birth: 1326
death: 1356
birth: 1328
death: 1380
Friedrich d'Autriche (Friedrich III des Romains)
birth: 1289, Vienne (Autriche)
title: from 7 January 1314 - 1330, Ulm, Roi des Romains
marriage: w Elisabeth von Aragón , Judenburg
death: 13 January 1330, Gutenstein (Basse-Autriche)
Elisabeth von Aragón
birth: 1305
marriage: Friedrich d'Autriche (Friedrich III des Romains) , Judenburg
title: 11 May 1315
title: 7 January 1326, Ulm, Reine des Romains
death: 12 July 1330, Wien
Jeanne von Foix
birth: about 1310
marriage: Peter von Aragón , Castelló d'Empúries
title: 12 May 1331, Castelló d'Empúries, Comtesse de Ribagorce et de Prades
death: about 1357
Peter von Aragón
birth: 1305
title: 13 June 1322, Pisa
title: 1325, Comte de Prades
marriage: Jeanne von Foix , Castelló d'Empúries
death: 1380, Valence (Espagne)
Jaime d'Aragon
birth: 29 September 1296
other: 22 December 1319, Tarragone
death: July 1334, Tarragone
Maria d'Aragon
birth: 1299
death: 1347
Constanza d'Aragon
birth: 1300, Valence (Espagne)
death: 19 October 1327, Cuenca (Espagne)
Bianca d'Aragon
birth: 1301
death: 1348
Juan d'Aragon
birth: 1301, Teruel
title: 1319, Archevêque de Tolède
death: 19 August 1334, Tarragone
Maria Alvarez de Jerica
birth: 1310
marriage: Guillermo de Sicile (Guillermo II d'Athènes)
title: 1335, Duchesse d'Athènes et de Néopatrie
title: 1339, Comtesse de Prades et Baronne de Entenza
marriage: Ramon d'Empuries
title: 1341, Comtesse de Empuries
death: before 1364
Beatriz de Jerica
title: 1326, Comtesse de Prades et Baronne de Entenza
marriage: Ramon d'Empuries
death: 1339
Ramon d'Empuries
birth: 1308
title: 1324, Comte de Prades et Baron de Entenza
marriage: Beatriz de Jerica
marriage: Maria Alvarez de Jerica
title: 1341, Comte de Empuries
death: 1366
Ruggero de Sicile
birth: 1305
death: 1305
Manfred de Sicile
birth: 1306
title: 1312, Duc d'Athènes et de Néopatrie
death: 9 November 1317, Trapani
Constanza de Sicile
birth: about 1303
death: between 1344 and 1355
Guillermo de Sicile (Guillermo II d'Athènes)
birth: 1312, Catania
title: 9 November 1317, Catania, Duc d'Athènes et de Néopatrie
marriage: Maria Alvarez de Jerica
death: 22 August 1338, Valencia
Juan de Sicile
birth: 1317
title: 25 June 1337, Palerme, Duc de Randazzo
title: 22 August 1338, Catane, Duc d'Athènes et de Néopatrie
death: 3 April 1348, Milo (Italie)
Catarina de Sicile
birth: 1320
occupation: Abbesse de Sainte-Claire à Messine
death: 1342
Margarita de Sicile
birth: 1331
death: 1360

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