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Aelfleda van Bernicia b. 878 d. 920
From Rodovid EN
Lineage | Bernicia |
Sex | Female |
Full name (at birth) | Aelfleda van Bernicia |
♂ Æthelhelm Mucil (of Wiltshire, of Bernicia?) [Wiltshire] b. about 859 d. 12 June 897 ♀ Elswitha (Aelswitha) ? (The Younger) [?] b. estimated 865 | |
Wiki-page | wikipedia:Ælfflæd, wife of Edward the Elder |
Reference numbers | GEDCOM::IdavanBoulogne.ged::INDI @I231694@::Kjansen |
878 birth:
child birth: ♀ w Eadhild [Ætheling] d. 937
899 marriage: ♂ Edward I ? (of England) [Atheling] b. about 871 d. 17 July 924
calculated 902 child birth: Вессекское королевство, ♀ Adiva of Wessex [Atheling] b. calculated 902 d. 26 September 951
about 904 child birth: ♂ w Ælfweard of Wessex [Atheling] b. about 904 d. 2 August 924
estimated 910 child birth: ♀ Eadgyth ? (of Wessex) [Atheling] b. estimated 910 d. 21 January 946
920 death:
about 923 child birth: Wessex, England, ♂ w Edred of Wessex [Atheling] b. about 923 d. 23 November 955
van onbekende herkomst
From grandparents to grandchildren
== 2 ==

birth: about 871
marriage: ♀ Ecgwynn
marriage: ♀ Aelfleda van Bernicia
marriage: ♀ Eadgifu Sighelinesdotter of Kent
death: 17 July 924, Farndon (Cheshire)
burial: Winchester (England)
marriage: ♀ Ecgwynn
marriage: ♀ Aelfleda van Bernicia
marriage: ♀ Eadgifu Sighelinesdotter of Kent
death: 17 July 924, Farndon (Cheshire)
burial: Winchester (England)
== 2 ==
♀ Eadgiva (Eadgifu) ? (of England)
birth: about 932
marriage: ♂ Boleslaus II of Bohemia
title: about 950, Princesse de Bohême
title: 967, Duchesse de Bohême
death: 981
marriage: ♂ Boleslaus II of Bohemia
title: about 950, Princesse de Bohême
title: 967, Duchesse de Bohême
death: 981
♂ Athelstan of Wessex
birth: about 895, Wessex
title: from 2 August 924 - 27 October 939, King of England
death: 27 October 939
title: from 2 August 924 - 27 October 939, King of England
death: 27 October 939
♂ Edmund I of Wessex ("The Magnificent", "The Just")
birth: 922, Wessex, England
death: 26 May 946, Pucklechurch, England
burial: Glastonbury (England), Glastonbury Abbey
death: 26 May 946, Pucklechurch, England
burial: Glastonbury (England), Glastonbury Abbey

birth: 17 September 879
title: 884, Roi des Francs
other: 28 January 893, Reims, Couronné à Reims par Fourques, archevêques de Reims
marriage: ♀ w Frédérune , {{Anselme Caille|Edition=3|Tome=1|Permalien=|Page=36}}
title: 911, Roi de Lotharingie
other: 911, Céda une partie de la Neustrie à [[Person:53368|Rollon]], chef des Normands, pour avoir la paix.
title: 912, Roi de Lorraine,
marriage: ♀ Adiva of Wessex
other: 15 June 923, Soissons, Vainquit près de Soissons [[Person:8686|Robert II]], Duc de France. mais se laissa tromper par [[Person:8678|Herbert II]], comte de Vermandois, qui le retient prisonnier à Saint-Quentin
other: after 15 June 923, Saint-Quentin (Aisne), Péronne (Somme), Prisonnier à Saint-Quentin puis à Peronne
death: 7 October 929, Péronne (Somme)
burial: Péronne (Somme)
title: 884, Roi des Francs
other: 28 January 893, Reims, Couronné à Reims par Fourques, archevêques de Reims
marriage: ♀ w Frédérune , {{Anselme Caille|Edition=3|Tome=1|Permalien=|Page=36}}
title: 911, Roi de Lotharingie
other: 911, Céda une partie de la Neustrie à [[Person:53368|Rollon]], chef des Normands, pour avoir la paix.
title: 912, Roi de Lorraine,
marriage: ♀ Adiva of Wessex
other: 15 June 923, Soissons, Vainquit près de Soissons [[Person:8686|Robert II]], Duc de France. mais se laissa tromper par [[Person:8678|Herbert II]], comte de Vermandois, qui le retient prisonnier à Saint-Quentin
other: after 15 June 923, Saint-Quentin (Aisne), Péronne (Somme), Prisonnier à Saint-Quentin puis à Peronne
death: 7 October 929, Péronne (Somme)
burial: Péronne (Somme)

