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Robert von Anjou b. 1278 d. 20 January 1343

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Lineage Anjou
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Robert von Anjou

Charles II of Naples [Capet-Anjou-Sicily] b. 1254 d. 6 May 1309

Maria of Hungary [Arpad] b. 1257 d. 25 March 1323

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Robert von Anjou


1278 birth:

23 March 1297 marriage: Rom, Иоланда Арагонская [Барселонские-Арагон] b. 1273 d. 1302

28 May 1298 child birth: Neapel, Karl von Kalabrien [Anjou] b. 28 May 1298 d. 9 November 1328

1301 child birth: Ludwig von Anjou [Anjou] b. 1301 d. 1310

21 June 1304 marriage: Perpignan, Sancha von Mallorca [Aragonien] b. about 1285 d. 1345

from 1309 - 1343 title: Graf von Provence

from 6 May 1309 - 20 January 1343 title: König von Neapel

from 1318 - 1322 title: Fürst von Achaia

20 January 1343 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Sancha van Aragon Provence
birth: 1225, Aix-en-Provence, France
marriage: Richard van Engeland
marriage: Richard van Engeland , Westminster (England), Westminster Abbey
death: 9 November 1261, Berkhamsted
Eleanor Berenger (de Provence)
birth: 1223, Aix-en-Provence, France
marriage: Henry III Plantagenet , Canterbury (Kent)
title: 14 June 1236, Canterbury (Kent), Reine d'Angleterre, Dame d'Irlande et Duchesse d'Aquitaine
death: 26 June 1291, Amesbury (England), Wiltshire
Marguerite de Provence
birth: 1221, Forcalquier
marriage: Louis IX Capet ("The Saint") , Sens
title: 27 May 1234, Queen of France
death: 20 December 1295, Paris, France
Béatrice de Provence
birth: 1234
title: 1246, Naples, Comtesse d'Anjou et du Maine
marriage: Charles I of Naples , Paris
title: 1266, Reine des Deux-Siciles
death: 23 September 1267, Nocera Inferiore
Robert I van Artois
birth: 17 September 1216
title: 1237, Comte d'Artois
marriage: Matilda of Brabant (Countess of Artois) , Compiègne
death: 8 February 1250
Louis IX Capet ("The Saint")
birth: 25 April 1214, Poissy, Yvelines, France
title: 8 November 1226, Roi de France
other: 29 November 1226, Reims, Sacre
marriage: Marguerite de Provence , Sens
death: 25 August 1270, Tunis, Tunisia
Blanche de France
birth: 1205
death: 1206
Agnès de France
birth: 1207
death: 1207
Филипп Капетович
birth: 1209, Франковское княжество
marriage: Agnes de Donzy
title: 8 September 1217, Неверское графство, Франковское княжество, Comte de Nevers, d'Auxerre et de Tonnerre
death: 1218, Франковское княжество
Alphonse de France
birth: 1213
death: 1213
Alphonse de Poitiers
birth: 11 November 1220, Poissy (78)
title: 11 November 1220, Poissy (78), comte de Poitiers
marriage: Johanna von Toulouse
title: 1249, comte de Toulouse
death: 21 August 1271, Italie
Jean de France
birth: 1219
title: 1219, Angers (49), comte d'Anjou
death: 1232
Philippe Dagobert de France
birth: 1222
death: 1235
Isabelle de France
birth: 1225
death: 1270
Etienne de France
birth: 1225
death: 1227,
Jean de France
birth: 1213
death: 1213
Margarete von Burgund
birth: 1250
title: 18 November 1268, Neapel, Herzogin von Durazzo und Gräfin von Anjou und Maine
marriage: Charles I of Naples , Naples
title: 1278, Prinzessin von Achaia und der Königin von Jerusalem
title: 1282, Königin Sizilien
death: 4 September 1308, Tonnerre, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Charles I of Naples
birth: 21 March 1227
title: 1246, Count of Anjou
marriage: Béatrice de Provence , Paris
title: 6 January 1266, Graf von Maine
title: 1267, Graf von Provence
marriage: Margarete von Burgund , Naples
