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Simon II van Lotharingen b. 1140 d. 1 April 1206

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Lineage Lorraine
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Simon II van Lotharingen

Mathieu Ier de Lorraine [Lorraine] b. about 1110 d. 13 May 1176

Judith Bertha van Hohenstaufen [Hohenstaufen] b. 1123 d. 25 March 1195

Reference numbers GEDCOM::AdriaenAlbout.ged::INDI @I79094@::Kjansen


1140 birth:

child birth: Thibault I Lothringen [Lorraine] d. 1220

15 May 1176 title: Duc de Lorraine

1190 marriage: Ida van Bourgondie [Bourgondie] b. 1155 d. 1224

1205 other: Abdication

1 April 1206 death:


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Hertog van Lotharingen

[edit] Sources

  1. Henry Bogdan, La Lorraine des ducs, sept siècles d'histoire, Perrin, 2005 -

From grandparents to grandchildren

Petronilla von Holland
birth: about 1081
marriage: w Floris II von Holland
death: 23 May 1144
burial: Rijnsburg
Judith van Supplinburg
birth: estimated 1070
marriage: w Otto II van Zutphen
death: 1118
burial: St Walburgiskerk te Zutphen
Irmgard von Schwarzenburg-Spondheim
birth: 1097, Scheinfeld, Germany, Schwarzenberg castle
marriage: Adolf II van Berg
death: 1179
Lothar III
birth: before 9 June 1075, Breitenwang
marriage: Richenza von Northeim
title: from 1106 - 4 December 1137, Herzog von Sachsen
title: 24 August 1125, Römisch-deutscher König
title: 4 June 1133, Römisch-deutscher Kaiser
death: 3 December 1137, Breitenwang, Tirol (Bundesland)
burial: 31 December 1137, Kaiserdom (Königslutter), Königslutter am Elm
Simon of Lorraine
birth: about 1076
marriage: Adelheid
title: 30 December 1115, duc de Lorraine
death: about 14 January 1139
Dietrich von Elsass
birth: about 1099, Bitche
marriage: w Marguerite de Clermont
marriage: Swanhild
marriage: Sibylle d'Anjou , Jérusalem (?)
death: 4 February 1168, Гравелен
burial: abdij Watten
title: 1112, Princesse de Lorraine
marriage: Simon of Lorraine
title: 30 December 1115, Duchesse de Lorraine
Helika van Staufen
birth: about 1087
marriage: Frederik III van Burg Lengenfeld
death: 24 September 1109
burial: Kloster Ensdorf, Bayern
Judith of Babenberg
birth: about 1115
marriage: w William V of Montferrat
title: May 1135, marquise de Montferrat
death: after 1168
Agnes von Österreich
birth: 1111
marriage: Vladislaus II Piast
title: 1125, Princesse héritière de Pologne
title: 28 October 1138, Płock, Princesse de Pologne, Duchesse de Pologne, de Silésie et de Sandomierz
death: 25 January 1157
Konrad III
birth: between 1093 and 1094, Bamberg, Bayern
title: from 1116 - 7 March 1120, Herzog in Franken
marriage: Gertrud von Sulzbach
title: 7 March 1138, Römisch-deutscher König
death: 15 February 1152, Bamberg, Bayern
Гертруда фон Бабенберг
birth: about 1118
title: 1140, Королева Богемии
marriage: w Vladislav II de Bohême
death: 4 August 1150
Henri II d'Autriche
birth: 1107
marriage: Gertrud von Supplingenburg
title: 1140, Comte palatin du Rhin
title: 18 October 1141, Margrave d'Autriche
title: 1143, Duc de Bavière
marriage: Феодора Комнина (Бабенберги)
title: 17 September 1156, Duc d'Autriche
death: 13 January 1177, Vienne (Autriche)
Otto von Freising
birth: about 1112, Klosterneuburg, Niederösterreich
title: 1138, Bischof von Freising
death: 22 September 1158, Zisterzienserkloster Morimond, Grand Est, Frankreich
burial: Parnoy-en-Bassigny (52), Abbaye de Morimond
