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Gyula ? (Duke of Transylvania, Magyar) b. 915

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Lineage ?
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Gyula ?
Other last names Duke of Transylvania, Magyar

Horca [?]

Reference numbers GEDCOM::james_s_mills_jr.ged::INDI @I17850@::Hailey C. Shannon


915 birth: Transylvania (Romania)

child birth: Pata (Peter) ? (Magyar) [Aba]

title: Prince of Transylvania

residence: Apulum, Dacia, Gyulafehérvár

about 950 child birth: Transylvania (Romania), Sarolta [?] b. about 950 d. after 997

950 baptism:


This record needs sources. Please help this record by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

Gyula was the third captain from whom Gyula son of Ladislaus descends. This Gyula was a great and powerful chieftain; on a hunt, he found a great city built by the Romans long before. He had a beautiful daughter called Sarolt, of whose beauty the princes of several provinces had been talking for a long time. Prince Géza married her as his lawful wife at the advice and with the help of Beliud who possessed the land of Kulán. -

[edit] Sources

  1. Róna-Tas, András. Hungarians and Europe in the Early Middle Ages: An Introduction to Early Hungarian History. - The Majgars are a race of the Turks and their leader rides out with horsemen to the number of 20,000. Their leader is called künde [kende], but this is only a nominal title, for the name of the man who is actually king over them is called jila [jula] and all the Majgars accept the orders of their jila [jula] in the matters of war and defense and the like. — Ibn Rusta
  2. Kristó, Gyula. Early Transylvania (895-1324). -
  3. Chronicum Pictum -

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 3 ==
Gyula ? (Duke of Transylvania, Magyar)
birth: 915, Transylvania (Romania)
title: Prince of Transylvania
residence: Apulum, Dacia, Gyulafehérvár
baptism: 950
== 3 ==
Geza I of Hungary
birth: about 940, Esztergom, Hungary
title: from 970 - 1 February 997, Grand Prince of the Magyars
christening: 973
marriage: Sarolta
marriage: Adelajda Biała (Knegini)
death: 1 February 997
birth: about 950, Transylvania (Romania)
marriage: Geza I of Hungary
death: after 997
Arpad (Sister of Saint Stephen of Hungary)
birth: Угорське королівство, Римське царство
Boleslaw I van Polen
birth: between 965 and 967
marriage: ?
divorce: ?
marriage: Judyta Arpad
divorce: Judyta Arpad
marriage: w Conhilda (Gunnilda) Dobromirovna
title: from 992 - 1025, князь Польши, 2-й
title: from 1003 - 1004, князь Чехии, 10-й
marriage: w Ода Эккехардович из Мейсена
title: from 18 April 1025 - 17 June 1025, король Польши, 1-й
death: 17 June 1025
burial: after 17 June 1025, Poznań, Archcathedral Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul
marriage: Sarolta Arpad
death: after 1005
Sarolta Arpad
birth: 997
marriage: Csaba
death: 1053
Gisela Liudolf (von Bavaria)
birth: about 985, Bavaria, Germany
marriage: Stephen I of Hungary
death: 7 May 1060
Stephen I of Hungary
birth: 969, Esztergom, Hungary
marriage: Gisela Liudolf (von Bavaria)
title: from 997 - 1000, Grand Prince of the Magyars
title: from 1000 - 1038, King of Hungary
death: 15 August 1038, Esztergom, Hungary
burial: Székesfehérvár, Hungary, (Stuhlweissenburg)
Otto Orseolo
birth: 992
marriage: Maria of Hungary
title: from 1008 - 1026, Doge of Venice
death: 1032
Maria of Hungary
birth: 982, Esztergom, Hungary
marriage: Otto Orseolo
Gavril Radomir
marriage: Marguerite Tsaritsa
title: from October 1014 - September 1015, Emperor of Bulgaria

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