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Roger II of Sicily b. 22 December 1095 d. 26 February 1154

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Lineage Hauteville
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Roger II of Sicily

Roger I (Bosso) Forqualquier (of Sicily) [Hauteville] b. 1031 d. 22 June 1101

w Adelaide del Vasto Saluzo [Aleramici] b. 1072 d. 18 April 1118

Wiki-page wikipedia:Roger_II_of_Sicily


22 December 1095 birth: Toledo (Spain)

child birth: w Альфонсо [Отвиль] d. 10 October 1144

child birth: Генрих [Отвиль]

child birth: w Жордан [Отвиль] d. September 1092

child birth: Adelisa de Sicile [Hauteville]

from 1105 - 27 September 1130 title: Grand Comte de Sicile, (3è)

about 1116 child birth: w Танкред [Отвиль] b. about 1116 d. 1138

about 1118 marriage: Эльвира Кастильская [Хименес] b. 1080 d. 1151

about 1119 child birth: Sicily, Italy, w Roger III Hauteville (Duke of Apulia) [Hauteville] b. about 1119 d. 12 May 1148

1125 child birth: Roger van Apulie Sicilie [Hauteville] b. 1125 d. 1149

1125 child birth: Сицилия, w Вильгельм I "Злой" де Отвиль (Сицилийский) [Отвиль] b. 1125 d. 7 June 1166

from 27 September 1130 - 26 February 1154 title: King of Sicily

1149 marriage: Sibylle von Burgund [Älteres Haus Burgund] b. 1126 d. 1150

1151 marriage: Beatrix von Rethel [Rethel] b. 1130 d. 31 March 1185

1154 child birth: Constance de Hauteville (of Sicily) [Hauteville] b. 1154 d. 27 November 1198

