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Baldwin III Flanders d. 1 November 962

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Lineage Flanders
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Baldwin III Flanders

w Arnulf I of Flanders [Flanders] b. 873 d. 27 March 965

w Adèle de Vermandois [Herbertien] b. 916 d. 10 October 960

Wiki-page wikipedia:Baldwin_III_of_Flanders
Reference numbers GEDCOM::IdavanBoulogne.ged::INDI @I266030@::Kjansen


958 marriage: Mathilde (Maud) of Saxony [Billung] b. estimated 945 d. 25 May 1008

from 958 - 962 title: Graf von Flandern und von Artois; Mitregent in Flandern, zusammen mit seinem Vater

961 child birth: Arnulf II Flanders [Flanders] b. 961 d. 30 March 987

1 November 962 death: Bergues, France, Sint-Winoksbergen


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[edit] Sources

  1.,%20HAINAUT.htm#BaudouinIIIdied962 -
  2. - BAUDOUIN [Baldzo] (-[28 Mar/29 Oct] 965 or 973). The De Arnulfo Comite names "Balduino cognamento Baldzoni…filius Adalulfi…ex concubina", specifying that he was guardian of the infant Arnoul II Count of Flanders, having previously been adopted by Count Arnoul I after his father was killed. He was appointed regent of Flanders in 964 on the accession of Arnoul II Count of Flanders.

From grandparents to grandchildren

Edward I ? (of England)
birth: about 871
marriage: Ecgwynn
marriage: Aelfleda van Bernicia
marriage: Eadgifu Sighelinesdotter of Kent
death: 17 July 924, Farndon (Cheshire)
burial: Winchester (England)
Æthelflæd Atheling
birth: 869, Wessex England
title: Lady of the Mercians
death: 12 June 918, Tamworth England
Æthelgifu, Abbess of Shaftesbury -
birth: about 870
title: Abbess of Shaftesbury
Ælfthryth of Wessex
birth: 868
title: 884, Ghent (Belgium)
marriage: Baldwin II Flanders
death: 7 June 929
Rudolf van Cambrai
birth: estimated 870
death: 17 June 896
Charles de Flandre
birth: estimated 860
death: estimated 872, "mort à douze ans"
Baldwin II Flanders
birth: between 862 and 867
title: from 879 - 918, Graf von Flandern
marriage: Ælfthryth of Wessex
death: 10 September 918
Beatrix von Vermandois
birth: 880
marriage: Robert I of France (de Neustria)
title: 898, Comtesse de Paris
title: 29 June 922, Reina de Francia
death: 931
Heribert II van Vermandois
birth: about 880
title: Count of Kinziggan
title: Count of Meaux
title: Graaf of Vermandois
marriage: Adelheid Aelis van Capet
death: 23 February 943
burial: Saint-Quentin (Aisne)
Hugh Capet
birth: about 898
marriage: - du Maine (Fille de Roger)
title: 923, marquis de Neustrie
title: 923, comte de Paris
marriage: w Eadhild
title: 25 July 936, Laon, duc de France
marriage: Hadwig FitzHenry (Fowler)
title: 954, comte d'Auxerre
death: 16 June 956
burial: Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), Abbaye de Saint-Denis
birth: estimated 885
Adelheid Aelis van Capet
birth: 887
title: 906, Comtesse de Vermandois, de Soissons et de Meaux
marriage: Heribert II van Vermandois
death: after 943
Æthelwulf van Boulogne
birth: estimated 880
title: 918, St Pieter - Gent
death: 13 December 933
Arnulf I of Flanders
birth: 873, Amiens, comte d'Amiens
title: 918, Comte d'Artois
title: 933, comte d'Ostrevant
marriage: w Adèle de Vermandois
fact 1: 958, Thérouanne, comte de Thérouanne
fact 2: 962, Boulogne-sur-Mer, Comte de Boulogne
death: 27 March 965
Robert Graaf van Méaux en Troyes
birth: estimated 910
title: comte de Meaux
title: comte de Troyes
marriage: Adelheid van Bourgondie
death: 19 June 966
Adalbert I von Vermandois
birth: between 931 and 934
title: comte de Vermandois
marriage: Gerberga van Lotharingen
death: 8 September 987
burial: St Quetin
Liutgarde van Vermandois
birth: 924
marriage: William I of Normandy ("Longsword")
title: 943
marriage: Theobald I Le Tricheur
title: 960, Chartres, Comtesse de Blois et de Tours
death: 14 November 977
Heribert van Vermandois
birth: 921
title: comte d'Omois
marriage: Adiva of Wessex
death: 984
Adèle de Vermandois
birth: 916
marriage: Arnulf I of Flanders
title: 934, Comtesse de Flandre et de Boulogne
death: 10 October 960, Bruges (Belgique)
== 3 ==
birth: 937
death: 953
Mathilde (Maud) of Saxony
birth: estimated 945
marriage: Baldwin III Flanders
marriage: Godfried (Godfrey) Verdun (de Lotharingen)
death: 25 May 1008
burial: Ghent (Belgium), St Pieter
Baldwin III Flanders
marriage: Mathilde (Maud) of Saxony
title: from 958 - 962, Graf von Flandern und von Artois; Mitregent in Flandern, zusammen mit seinem Vater
death: 1 November 962, Bergues, France, Sint-Winoksbergen
== 3 ==
Gotzelo von Oberlothringen und Niederlothringen
birth: about 967
marriage: Nn van Lotharingen?
death: 19 April 1044
burial: Munsterbilzen
Friedrich van Lotharingen
birth: 970
marriage: Nn van Verdun?
death: 6 January 1022
Ermentrud van Verdun
birth: estimated 950
marriage: Arnulf I van Rumigny
marriage: Arnulf I van Rumigny
death: after 1010, datum is 7 maart
Эрментруда Вердунская
birth: estimated 970
marriage: Arnold I van Florennes
death: after 1010, datum is 7 maart
Rosalie Lombard (d'Ivrea)
birth: estimated 950, Italy
marriage: Arnulf II Flanders
marriage: Robert II Capet
other: Robert II Capet , Répudiation
death: 7 February 1003, Compiègne, France
burial: Ghent (Belgium)
Arnulf II Flanders
birth: 961
marriage: Rosalie Lombard (d'Ivrea)
title: 962, Graf von Flandern, Mitregent
death: 30 March 987
Eleanora van Normandië
birth: 1010
marriage: Baldwin IV Barbatus (of Flanders)
title: 1031, Comtesse de Flandre
death: 1071
Cunigunde Ogiva of Luxembourge
birth: 986
marriage: Baldwin IV Barbatus (of Flanders)
title: 1012, Comtesse de Flandre
death: 21 February 1030, Ghent (Belgium), Flanders
Baldwin IV Barbatus (of Flanders)
birth: 980
title: 30 March 987, Count of Flanders
marriage: Cunigunde Ogiva of Luxembourge
marriage: Eleanora van Normandië
death: 30 May 1035, Ghent (Belgium)
death: 995

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