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Stephen I of Hungary b. 969 d. 15 August 1038

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Lineage Arpad
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Stephen I of Hungary

Geza I of Hungary [Arpad] b. about 940 d. 1 February 997

Sarolta [?] b. about 950 d. after 997

Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Stephen I of Hungary
Reference numbers GEDCOM::james_s_mills_jr.ged::INDI @I6820@::Hailey C. Shannon


969 birth: Esztergom, Hungary

996 marriage: Gisela Liudolf (von Bavaria) [Liudolf] b. about 985 d. 7 May 1060

from 997 - 1000 title: Grand Prince of the Magyars

from 1000 - 1038 title: King of Hungary

1007 child birth: Saint Emeric (Imre) ? (Święty Emeryk) [Arpad] b. 1007 d. 2 September 1031

15 August 1038 death: Esztergom, Hungary

burial: Székesfehérvár, Hungary, (Stuhlweissenburg)


[edit] Sources

  1. -

From grandparents to grandchildren

Taksony of Hungary
birth: 905, Székesfehérvár, Hungary
title: 955, ruler of Hungary
death: 972
Gyula ? (Duke of Transylvania, Magyar)
birth: 915, Transylvania (Romania)
title: Prince of Transylvania
residence: Apulum, Dacia, Gyulafehérvár
baptism: 950
Michael of Hungary
birth: about 955, Holy Roman Empire, Kingdom of Hungary
marriage: Adelajda Biała (Knegini) , Kingdom of Hungary
death: about 990, Holy Roman Empire, Kingdom of Hungary
Adelajda Biała (Knegini)
birth: estimated 950
marriage: Michael of Hungary , Kingdom of Hungary
marriage: Geza I of Hungary
death: after 997
Geza I of Hungary
birth: about 940, Esztergom, Hungary
title: from 970 - 1 February 997, Grand Prince of the Magyars
christening: 973
marriage: Sarolta
marriage: Adelajda Biała (Knegini)
death: 1 February 997
birth: about 950, Transylvania (Romania)
marriage: Geza I of Hungary
death: after 997
== 3 ==
Sarolta Arpad
birth: 997
marriage: Csaba
death: 1053
Maria of Hungary
birth: 982, Esztergom, Hungary
marriage: Otto Orseolo
Arpad (Sister of Saint Stephen of Hungary)
birth: Угорське королівство, Римське царство
Gisela Liudolf (von Bavaria)
birth: about 985, Bavaria, Germany
marriage: Stephen I of Hungary
death: 7 May 1060
Stephen I of Hungary
birth: 969, Esztergom, Hungary
marriage: Gisela Liudolf (von Bavaria)
title: from 997 - 1000, Grand Prince of the Magyars
title: from 1000 - 1038, King of Hungary
death: 15 August 1038, Esztergom, Hungary
burial: Székesfehérvár, Hungary, (Stuhlweissenburg)
== 3 ==

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