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Emmalina Mortain b. 1040

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Lineage Conteville
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Emmalina Mortain

Robert de Burgh (Le Bello Campo) [Conteville] b. 1031 d. 8 December 1090

Maude de Montgomery [Montgomery] b. estimated 1045 d. about 1085


1040 birth: France, Pas de Calais, Normandy

about 1073 child birth: Philippa Mathilde van Toulouse [Toulouse] b. about 1073 d. 28 November 1117

1094 birth: France, Pas De Calais

marriage: William IV Toulouse [Toulouse] b. about 1040 d. 1094


Place name error !
Image:LieuLogo60x60.jpg Warning, we tried to find one place cited on this record, and we did not find it !
  • Pas De Calais, Normandy (Pas-de-Calais has never been in Normandy)

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Place name error !
Image:LieuLogo60x60.jpg Warning, we tried to find one place cited on this record, and we did not find it !
  • Pas De Calais (Pas-de-Calais has been created in 1793)

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Place name error !
Image:LieuLogo60x60.jpg Warning, we tried to find one place cited on this record, and we did not find it !
  • Dol, Normandy (Dol has never been in Normandy, the real name is Dol-de-Bretagne)

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From grandparents to grandchildren

Herleve (Arletta) ? (of Falaise)
birth: 1003, Falaise (Calvados)
marriage: Herluin de Conteville
death: 1050
burial: 1050, Fatouville-Grestain, Grestain Abbey
Eustace FitzJohn (Halton)
birth: before 1100
title: Lord Halton
death: July 1157
Oda Conteville
birth: 994
Herluin de Conteville
birth: estimated 1005, Conteville (Eure), France
title: Vicomte de Conteville
marriage: Herleve (Arletta) ? (of Falaise)
death: about 1066
burial: Fatouville-Grestain, Abbaye de Grestain
Roger de Montgomery
birth: estimated 1010, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England
death: 1094
burial: Shrewsbury, in abbey
Mabel Talvace (d'Alencon)
birth: estimated 1030, Alençon
death: 2 December 1079, Castle Bures
burial: 5 December 1079, Troarn
William I FitzRobert (The Conqueror)
birth: 14 October 1025, Falaise (Calvados), France
title: from 3 July 1035 - 9 September 1087, Duke of Normandy
marriage: Matilda of Flanders (de Flandres) , Eu (Seine-Maritime), Normandy, France
title: from 14 October 1066 - 9 September 1087, King of England
death: 9 September 1087, Rouen, France
Odo von Bayeux
birth: after 1030
death: 1097, Palermo
Robert de Burgh (Le Bello Campo)
birth: 1031, Conteville (Calvados), France
title: Count de Mortain
death: 8 December 1090, Roches, France
burial: Fatouville-Grestain, Abbaye de Grestain
Maude de Montgomery
birth: estimated 1045, Montgomery (Powys)
death: about 1085
burial: Fatouville-Grestain, Grestain Abbey
== 3 ==
William IV Toulouse
birth: about 1040
marriage: Emmalina Mortain
death: 1094, Huéscar
Emmalina Mortain
birth: 1040, France, Pas de Calais, Normandy
birth: 1094, France, Pas De Calais
marriage: William IV Toulouse
== 3 ==
William IX van Poitiers
birth: 22 October 1071
title: 1086, Duc d'Aquitaine
title: 1086, Comte de Poitiers
title: from 1086 - 1126, Duc de Gascogne
marriage: Ermengarde Anjou
other: Ermengarde Anjou , Répudiation
marriage: Philippa Mathilde van Toulouse
death: 10 February 1127, Chize
Philippa Mathilde van Toulouse
birth: about 1073
marriage: William IX van Poitiers
death: 28 November 1117, Fontevraud-l'Abbaye, (Fontevrault)
Раймунд де Пуатье
birth: 1099
marriage: Constance of Antioch
title: from 1136 - 29 June 1149, князь Антиохии
death: 27 June 1149, Антиохия, Убит в битве при Инабе
Ramiro II van Aragon
birth: 24 April 1086, Pamplona
title: 29 September 1134, Huesca, Roi d'Aragon
marriage: Agnès de Poitiers , Jaca
death: 16 August 1157, Huesca
Aimery V de Thouars
marriage: Agnès de Poitiers
title: from 1123 - 1127, vicomte de Thouars
Agnès de Poitiers
birth: July 1103, Poitiers (86)
marriage: Aimery V de Thouars
title: 13 November 1135, Jaca, Reine d'Aragon
marriage: Ramiro II van Aragon , Jaca
death: 1159, Fontevraud-l'Abbaye (49)
Willem van Poitiers Valentinois
birth: 1105
death: 4 March 1187
Eleonore Châtellerault
birth: about 1103, Châtellerault
marriage: William X de Aquitanie-Poitou
death: between March 1130 and 1136
William X de Aquitanie-Poitou
birth: 1099, Toulouse
marriage: Eleonore Châtellerault
death: 9 April 1137, Santiago de Compostela
burial: Santiago de Compostela

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