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Raymond de Bourgogne b. about 1070 d. 24 May 1107

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Lineage Bourgogne-Ivrée
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Raymond de Bourgogne

William I FitzReynold (of Burgundy) [Burgundy-Ivrea] b. 1020 d. 12 November 1087

w Étiennette (Sthéphanie) de Bourgogne [-] b. estimated 1035 d. after 1088

Wiki-page wikipedia:fr:Raymond de Bourgogne


about 1070 birth: Besançon (25)

title: comte d'Amérois

1087 marriage: Toledo, Уррака I Леонская и Кастильская [Хименес] b. 24 June 1081 d. 11 March 1126

from 1092 - 24 May 1107 title: comte de Galice

from 1092 - 24 May 1107 title: comte de Coimbra

between 1096 and 24 May 1107 title: roi de Léon

11 March 1105 child birth: Caldas de Reis, royaume de Galice, Alphonse VII de Castille et Leon [Bourgogne-Castille] b. 11 March 1105 d. 21 August 1157

24 May 1107 death: Grajal de Campos, Espagne

From grandparents to grandchildren

Agnes van Macon
birth: 990
marriage: William V Poitiers
title: 1019, Comtesse de Poitou
title: 1032, Duchesse d'Aquitaine
marriage: Geoffrey II Martel
title: 21 June 1040, Comtesse d'Anjou
title: 1044, Saintes (Charente-Maritime), Comtesse de Tours
annulment: Geoffrey II Martel
death: 10 November 1068
burial: Poitiers, Saint Nicolas abbey
Maud de Bourgogne
birth: 976
death: 1005
Reginald I Ivrea (of Burgundy)
birth: 986
marriage: Alice of Normandy
title: from 1026 - 4 September 1057, comte de Bourgogne
death: 4 September 1057
burial: Besançon, cathedral
Robert I FitzRichard (Evereaux)
birth: between 1002 and 1010, Normandy, France
engagement: w Estrid Sweynsdotter (Knytling)
title: from 6 August 1027 - 22 June 1035, Duke of Normandy
death: 22 July 1035, İznik, Bithynia, Anatolia, (Nicaea)
burial: 1088, reburied in Italy
Eleanora van Normandië
birth: 1010
marriage: Baldwin IV Barbatus (of Flanders)
title: 1031, Comtesse de Flandre
death: 1071
Richard III Norman
birth: about 1008, Normandie
title: from 28 August 1026 - 6 August 1027, герцог Нормандии
marriage: Adele Capet (of France)
death: 6 August 1027, Normandie
Guillaume - (Moine)
birth: estimated 1015
title: moine à Fécamp
birth: estimated 1015
death: 1033
Mauger de Rouen
birth: after 1017
title: from 1037 - 1055, Archevêque de Rouen
death: before 1060, Guernesey
Guillaume d'Arques
title: comte de Talou, augmenté d'Arques
children count: au moins un fils, peut-être une fille.
death: after 1054
Alice of Normandy
birth: 1002
children count: 5
marriage: Reginald I Ivrea (of Burgundy)
death: after 7 July 1038
Alberada von Buonalbergo
birth: about 1033
marriage: w Robert Guiscard de Hauteville
annulment: w Robert Guiscard de Hauteville
death: July 1122
burial: Abtei Santissima Trinità di Venosa, Venosa, Grab der Familie Hauteville
William I FitzReynold (of Burgundy)
birth: 1020
title: comte de Bourgogne
title: comte de Mâcon
marriage: w Étiennette (Sthéphanie) de Bourgogne
death: 12 November 1087, Besançon
burial: Besançon, St-Jean
Étiennette (Sthéphanie) de Bourgogne
birth: estimated 1035
title: comtesse de Bourgogne par mariage
marriage: William I FitzReynold (of Burgundy)
death: after 1088
== 3 ==
Étienne Ier de Bourgogne
birth: 1065
title: comte de Mâcon
title: comte de Vienne
marriage: w Béatrix von Lothringen
title: between 1097 and 1102, comte de Bourgogne
death: 18 May 1102
Ermentrude de Bourgogne (Mömpelgard, van Montbéliard)
birth: about 1050
marriage: w Theodoric I de Montbéliard
death: after 8 March 1105
burial: Autun, Cathédrale
Gui de Bourgogne (Calixte II)
birth: about 1050, Quingey (25)
title: from 1088 - 1119, Vienne (38), Archevêque de Vienne
caste: from 1119 - 1124, Pape
other: 11 February 1119, Cluny (71), élu pape.
death: 12 December 1124, Rome
Sybille de Bourgogne
birth: 1065
marriage: Эд I Боррель (Рыжий) Бургундский
title: 1080, duchesse de Bourgogne
death: 1103
Berthe de Bourgogne
title: 1093, Reine de Castille, de Leon, de Galice et de Tolède
marriage: (дубль) Альфонсо VI Храбрый
death: 1098
Clémence de Bourgogne
birth: about 1078
title: 1091, comtesse héritière de Flandre
marriage: Robert de Flandre (Robert II)
title: 13 October 1093, Torhout, comtesse de Flandre
title: about 1120, comtesse de Louvain, de Bruxelles, Landgravine de Brabant, duchesse de Basse-Lotharingie et marquise d'Anvers
