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Egbert b. 937 d. 953

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Lineage Vlaanderen
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Egbert

w Arnulf I of Flanders [Flanders] b. 873 d. 27 March 965

w Adèle de Vermandois [Herbertien] b. 916 d. 10 October 960

Reference numbers GEDCOM::IdavanBoulogne.ged::INDI @I15187@::Kjansen


937 birth:

953 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Edward I ? (of England)
birth: about 871
marriage: Ecgwynn
marriage: Aelfleda van Bernicia
marriage: Eadgifu Sighelinesdotter of Kent
death: 17 July 924, Farndon (Cheshire)
burial: Winchester (England)
Æthelflæd Atheling
birth: 869, Wessex England
title: Lady of the Mercians
death: 12 June 918, Tamworth England
Æthelgifu, Abbess of Shaftesbury -
birth: about 870
title: Abbess of Shaftesbury
Ælfthryth of Wessex
birth: 868
title: 884, Ghent (Belgium)
marriage: Baldwin II Flanders
death: 7 June 929
Rudolf van Cambrai
birth: estimated 870
death: 17 June 896
Charles de Flandre
birth: estimated 860
death: estimated 872, "mort à douze ans"
Baldwin II Flanders
birth: between 862 and 867
title: from 879 - 918, Graf von Flandern
marriage: Ælfthryth of Wessex
death: 10 September 918
Beatrix von Vermandois
birth: 880
marriage: Robert I of France (de Neustria)
title: 898, Comtesse de Paris
title: 29 June 922, Reina de Francia
death: 931
Heribert II van Vermandois
birth: about 880
title: Count of Kinziggan
title: Count of Meaux
title: Graaf of Vermandois
marriage: Adelheid Aelis van Capet
death: 23 February 943
burial: Saint-Quentin (Aisne)
Hugh Capet
birth: about 898
marriage: - du Maine (Fille de Roger)
title: 923, marquis de Neustrie
title: 923, comte de Paris
marriage: w Eadhild
title: 25 July 936, Laon, duc de France
marriage: Hadwig FitzHenry (Fowler)
title: 954, comte d'Auxerre
death: 16 June 956
burial: Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), Abbaye de Saint-Denis
birth: estimated 885
Adelheid Aelis van Capet
birth: 887
title: 906, Comtesse de Vermandois, de Soissons et de Meaux
marriage: Heribert II van Vermandois
death: after 943
Æthelwulf van Boulogne
birth: estimated 880
title: 918, St Pieter - Gent
death: 13 December 933
Arnulf I of Flanders
birth: 873, Amiens, comte d'Amiens
title: 918, Comte d'Artois
title: 933, comte d'Ostrevant
marriage: w Adèle de Vermandois
fact 1: 958, Thérouanne, comte de Thérouanne
fact 2: 962, Boulogne-sur-Mer, Comte de Boulogne
death: 27 March 965
Robert Graaf van Méaux en Troyes
birth: estimated 910
title: comte de Meaux
title: comte de Troyes
marriage: Adelheid van Bourgondie
death: 19 June 966
Adalbert I von Vermandois
birth: between 931 and 934
title: comte de Vermandois
marriage: Gerberga van Lotharingen
death: 8 September 987
burial: St Quetin
Liutgarde van Vermandois
birth: 924
marriage: William I of Normandy ("Longsword")
title: 943
marriage: Theobald I Le Tricheur
title: 960, Chartres, Comtesse de Blois et de Tours
death: 14 November 977
Heribert van Vermandois
birth: 921
title: comte d'Omois
marriage: Adiva of Wessex
death: 984
Adèle de Vermandois
birth: 916
marriage: Arnulf I of Flanders
title: 934, Comtesse de Flandre et de Boulogne
death: 10 October 960, Bruges (Belgique)
== 3 ==
Baldwin III Flanders
marriage: Mathilde (Maud) of Saxony
title: from 958 - 962, Graf von Flandern und von Artois; Mitregent in Flandern, zusammen mit seinem Vater
death: 1 November 962, Bergues, France, Sint-Winoksbergen
birth: 937
death: 953
== 3 ==

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