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Laurence de Toulouse (Comtesse de Comminges)

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Lineage Toulouse
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Laurence de Toulouse
Other last names Comtesse de Comminges

Alphonse Jourdain de Toulouse [Toulouse] b. 1103 d. 16 August 1148

Файдива д'Юзес [Юзес]


child birth: w Bernard IV de Comminges [Comminges]

title: comtesse de Comminges

From grandparents to grandchildren

Ramón Berenguer II de Barcelona
birth: 1053
title: 1076, Conde de Barcelona
marriage: Mahalta ? (Apulia, Vichard)
death: 6 December 1082
William IV Toulouse
birth: about 1040
marriage: Emmalina Mortain
death: 1094, Huéscar
Ines de Barcelone
marriage: Wigo Albon
title: 10 May 1070, Comtesse de Grévisaudan et de Briançonnais
Berenguer Ramon de Barcelone (Berenguer Ramon II)
birth: 1053
title: 1076, Comte de Barcelone
death: 1097
Уррака I Леонская и Кастильская
birth: 24 June 1081
marriage: Pedro Gonzalez de Lara
marriage: Raymond de Bourgogne , Toledo
title: 1109, королева Галиссии
marriage: Alfonso I of Aragon , Burgos
annulment: Alfonso I of Aragon
death: 11 March 1126, Saldana, Palencia, España
birth: 1080
marriage: Henri I Bourgogne (of Portugal)
title: 14 February 1095, Condessa de Portugal
death: 1 November 1130
Sanche de Castille
birth: 1098
death: 1108
Roger II of Sicily
birth: 22 December 1095, Toledo (Spain)
title: from 1105 - 27 September 1130, Grand Comte de Sicile, (3è)
marriage: w Elvira de Castille
title: from 27 September 1130 - 26 February 1154, King of Sicily
marriage: Sibylle von Burgund
marriage: Beatrix von Rethel
death: 26 February 1154, Palermo, Sicily, Italy
Elvira de Castille
birth: 1080
marriage: Раймунд IV Тулузский (де Сен-Жиль)
title: 1094, comtesse de Toulouse, de Rouergue, de Saint-Gilles, de Tripoli, duchesse de Narbonne et marquise de Gothie et de Provence
marriage: Fernando Fernández de Carrión
title: 1117, comtesse de Sicile
marriage: Roger II of Sicily
title: 1127, princesse de Salerne et duchesse d'Apulie, de Calabre et de Sicile
death: 1151
Вильгельм I "Злой" де Отвиль (Сицилийский)
birth: 1125, Сицилия
title: from 1148 - 26 February 1154, герцог Апулии
marriage: Margaretha van Navarra
title: from 1151 - 26 February 1154, король Сицилии, сопровитель
title: from 26 February 1154 - 7 May 1166, король Сицилии, 2-й
death: 7 June 1166
Roger III Hauteville (Duke of Apulia)
birth: about 1119, Sicily, Italy
marriage: Isabelle van Blois
title: from 1134 - 1148, герцог Апулии
death: 12 May 1148, Palermo, Sicily, Italy
Bertrand de Saint-Gilles (de Tripoli)
birth: 1065
marriage: Hélène de Bourgogne , 1
title: between 1096 and 1108, comte de Toulouse
title: between 1109 and 1112, comte de Tripoli
death: 1123, Tripoli (Liban), anciennement comté de Tripoli des États latins d'Orient (les croisés)
birth: about 1116
title: from 1132 - 1138, князь Бари
death: 1138
title: from 1134 - 10 October 1144, князь Капуи
title: from 1137 - 10 October 1144, герцог Неаполя
death: 10 October 1144
death: в детстве
Alphonse Jourdain de Toulouse
birth: 1103
title: Старшинство Тулузьке, Священне Царство Римське, граф Тулузы, маркиз Прованса и герцог Нарбонны (1112—1148)
marriage: Файдива д'Юзес
death: 16 August 1148
== 3 ==
Раймунд V Тулузский
birth: 1134
marriage: Constance van Frankrijk
death: December 1194, Ним, 30000, Гар, Окситания, Франция
burial: Ним, похоронен в соборе Богоматери и святого Кастора
Альфонс II Старшина Тулузький
children count: 0, не оставил прямых наследников
title: 16 August 1148, граф Тулузы, герцог Нарбонны и маркиз Прованса
death: between 1175 and 1189
Bernard III de Comminges
title: Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges (31), comte de Comminges
== 3 ==
Bernard IV de Comminges
title: Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges (31), comte de Comminges
Gaston de Béarn (Gaston VI)
birth: 1173
title: 1173, Vicomte de Béarn
title: 1192, Comte de Bigorre
marriage: w Pétronille de Comminges
death: 1214
Pétronille de Comminges
birth: 1184
marriage: Boson de Matha
marriage: Aymar de Rancon
title: 1196, Vicomtesse de Béarn, de Brulhois et de Gabardan
marriage: Gaston de Béarn (Gaston VI)
death: 1251
Bernard V de Comminges
marriage: Cécile de Foix
death: 30 November 1241, Lanta (31)

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