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Constantine Laskaris b. 1215

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Lineage Laskaris
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Constantine Laskaris

Theodore I Komnenos Laskaris [Laskaris] b. 1173 d. August 1222

Philippa of Armenia [Rubenid] b. 1183 d. after 1219


1215 birth:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Ionna (Иоанна Фокаина Каратзаина (Фока Каратза) Karatzina
birth: 1148
other: принадлежала к неопознанной ветви императорской семьи Комнин
marriage: Мануил Ласкарис
Leo (Levon) II "the Great" of Armenia
birth: 1150, Cilicia
title: from 1187 - 1219, King of Cilician Armenia
marriage: Elisabeth
marriage: w Sibylle von Lusignan
death: 1 May 1219, Cilicia
Rouben III of Armenia
birth: 1145
title: 1175, Царь Киликийской Армении
death: 6 May 1187
Alice (Alix) de Châtillon
birth: 1181
marriage: Azzo VI d'Este (Azzolino)
death: 1235
burial: Badia Polesine
Isabella ? (of Toron)
birth: before 1166
death: between 1192 and 1229
Theodore I Komnenos Laskaris
birth: 1173, 1175
marriage: Marie de Courtenay
marriage: Анна Комнина Ангел
title: between 1205 and August 1222, Emperor of Nicea
death: August 1222
Alix (Alice) ? (of Armenia)
birth: 1182
death: 1234
Philippa of Armenia
birth: 1183
death: after 1219
== 3 ==
Maria ? (Laskarina, Laskaris)
birth: 1206, Nicaea (no source!)
marriage: Bela IV of Hungary
death: between 24 June 1270 and 16 July 1270, Esztergom, Hungary
Irène Lascarine
birth: about 1200
title: impératrice de Nicée
marriage: Jean III Doukas Vatatzès
death: 1241
Sophie Laskaris
birth: about 1210
marriage: Friedrich d'Autriche (Friedrich II)
title: 1227, Princesse d'Autriche
divorce: Friedrich d'Autriche (Friedrich II)
title: 1228, Duchesse de Mödling
death: 1246
== 3 ==

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