Léopold Ier de Bavière - (Léopold IV)
birth: 1108
title: 15 November 1136, Margrave d'Autriche
marriage: Maria de Bohême
title: 1139, Duc de Bavière
death: 18 October 1141, Niederalteich
Konrad de Babenberg - (Archevêque)
birth: 1115
title: 29 June 1164, Salzburg, Archevêque de Salzburg
death: 28 September 1168, Salzburg
Bertha van Schwaben
birth: between 1088 and 1089
death: between 1120 and 1142
Heinrich von Schwaben
death: before 1102
Beatrix von Schwaben
death: after 1147
Adalbert von Staufen
birth: about 1090
Friedrich II von Staufen (von Schwaben)
birth: 1090
title: from 4 April 1105 - 6 April 1147, Duc de Souabe
marriage: Judith of Bavaria
marriage: Agnes van Saarbrucken
death: 6 April 1147, Alzey
Mathilde of Bavaria
birth: estimated 1110
marriage: Gebhard III von Sulzbach
death: 16 March 1183
burial: Kastl
Henry X 'the Proud" of Bavaria
birth: about 1108
title: from 1126 - 1138, Herzog von Bayern
marriage: Gertrud von Supplingenburg
title: from 1136 - 1139, Markgraf von Tuszien
title: from 1137 - 1138, Herzog von Sachsen
death: 20 October 1139
burial: Königslutter
Welf VI
birth: 1115
marriage: w Uta von Schauenburg
title: from 1152 - 1162, Markgraf der Toskana
death: 15 December 1191, Memmingen
Judith of Bavaria
birth: 1100
marriage: Friedrich II von Staufen (von Schwaben)
death: 22 February 1131, Lorch
Agathe de Lorraine
marriage: Рено III Бургундский
title: 1130, Comtesse de Bourgogne et de Mâcon
death: about 1158
Berthe de Lorraine
birth: 1116
title: 1134, Markgräfin von Baden
marriage: w Герман III Маркграф Баденський
death: 1152
Robert de Lorraine
title: Seigneur de Floranges
Mathieu Ier de Lorraine
birth: about 1110
marriage: Judith Bertha van Hohenstaufen
marriage: Judith Bertha van Hohenstaufen
title: 14 January 1139, duc de Lorraine
death: 13 May 1176
Friedrich III Barbarossa Hohenstaufen
birth: about 1122, Waiblingen, Weingarten (Württemberg), Waiblingen or Weingarten
marriage: w Адела фон Фобург/Вобургская/ , Eger, Adela von Vohburg
title: from 6 April 1147 - 4 March 1152, Duke of Swabia
title: 4 March 1152, Roi des Romains
title: 18 June 1155, German Emperor
title: between 1156 and 1190, Comte de Bourgogne
marriage: Беатриса I Бургундская , Würzburg
death: 10 June 1190, Turkey, Göksu Nehri. Drowned crossing the river, then known as the Saleph
Judith von Schwaben
birth: about 1135
marriage: Lodewijk II von Thüringen
death: 7 July 1191
death: after 1155
Konrad bei Rhein
birth: about 1135
title: from 1156 - 9 November 1195, Pfalzgraf bei Rhein
marriage: ?
marriage: Ирмингард
death: 9 November 1195
Judith Bertha van Hohenstaufen
birth: 1123
marriage: Mathieu Ier de Lorraine
marriage: Mathieu Ier de Lorraine
title: 1138, Princesse de Lorraine
title: 14 January 1139, Duchesse de Lorraine
death: 25 March 1195
== 3 ==
Adelheid van Lotharingen
birth: 1145
marriage: Hugues III de Bourgogne
title: 1165, Duchesse de Bourgogne
other: Hugues III de Bourgogne , Répudiation
death: 1200
Judith de Lorraine
birth: 1140
christening: 1155
marriage: Stephan Etienne II d'Auxonne
death: 1173
Matheus van Lotharingen
birth: 1150
death: 1207
Ferry I (Frederick) of Lorraine
birth: about 1143
marriage: Ludomilla van Polen
title: 1188, сеньор де Бич
title: 1206, сеньор де Жербевийе
death: 7 April 1207
Simon II van Lotharingen
birth: 1140
title: 15 May 1176, Duc de Lorraine
marriage: Ida van Bourgondie
other: 1205, Abdication
death: 1 April 1206
== 3 ==

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