title: 1278, Graf von Forcalquier
title: 1282, King of Sicily
death: 7 January 1285, Foggia
Anna von Ungarn
birth: about 1226
marriage: Rostislav Mikhailovich ?
death: about 1285
Kinga Árpád (of Poland)
birth: 5 March 1224
marriage: Bolesław V ? (the Chaste)
death: 24 July 1292
other: 1690, beatification by Pope Alexander VIII
other: 16 June 1999, canonization by Pope John Paul II
Иоланда Арпад
birth: about 1235, Эстергом, Венгерское королевство
marriage: Boleslaus Piast (the Pious)
death: after 17 June 1298, Гнезно, Польское королевство
other: 4 June 1827, беатифицирована
Margareta von Ungarn
birth: 27 January 1242, Klis, Kroatien
death: 18 January 1270, Buda, Budapest, Ungarn
other: 1789, беатифицирована
other: 1943, канонизирована
Erszebet de Hongrie
birth: 1236
marriage: w Heinrich de Bavière (Heinrich XIII)
title: 1250, Princesse de Bavière
title: 29 November 1253, Landshut, Duchesse de Haute-Bavière
title: 1255, Duchesse de Basse-Bavière
death: 1271
Stephen V of Hungary
birth: about 18 October 1239, Buda, Hungary
title: from 1246 - 1272, King of Hungary
title: from 1246 - 1272, King of Croatia
marriage: Елизавета Куманка
title: from 1258 - 1260, Duke of Styria
death: 6 August 1272, Csepel Island, Hungary
Marie Elizabeth Capet ? (of Sicily)
birth: 1261, Naples, Italy
marriage: Ladislaus IV Kumanian
death: 1300, Naples, Italy
Philip of Sicily (of Achaia)
birth: 1256
title: 1271, Pr of Achaia, titular King of Thessalonica
marriage: Isabelle de Villehardouin
death: 1 January 1277
Beatrix (Beatrice) of Sicily
birth: 1252
title: 1267, Titular Latin Empress
marriage: Филипп I де Куртэнэ , Foggia
death: 1275
birth: 1248
death: 1248
birth: 1258
death: 1265
Маргарита Анжуйская
birth: about January 1272
death: after 1276
Charles II of Naples
birth: 1254
title: 1254, King of Naples
marriage: Maria of Hungary
title: 7 January 1285, King of Albania
death: 6 May 1309
Ladislaus IV Kumanian
birth: 5 August 1262
marriage: Marie Elizabeth Capet ? (of Sicily)
title: from 1272 - 10 July 1290
title: from 1272 - 10 July 1290, король Хорватии
death: 10 July 1290, Kőrösszeg
Katalina von Ungarn
birth: about 1256
marriage: Stefan Dragutin Nemanjić
death: after 1314
birth: 1268
title: герцог Славонии
death: 1278
Maria of Hungary
birth: 1257
marriage: Charles II of Naples
title: 1270, Princesse de Salerne
title: 7 April 1285, Foggia, Reine de Naples et Comtesse d'Anjou, du Maine, de Provence et de Forcalquier
death: 25 March 1323
== 3 ==
Marguerite of Anjou and Maine
birth: 1273
marriage: Charles de Valois Capet , Corbeil, France
title: 16 August 1290, Corbeil-Essonnes, Comtesse d'Anjou, du Maine, de Valois, d'Alençon, de Chartres et du Perche
death: 31 December 1299
Eleanor of Anjou
birth: August 1289
marriage: Frederick III of Sicily
title: 17 May 1302, Reine de Sicile
death: 9 August 1341
Blanche of Anjou
birth: 1280
marriage: James II of Aragon , Vilabertran
title: 1 November 1295, королева Сицилии
death: 14 October 1310, Barcelona
Charles Martel of Anjou
birth: 8 September 1271
marriage: Klementia of Habsburg , Vienna (Austria)
title: 10 July 1290, Kőröshegy, Roi de Hongrie
death: 12 August 1295, Naples
Джованни Анжуйский
birth: 1294
title: from 1315 - 1336, граф Гравины
marriage: w Mathilde von Hennegau
other: w Mathilde von Hennegau , Répudiation
marriage: Agnès de Périgord
title: from 1322 - 1333, князь Ахайи
death: 5 April 1336
Philippe de Tarente (Philippe Ier)
birth: 10 November 1278, Naples
title: from February 1294 - 1331, prince de Tarente, d'Achaïe et Duc d'Athènes
marriage: w Тhamar Ange
title: from 1306 - 1313, roi d'Albanie