marriage: Godefroid Ier de Louvain , 1125
death: about 1133
burial: Bourbourg (59), abbaye Notre-Dame de Bourbourg, Châtellenie de Bourbourg
Уррака I Леонская и Кастильская
birth: 24 June 1081
marriage: Pedro Gonzalez de Lara
marriage: Raymond de Bourgogne , Toledo
title: 1109, королева Галиссии
marriage: Alfonso I of Aragon , Burgos
annulment: Alfonso I of Aragon
death: 11 March 1126, Saldana, Palencia, España
Raymond de Bourgogne
birth: about 1070, Besançon (25)
title: comte d'Amérois
marriage: Уррака I Леонская и Кастильская , Toledo
title: from 1092 - 24 May 1107, comte de Galice
title: from 1092 - 24 May 1107, comte de Coimbra
title: between 1096 and 24 May 1107, roi de Léon
death: 24 May 1107, Grajal de Campos, Espagne
== 3 ==
Elvira Perez de Lara
birth: 1100
death: 1159
Berenguela de Barcelone
birth: 1108, Barcelona
title: 1128, Saldaña (Castille-et-León), Reine de Galice, de Castille et de Leon
marriage: Alphonse VII de Castille et Leon , Saldaña
title: 1135, Impératrice de toutes les Espagnes
death: 1149, Palencia
Richilda Piast
birth: between 1130 and 1140, Wrocław
marriage: Альбрехт II фон Эверштейн
marriage: Alphonse VII de Castille et Leon
title: October 1152, Impératrice de toutes les Espagnes
marriage: w Raimond-Bérenger II de Provence
title: from 1162 - 1166, Comtesse de Provence
death: 16 June 1185
Alphonse VII de Castille et Leon
birth: 11 March 1105, Caldas de Reis, royaume de Galice
title: 1112, roi de Galice
title: 1126, roi de Castille et de Leon
marriage: Berenguela de Barcelone , Saldaña
title: 1135, empereur de toutes les Espagnes
marriage: Richilda Piast
death: 21 August 1157, La Fresneda
Urraca of Portugal
birth: 1151, Coimbra
title: Infanta de Portugal
marriage: Ferdinand II von León
annulment: Ferdinand II von León , Mariage annulé par le pape Alexandre III
death: 16 October 1188, Valladolid
Teresa Fernandez de Trava
birth: 1155
marriage: Ferdinand II von León
death: 6 February 1180, Leon
Ferdinand II von León
birth: 1137, Toledo
title: from 1157 - 21 January 1188, король Леона
marriage: Urraca of Portugal
annulment: Urraca of Portugal , Mariage annulé par le pape Alexandre III
marriage: Teresa Fernandez de Trava
marriage: Urraca Lopez de Haro
death: 22 January 1188, Benavente
Sancho VI von Navarra
birth: 1132
title: from 1150 - 1194, Roi de Navarre
marriage: Sancha van Leon , Carrión de los Condes, Spanien
death: 27 June 1194, Pamplona
Sancha van Leon
birth: 1140
marriage: Sancho VI von Navarra , Carrión de los Condes, Spanien
title: 2 June 1153, Reina Consorte de Navarra.
death: 5 August 1179
Людовик VII Молодой Капетинг
birth: 1120
other: 25 October 1131, король Франции, соправитель Людовика VI
marriage: Eleanor Aquitaine , Bordeaux
title: 8 August 1137, король Франции, 6-й
annulment: Eleanor Aquitaine , Beaugency
marriage: Constance van Castilie
title: 18 November 1154, Paris (75), Roi de France
marriage: Adela of Champagne (du Blois)
death: 18 September 1180, Мелюн, Франция
burial: Фонтенбло
burial: 30 June 1817, перезахоронен в базилике аббатства Сен-Дени
Constance van Castilie
birth: 1140
other: January 1154
marriage: Людовик VII Молодой Капетинг
title: January 1154, Reine de France
death: 4 October 1160, St Denis
Sancha van Navarra
birth: 1133
marriage: Sancho III van Castilie , Calahorra de Boedo
title: 30 January 1151, Calahorra de Boedo, Infante de Castille
title: 1157, Reine de Castille
death: 1158
Sancho III van Castilie
birth: 1133
marriage: Sancha van Navarra , Calahorra de Boedo
title: 1157, Rey de Castilla.
death: 31 August 1158, Toledo
Raymond Alfonso II de Aragón
birth: between 1 March 1157 and 25 March 1157, Barcelona
title: Comte de Barcelone
title: Comte de Roussillon
marriage: 30 January 1160
title: 18 July 1164, Rey de Aragón.
title: 1166, Conde de Barcelona.
marriage: Sancha de Castilla , Zaragoza
death: 25 April 1196, Perpignan
Sancha de Castilla
birth: 21 September 1154, Toledo (Spain)
title: 18 January 1174, Infanta de Castilla.
marriage: Raymond Alfonso II de Aragón , Zaragoza
death: November 1208, Villanueva de Sigena, Spain, Monastery of Sijenna
Garcias VI van Navarra
birth: 1110
marriage: Margaretha van de Aigle
title: from 1134 - 1150, король Наварры
marriage: w Urraca Alfonso de Castille
death: 21 November 1150, Loca de Navarra

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