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Anna - Anissia b. about 1204 d. 1221

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Lineage Árpád
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Anna - Anissia

Andrew II of Hungary [Árpád] b. about 1177 d. 21 September 1235

Gertrude of Merania [Andechs] b. about 1185 d. 28 September 1213

Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Anna (Anisia)


about 1204 birth:

child birth: Michael I Asen [Asen]

child birth: w Hélène de Bulgarie [Asen]

child birth: Коломан I Иванов сын Асень [Асени]

child birth: Мария Ивановна Асень [Асени]

1221 death:

January 1221 marriage: Ivan Asen [Asen] b. about 1218 d. 24 June 1241

From grandparents to grandchildren

Stephan III of Hungary
birth: 1147, летом
title: from 31 May 1162 - 4 March 1172
marriage: w Agnes von Österreich
death: 4 March 1172
burial: Esztergom
Erzebet de Hongrie
birth: 1149
marriage: Frederick of Bohemia
title: after 1157, Princesse de Bohême
title: 1162, Princesse d'Olomouc
death: 1190
Геза Арпад
birth: 1151
death: 1209
Ilona de Hongrie
birth: about 1158
title: 1172, Princesse d'Autriche
marriage: Leopold d'Autriche (Leopold V)
title: 13 January 1177, Vienne (Autriche), Duchesse d'Autriche
title: 1192, Duchesse de Styrie
death: 25 May 1199
Маргарита Арпад
birth: about 1162
death: 1208
Margarita de Francia
birth: 1158, París, Francia
title: 2 November 1160, koningin van Engeland
marriage: Henry Plantagenet , Le Neubourg
title: 14 June 1170, gravin van Vexin
other: 27 August 1172, Winchester, Sacre
marriage: Bela III of Hungary
title: 1186, Reine de Hongrie
death: August 1197, Acre
Мария Комнина
birth: March 1152, Царьград, Греческое царство
engagement: Bela III of Hungary
annulment: Bela III of Hungary
marriage: w Rainer von Montferrat
death: July 1182, Царьград, Греческое царство
Bela III of Hungary
birth: about 1148
title: césar
engagement: Мария Комнина
annulment: Мария Комнина
marriage: Agnes of Antioch
title: from 1 March 1172 - 24 April 1196, King of Hungary
marriage: Margarita de Francia
death: 24 April 1196
burial: église Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption de Budavár
Marie Antioch
birth: 1145
title: Святое Римское царство, антиохийская княжна
title: from 1161 - 1180, Римское царство, римская царица
marriage: Manuel I Komnenos (Ho Megas) , Римское царство
death: 27 August 1182
Bohemund III de Antioch
birth: 1144
title: Prince d’Antioche
marriage: Orguilleuse de Harenc
death: 1201
Alice (Alix) de Châtillon
birth: 1181
marriage: Azzo VI d'Este (Azzolino)
death: 1235
burial: Badia Polesine
Agnes of Antioch
birth: 1154
marriage: Bela III of Hungary
title: from 4 March 1172 - 1184, королева-консорт Венгрии
death: 1184
burial: Székesfehérvár, dann in der Mathias-Kirche in Budapest, in der Nähe von denen ihres Mannes.
Poppon d'Andechs-Méranie
death: 4 December 1245
Berthold IV. von Andechs
birth: 1153
title: Mgve of Istria, Duke of Meranien
marriage: Агнесса Рохлицкая
death: 12 August 1204
burial: Диссенский монастырь
Koenraad II van Landsberg
birth: after 13 September 1159
marriage: w Elizabeth
death: 6 May 1210
burial: Zschillen
Dietrich III von Lausitz-Landsberg
title: Graf von Sommerschenburg und Groitzsch, Propst zu Magdeburg
death: 1207
death: 1174
Констанция Венгерская
birth: 17 February 1180, Эстергом, Эстергом, Королевство Венгрия
marriage: Ottokar I Premysl of Bohemia
title: 1198, Королева Чехии
death: 4 December 1240, Брно, Чехия
birth: 1174
marriage bann: Агнесса
title: from 1196 - 1204, König von Ungarn
marriage: w Konstanze von Aragón
death: 1204
Yolanda de Courtenay
birth: 1196