divorce: w Тhamar Ange
marriage: w Catherine de Valois , Fontainebleau
death: 26 December 1332, Naples
burial: Église San Domenico Maggiore
Людовик Тулузский
birth: 9 February 1274, Ночера Инферёре
title: October 1294, епископ Тулузский
title: 23 December 1296, Бриньоль
death: 19 August 1297, Бриньоль
Marie von Anjou
birth: 1290
marriage: Sancho von Mallorca
title: 1302, Infante héritière de Majorque
title: 29 April 1311, Palma de Majorque, Reine de Majorque, Comtesse de Roussillon, de Cerdagne et Dame de Montpellier
death: 1347
Raymond Bérenger d'Andria
birth: 1281
death: 1307
Jean d'Anjou
birth: 1283
Tristan d'Anjou
birth: 1284
death: 1286
Pierre de Gravina
birth: 1292
death: 1315
Béatrice d'Anjou
birth: 1295
death: 1321
Иоланда Арагонская
birth: 1273
marriage: Robert von Anjou , Rom
title: 23 March 1297, Rom, Princesse de Naples
death: 1302
Sancha von Mallorca
birth: about 1285
title: 21 June 1304, Neapel
marriage: Robert von Anjou , Perpignan
title: 6 May 1309, Foggia, Königin von Neapel
death: 1345
Robert von Anjou
birth: 1278
marriage: Иоланда Арагонская , Rom
marriage: Sancha von Mallorca , Perpignan
title: from 1309 - 1343, Graf von Provence
title: from 6 May 1309 - 20 January 1343, König von Neapel
title: from 1318 - 1322, Fürst von Achaia
death: 20 January 1343
== 3 ==
Katharina von Österreich
title: 3 February 1295, Burghausen, Herzogin von Niederbayern
birth: October 1295, Wien
title: 4 August 1305, Budapest, Königin von Ungarn
marriage: Karl von Kalabrien
title: 1316, Herzogin von Kalabrien
title: 1318, Vize Königin von Neapel
death: 18 January 1323, Neapel
Marie de Valois
birth: 1309
marriage: Karl von Kalabrien , Paris
title: 11 January 1324, Paris (75), Duchesse de Calabre et Vice-Reine de Naples
death: 6 December 1328
Karl von Kalabrien
birth: 28 May 1298, Neapel
marriage: Katharina von Österreich
title: 1318, Duc de Calabre
marriage: Marie de Valois , Paris
death: 9 November 1328, Neapel
Ludwig von Anjou
birth: 1301
death: 1310
Andreas von Ungarn
birth: 30 October 1327
title: 13 September 1333, герцог Калабрии
marriage: Johanna I von Anjou , Neapel
title: 20 January 1343, замок Аверс, задушен и выброшен из окна
death: 18 September 1345, Aversa
Ludwig von Tarent
birth: 1320
title: 23 May 1352, князь Таранто
marriage: Johanna I von Anjou , Neapel
death: 26 May 1362, Neapel
Jakob IV von Mallorca
birth: 26 August 1336
title: 26 September 1363
marriage: Johanna I von Anjou , Castelnuovo (Toscane)
death: 20 January 1375, Soria
Otto von Braunschweig Grubenhagen
birth: 1320
title: 25 March 1376, Foggia
marriage: Johanna I von Anjou , Neapel
death: 1399
Johanna I von Anjou
birth: 1326
marriage: Andreas von Ungarn , Neapel
title: from 1343 - 1382, Gräfin von Provence
title: from 20 January 1343 - 12 May 1382, Königin von Neapel
marriage: Ludwig von Tarent , Neapel
marriage: Jakob IV von Mallorca , Castelnuovo (Toscane)
title: from 1373 - 1381, Fürstin von Achaia
marriage: Otto von Braunschweig Grubenhagen , Neapel
death: 27 July 1382, Muro Lucano, Provinz Potenza
Eloisa von Kalabrien
birth: January 1325
death: 27 December 1325
Marie von Kalabrien
birth: April 1326
death: 1328
Karl Martel von Kalabrien
birth: 13 April 1327, Florenz
death: 21 April 1327, Florenz
birth: 1323
title: 5 April 1336, герцог Дураццо
marriage: w Marie de Calabre , Neapel
death: 23 January 1348, казнён
Marie de Calabre
birth: May 1329, Florence
title: Gräfin von Alba
marriage: Карл , Neapel
title: 21 April 1343, Naples, Duchesse de Durazzo
death: 20 May 1366, Naples

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