26 February 1154 death: Palermo, Sicily, Italy

From grandparents to grandchildren

birth: estimated 990
marriage: Tancred of Hauteville
death: about 1025
Tancred of Hauteville
birth: 980, Cotentin Peninsula, France
marriage: Muriella
marriage: Fressenda
death: 1041
birth: about 995
marriage: Tancred of Hauteville
death: 1057
Bonifacio I del Vasto (de Saluces)
title: Marchese di Cortemiglia
occupation: Archbp of Noyon
occupation: Bp of Alba
Henri Ier de Caretto (del Carretto)
birth: about 1115, Clavesana, Italien
title: marquis de Finale
title: marquis de Noli
title: marquis de Roccaverano
title: marquis de Quiliano
title: 1176, marquis de Savona
death: 1185, Finale Ligure, Italien
Anselme del Vasto (di Ceva, Clavesana)
title: Marquis de Ceva et Clavesana
death: after 1140
Guillaume I del Vasto (de Busca et Lancia)
title: 1155, Marquis de Busca et Signori de Rossano
death: after 1160
Manfred del Vasto Saluzzo
title: from 1125 - 1175, marquis de Saluces
death: 1175, Saluces
Robert Guiscard de Hauteville
birth: 1015
marriage: w Alberada von Buonalbergo
other: from 1057 - 1059, Count of Apulia
annulment: w Alberada von Buonalbergo
marriage: w Sichelgaita (Sikelgaita) de Amalfi (et Salerno)
title: from 1059 - 17 July 1085, comtes de Sicile
death: 17 July 1085
burial: Venosa, Abbey of the Santissima Trinità
Drogo of Hauteville
birth: about 1010
title: from 1046 - 10 August 1051, Count of Apulia
death: 10 August 1051
Humphrey de Hauteville
birth: about 1010
title: from August 1051 - August 1057, Count of Apulia and Calabria
death: August 1057
burial: Venosa, Abbey of the Santissima Trinità
Serlo I of Hauteville
title: from 1041 -, сеньор де Готвиль
Geoffrey de Hauteville
birth: comte de Loritello.
birth: 1020, Cotentin
marriage count: 2
children count: au moins 4
marriage: N.
marriage: Theodora di Salerno
title: from 1041 - 1056, сеньор де Готвиль, возможно до 1053
title: from 1059 - 1063, граф Капитаната
death: 1071
William Iron Arm de Hauteville
birth: about 1005
title: from September 1042 - 1046, Count of Apulia
death: 1046
burial: Venosa, Abbey of the Santissima Trinità
Mauger de Hauteville
birth: 1030, Cotentin
title: from 1056 - 1057, comte du Capitanate
death: 1057
Guillaume de Hauteville
birth: about 1027, Cotentin
death: 1080
burial: Venosa, Abbaye de la Trinité de Venosa
Roger I (Bosso) Forqualquier (of Sicily)
birth: 1031
marriage: Юдифь д'Эвре (Гранмесниль)
title: from 1072 - 22 June 1101, великий граф Сицилии
marriage: Eremberga de Mortain
marriage: w Adelaide del Vasto Saluzo
death: 22 June 1101
Manfred II del Vasto (de Saluces)
birth: 1140, Saluces
title: from 1175 - 1215, marquis de Saluces
marriage: Adelasia de Montferrat
death: 1215, Saluces
== 3 ==
birth: 1093
title: from 1101 - 28 September 1105, великий граф Сицилии
death: 28 September 1105
death: after 1120
Эльвира Кастильская
birth: 1080
marriage: Раймунд IV Тулузский (де Сен-Жиль)
title: 1094, 2
marriage: Fernando Fernández de Carrión
title: 1117, Comtesse de Sicile
marriage: Roger II of Sicily
title: 1127, Princesse de Salerne et Duchesse d'Apulie, de Calabre et de Sicile
death: 1151
Beatrix von Rethel
birth: 1130
marriage: Roger II of Sicily
death: 31 March 1185
Roger II of Sicily
birth: 22 December 1095, Toledo (Spain)
title: from 1105 - 27 September 1130, Grand Comte de Sicile, (3è)
marriage: Эльвира Кастильская
title: from 27 September 1130 - 26 February 1154, King of Sicily
marriage: Sibylle von Burgund
marriage: Beatrix von Rethel
death: 26 February 1154, Palermo, Sicily, Italy
== 3 ==
Heinrich VI.
birth: November 1165, Nimwegen
title: 15 August 1169, Römisch-deutscher König
marriage: Constance de Hauteville (of Sicily) , Milan, Italy
title: 14 April 1191, Römisch-deutscher Kaiser
title: from 20 November 1194 - 28 September 1197, König von Sizilien
death: 28 September 1197, Messina
burial: Palermo
Constance de Hauteville (of Sicily)
birth: 1154
marriage: Heinrich VI. , Milan, Italy
title: 1194, Queen of Sicily
death: 27 November 1198
Альфонс I Иордан Тулузский
birth: 1103
title: граф Тулузы, маркиз Прованса и герцог Нарбонны (1112—1148)
marriage: Файдива д'Юзес
death: 16 August 1148
Вильгельм I "Злой" де Отвиль (Сицилийский)
birth: 1125, Сицилия
title: from 1148 - 26 February 1154, герцог Апулии
marriage: Margaretha van Navarra
title: from 1151 - 26 February 1154, король Сицилии, сопровитель
title: from 26 February 1154 - 7 May 1166, король Сицилии, 2-й
death: 7 June 1166
Roger III Hauteville (Duke of Apulia)
birth: about 1119, Sicily, Italy
marriage: Isabelle van Blois
title: from 1134 - 1148, герцог Апулии
death: 12 May 1148, Palermo, Sicily, Italy
birth: about 1116
title: from 1132 - 1138, князь Бари
death: 1138
title: from 1134 - 10 October 1144, князь Капуи
title: from 1137 - 10 October 1144, герцог Неаполя
death: 10 October 1144
death: в детстве
title: граф Сиракуз
title: граф Ното
death: September 1092
Joan Plantagenet
birth: October 1165, Angers, Château d'Angers
marriage: w William (Guillaume) II "the Good" de Hauteville (of Sicily)
marriage: Raimund VI von Toulouse
death: 6 April 1199, Rouen
William (Guillaume) II "the Good" de Hauteville (of Sicily)
birth: 1153
title: from 7 May 1166 - 18 November 1189, King of Sicily
marriage: Joan Plantagenet
death: 18 November 1189, Palermo
Isabella of England
birth: 1214
marriage: Frederick II Roger Hohenstaufen , Worms (Germany)
death: 1 December 1241, Foggia
Konstanze von Aragón
birth: 1184
title: from 1196 - 1204, Königin von Ungarn
marriage: w Emmerich
title: from 1209 - 1222, королева-консорт Сицилии
marriage: Frederick II Roger Hohenstaufen
title: from 9 December 1212 - 23 April 1222, römisch-deutsche Königin
title: from 22 November 1220 - 23 June 1222, römisch-deutsche Kaiserin
death: 23 June 1222, Catania
Бианка Ланчия д’Альяно
birth: between 1200 and 1210
other: Frederick II Roger Hohenstaufen , liaison
marriage: Frederick II Roger Hohenstaufen , marriage is concluded on the deathbed of the bride and was not recognized by the church
death: 1 December 1246
Isabella (Yolanda) de Brienne
birth: 1211
marriage: Frederick II Roger Hohenstaufen
title: 9 November 1225, Brindisi, Kaiserin des Heiligen Römischen Reiches, Reine de Sicile, des Romains et Duchesse de Souabe
death: 1228
Frederick II Roger Hohenstaufen
birth: 26 December 1194, Iesi, Ancona
title: from 28 September 1197 - 1212, King of Sicily
marriage: Konstanze von Aragón
title: from 1212 - 13 December 1220, King of the Romans
title: from 1212 - 1216, Duke of Swabia
title: from 1217 - 13 December 1250, King of Sicily
title: from 22 November 1220 - 13 December 1250, Holy Roman Emperor
title: from 1225 - 1228, King of Jerusalem
marriage: Isabella (Yolanda) de Brienne
title: from 1230 - 1239, King of Thessalonica, titular
other: Бианка Ланчия д’Альяно , liaison
marriage: Isabella of England , Worms (Germany)
marriage: Бианка Ланчия д’Альяно , marriage is concluded on the deathbed of the bride and was not recognized by the church
death: 13 December 1250, Torremaggiore, Apulia, Italy, Castel Fiorentino
burial: Palermo
Tancred de Lecce
birth: about 1135, Sicily, Italy
marriage: Сибилла Меданская Ачерра
title: from 18 January 1190 - 20 February 1194, Rois de Sicile
death: 20 February 1194, Palermo, Sicily, Italy
Рожер IV
birth: 1152
title: from February 1154 - 11 March 1161, герцог Апулии
death: 11 March 1161
burial: Кафедральный собор, Палермо, после 1183 года его останки были перенесены Вильгельмом II в кафедральный собор в Монреале
birth: 1159
title: князь Капуи
death: 1171

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