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Baldwin II du Bourcq (of Jerusalem) b. about 1075 d. 21 August 1131

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Lineage Rethel
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Baldwin II du Bourcq
Other last names of Jerusalem

Hugh I Rethel [Rethel] b. between 1045 and 1055 d. 28 December 1118

Melisende ? (of Montlhery) [Montlhéry]

Wiki-page wikipedia:Baldwin_II_of_Jerusalem


about 1075 birth:

child birth: Yveta ? (of Rethel) [Rethel]

title: Prince of Edessa

title: King of Jerusalem

1101 child birth: Melisende van Rethel [Rethel] b. 1101 d. 1 September 1161

about 1110 child birth: Alix Rethel [Rethel] b. about 1110 d. before 1152

21 August 1131 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Menasses III Rethel (Manassus)
birth: about 1030
death: after 1081
Guy I de Monthiery (Montlhery)
birth: about 1010
title: Chevalier et seigneur de Montlhèry et de Bray, châtelain de Rochefort-en-Yvelines
marriage: Hodierne (Hodierna) de Gometz
death: 1095
Hugh I Rethel
birth: between 1045 and 1055
title: граф Ретеля
death: 28 December 1118
Milo I (Miles) de Monthiery
title: between 1095 and 1102, Loord Monthlery
death: 1102
Guy II de Montlhéry (Guy Ier de Rochefort, dit le Rouge)
birth: about 1055
title: Comte de Rochefort, seigneur de Chevreuse, de Châteaufort, de Gournay-sur-Marne et de Crécy-en-Brie, châtelain de Brétencourt
marriage: Adélaïde de Rochefort
marriage: Элизабет из Креси
death: 1108
== 3 ==
Gervase Rethel
birth: 1075
death: 1124
Mathilde Rethel
death: after 1151
Morphia of Melitene
death: 1 October 1127
Baldwin II du Bourcq (of Jerusalem)
birth: about 1075
title: Prince of Edessa
title: King of Jerusalem
death: 21 August 1131
== 3 ==
Fulk V d'Anjou ("The Younger")
birth: about 1092, Angers
title: 14 April 1109, Comte d'Anjou
title: 1110, Comte de Tours
marriage: w Ermengarde de la Flèche (du Maine)
marriage: Melisende van Rethel , Jerusalem
death: 13 November 1144, Acre (Israel), Palestine
Melisende van Rethel
birth: 1101
title: 2 June 1129, Jérusalem, Comtesse d'Anjou, de Tours et du Maine
marriage: Fulk V d'Anjou ("The Younger") , Jerusalem
title: 14 September 1131, Jérusalem, Reine de Jérusalem
death: 1 September 1161
Bohemund II de Antioch
birth: 1108
title: 7 March 1111, Prince d’Antioche
marriage: Alix Rethel
death: February 1130
Alix Rethel
birth: about 1110
marriage: Bohemund II de Antioch
title: 1126, Princesse d'Antioche et de Tarente
death: before 1152, Lattaquié
Раймунд де Пуатье
birth: 1099
marriage: w Constance of Antioch
title: from 1136 - 29 June 1149, князь Антиохии
death: 27 June 1149, Антиохия, Убит в битве при Инабе
Raynald of Châtillon
birth: 1125
title: from 1153 - 1160, князь Антиохии, 5-й
marriage: w Constance of Antioch
marriage: Stephanie von Milly
title: from 1177 - 4 July 1187, лорд Трансиордании, 7-й
death: 4 July 1187
Matilda von Anjou
birth: 1106
title: 1119, Princesse héritière d'Angleterre
marriage: William Atheling
title: 1149, Fontevraud-l'Abbaye (49), Dame Abbesse
death: 31 May 1155
Elias van Anjou
birth: 1110
marriage: Philippe du Perche
death: 15 January 1151
Sibylle d'Anjou
birth: after 1112
marriage: Willem ? (Clito)
divorce: Willem ? (Clito)
marriage: w Dietrich von Elsass , Jérusalem (?)
death: 1165, Jerusalem, Béthanie
Geoffrey V of Anjou (First of the House Plantagenet)
birth: 24 August 1113, Anjou, France
other: Onbekende Voornamen/maîtresse Nr.2 Onbekende Afkomst
other: Onbekende Voornamen/maîtresse Nr.3 Onbekende Afkomst
marriage: Mathilde FitzHenry (Norman) , Le Mans
title: 17 June 1128, Count of Anjou
title: 7 April 1141, Lincoln (England), Duc de Normandie
death: 7 September 1151, Château-du-Loir, France
Балдуин III (Бодуэн) Иерусалимский (Анжуйский)
birth: 1131
title: 1153, Король Иерусалима
death: 10 February 1162, Триполи
Maria ?
birth: 1154
title: 1165, Koningin van Jeruzalem
marriage: Amalric I ? (of Jerusalem) , Tyre (Lebanon)
marriage: Balian von Ibelin
death: before 1217
Amalric I ? (of Jerusalem)
birth: 1136
title: 1151, Count of Ascalon
title: after 1162, King of Jerusalem
marriage: Maria ? , Tyre (Lebanon)
death: 11 July 1174

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