birth: 23 November 912, Wallhausen (Saxony-Anhalt), Germany
marriage: ♀ Eadgyth ? (of Wessex)
title: from 2 July 936 - 7 May 973, Roi des Francs, orientaux (Germanie)
title: from 7 August 936 - 973, King of Saxony
title: 7 August 936, Aachen, East Francia, East Frankish king, Palatine Chapel
marriage: ♀ Адельгейда фон Лёвен
marriage: ♀ w Адельгейда Бургундская , Pavia, Kingdom of the Lombards
title: from 15 October 951 - 973, Italien, King of Italy
title: 2 February 962, Emperor of the Romans
death: 7 May 973, Memleben, Germany
burial: Magdeburg, Germany
marriage: ♀ Eadgyth ? (of Wessex)
title: from 2 July 936 - 7 May 973, Roi des Francs, orientaux (Germanie)
title: from 7 August 936 - 973, King of Saxony
title: 7 August 936, Aachen, East Francia, East Frankish king, Palatine Chapel
marriage: ♀ Адельгейда фон Лёвен
marriage: ♀ w Адельгейда Бургундская , Pavia, Kingdom of the Lombards
title: from 15 October 951 - 973, Italien, King of Italy
title: 2 February 962, Emperor of the Romans
death: 7 May 973, Memleben, Germany
burial: Magdeburg, Germany
♂ Hugh Capet
birth: about 898
marriage: ♀ - du Maine (Fille de Roger)
title: 923, marquis de Neustrie
title: 923, comte de Paris
marriage: ♀ w Eadhild
title: 25 July 936, Laon, duc de France
marriage: ♀ Hadwig FitzHenry (Fowler)
title: 954, comte d'Auxerre
death: 16 June 956
burial: Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), Abbaye de Saint-Denis
marriage: ♀ - du Maine (Fille de Roger)
title: 923, marquis de Neustrie
title: 923, comte de Paris
marriage: ♀ w Eadhild
title: 25 July 936, Laon, duc de France
marriage: ♀ Hadwig FitzHenry (Fowler)
title: 954, comte d'Auxerre
death: 16 June 956
burial: Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), Abbaye de Saint-Denis
♂ Roricon
occupation: 949, Laon (02), Evêque de Laon {{Anselme Caille|Edition=3|Tome=1|Permalien=|Page=36}}
death: 20 December 976,
death: 20 December 976,

birth: 913
marriage: ♂ Gislebert de Lotharingie
title: 928, Duchesse de Lotharingie
marriage: ♂ Людовик IV Заморский
title: 939, Reine des Francs
death: 5 May 984
marriage: ♂ Gislebert de Lotharingie
title: 928, Duchesse de Lotharingie
marriage: ♂ Людовик IV Заморский
title: 939, Reine des Francs
death: 5 May 984

birth: estimated 955, Саксонское королевство, Святое Римское царство
marriage: ♀ Феофано Склир , Рим, Итальянское королевство, Святое Римское царство
title: 973, Святое Римское царство, римский царь
death: 7 December 983, Рим, Итальянское королевство, Святое Римское царство
marriage: ♀ Феофано Склир , Рим, Итальянское королевство, Святое Римское царство
title: 973, Святое Римское царство, римский царь
death: 7 December 983, Рим, Итальянское королевство, Святое Римское царство
♂ Liudolf von Schwaben
birth: between 930 and 931, Schwaben
marriage: ♀ Ida (Ita) von Schwaben
title: from 950 - February 954, Schwaben, Herzog
fact 1: between March 953 and 954, Ein nach ihm benannter Aufstand stürzte das Ostfrankenreich in eine existenzbedrohende Krise
death: 6 September 957, Pombia, Lago Maggiore
marriage: ♀ Ida (Ita) von Schwaben
title: from 950 - February 954, Schwaben, Herzog
fact 1: between March 953 and 954, Ein nach ihm benannter Aufstand stürzte das Ostfrankenreich in eine existenzbedrohende Krise
death: 6 September 957, Pombia, Lago Maggiore

birth: about 922
marriage: ♀ Лютгарда Саська
death: 10 August 955, Lechveld bij Augsburg
burial: dom - Worms
marriage: ♀ Лютгарда Саська
death: 10 August 955, Lechveld bij Augsburg
burial: dom - Worms