marriage: Andrew II of Hungary , Székesfehérvár, Hungary
title: February 1215, Székesfehérvár, Reine de Hongrie
death: 1233
Beatrice d'Este
birth: 1215
title: 1234, reine de Hongrie
marriage: Andrew II of Hungary , Székesfehérvár, Hungary
death: before 8 May 1245
Andrew II of Hungary
birth: about 1177
marriage: Gertrude of Merania
title: from 7 May 1205 - 21 September 1235, King of Hungary
title: from 7 May 1205 - 21 September 1235, King of Croatia
title: from 1208 - 1209, Prince of Halych
marriage: Yolanda de Courtenay , Székesfehérvár, Hungary
marriage: Beatrice d'Este , Székesfehérvár, Hungary
death: 21 September 1235
burial: Sânpetru Mare, Igriș Abbey
Othon II Andechs von Meranien (de Bourgogne)
birth: between 1171 and 1184
marriage: Sophie von Anhalt
title: from 1204 - 7 May 1234, герцог Меранский
title: from 1204 - 1225, герцог Афинский, 1-й
title: 1208, граф Плассенбурга
marriage: Beatrix II van Hohenstaufen (van Bourgondië)
death: 7 May 1234
St.Hedwig of Silesia
birth: 1174
title: герцогиня Андекс-Мерано
marriage: Heinrich I. der Bärtige von Schlesien (Polen)
title: after 1238, монахиня, под именем Ядвига Силезская
death: 15 October 1243
Berthold V von Andechs
birth: about 1180, Bamberg
title: from 1218 - 1251, Patriarch von Aquileia
death: 23 May 1251
Gertrude of Merania
birth: about 1185
marriage: Andrew II of Hungary
death: 28 September 1213
== 3 ==
Elisabeth von Ungarn
birth: 7 July 1207, Sárospatak, Ungarn, Burg Sárospatak
marriage: w Людвиг IV Святой Тюрингский
death: 17 November 1231, Marburg
other: 1235, канонизирована папой Григорием IX
Violant of Hungary
birth: about 1216, Esztergom, Hungary
marriage: Jaime I de Aragón , Barcelona, La Barceloneta
title: 8 September 1235, Queen Consort of Aragon
death: 9 October 1251, Huesca, Spain
Bela IV of Hungary
birth: 29 November 1206
marriage: Maria ? (Laskarina, Laskaris)
title: from 14 October 1235 - 3 May 1270, King of Hungary
title: from 14 October 1235 - 3 May 1270, King of Croatia
title: from 1254 - 1258, Duke of Styria
death: 3 May 1270
Stephen Postumus (of Hungary)
birth: 1236
death: 10 April 1271
birth: about 1208
title: from 1213 - 1215, князь Галицкий
title: from 1215 - 1219, князь Галицкий
title: from 1219 - 1221, князь Галицкий
title: from 1226 - 1241, герцог Славонский
title: from 1226 - 1241, герцог Хорватский
death: between May 1241 and June 1241, Загреб, умер от ран полученных в битве на реке Шайо с монголами 11 апреля 1241 года
Ivan Asen
birth: about 1218, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
title: between 1218 and 24 June 1241, царь Болгарии
marriage: w Anna - Anissia
death: 24 June 1241, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
Anna - Anissia
birth: about 1204
death: 1221
marriage: Ivan Asen
== 3 ==
Michael ? (Gorislavich)
title: from - 1270, бан Боснии
marriage: Мария Ивановна Асень
death: 1270
Elizabeth Rostislavna
other: в 1-м браке за болгарским царём Михаилом I Асенем
other: в 2-м браке за болгарским царём Коломаном II Асенем
other: в 3-м браке за палатином Венгрии Моиша II Дарои
marriage: Коломан II Асень
marriage: Моиш II / Moys / Дарои/Dárói/
marriage: Michael I Asen
Théodore II Lascaris
marriage: w Hélène de Bulgarie
title: from 1254 - 1258, empereur byzantin de Nicée
death: 18 August 1258
Hélène de Bulgarie
marriage: Théodore II Lascaris
title: from 1223 - 1254, par mariage impératrice de Nicée
Guillaume Pierre Ier de Vintimille
birth: 1230
title: comte de Vintimille
title: seigneur de Tende
title: seigneur de la Brigue
marriage: w Eudoxie Lascaris (de Vintimille)
death: 1278

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