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Jean de Lorraine

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Lineage Lorraine
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Jean de Lorraine

w Simon of Lorraine [Lorraine] b. about 1076 d. about 14 January 1139

Adelheid [Hainaut]



  1. Henry Bogdan, La Lorraine des ducs, sept siècles d'histoire, Perrin, 2005 -

From grandparents to grandchildren

Gerard I de Vaudémont (Gérard Ier d'Alsace)
birth: 1057
title: comte de Vaudémont
marriage: Hedwig van Dagsburg
death: 1108
Theoderic I Alsace (de Lovain)
birth: between 1040 and 1050
title: 11 August 1070, Duke of Lorraine
marriage: Hedwig von Formbach
marriage: Gertrudis van Vlaanderen , Châtenois (Bas-Rhin)
death: 30 December 1115
Gebhard van Supplinburg
birth: estimated 1035
marriage: Hedwig von Formbach
death: 9 June 1075, Homburg
Hedwig von Formbach
birth: 1057
marriage: Gebhard van Supplinburg
marriage: Theoderic I Alsace (de Lovain)
title: 1075, Duchesse de Lorraine
death: 1090
Dirk V van Holland
birth: 1052
marriage: Othelhildis van Saksen-Billung
death: 17 June 1091, Egmond
Adelheid Christina van Holland
birth: estimated 1040
marriage: Boudewijn I van Guînes
death: 1085
burial: abdij van Andernes
Bertha of Holland
birth: about 1058
marriage: Philip I Capet
title: 1072
other: Philip I Capet , Répudiation
death: 30 July 1093
Robert de Flandre (Robert II)
birth: 1065
marriage: w Clémence de Bourgogne
title: 13 October 1093, Torhout, Comte de Flandre
death: 1111
Адель Фландрская
birth: 1065, Фландрское графство, Святое Римское царство
title: from 1080 - 1086, Датское королевство, королева датская
marriage: Knut IV de Danemark
marriage: w Roger d' Hauteville
title: from 1092 - 1111, Апулийское герцогство, Святое Римское царство, герцогиня апульская
title: from 1092 - 1111, Калабрийское герцогство, Святое Римское царство, герцогиня калабрийская
title: from 1092 - 1111, Сицилийское герцогство, Святое Римское царство, герцогиня сицилийская
death: April 1115, Святое Римское царство
Filips van Loo
death: 1127
Gertrudis van Vlaanderen
birth: 1080
title: 1095, Duchesse de Lorraine
marriage: Theoderic I Alsace (de Lovain) , Châtenois (Bas-Rhin)
death: 1117
Godefroid Ier de Louvain
birth: about 1063
title: comte de Louvain
title: between 1095 and 1139, Louvain, duc de Lorraine
title: between 1095 and 1139, Bruxelles, comte de Bruxelles
title: between 1095 and 1139, comte de landgrave de Brabant
marriage: Ida van Chiny
title: between 1106 and 1139, marquis d'Anvers
title: between 1106 and 1125, duc de Basse-Lotharingie
title: between 1106 and 1139, marquis d'Anvers
marriage: w Clémence de Bourgogne , 1125
death: 25 January 1139
burial: Affligem, abbaye d'Affligem
Ida van Louvain
birth: estimated 1065
children count: au moins 9
marriage: Balduin II von Hennegau
death: 1139
Hendrik III van Leuven
birth: 1063
death: 1095
Dietrich von Elsass
birth: about 1099, Bitche
marriage: w Marguerite de Clermont
marriage: Swanhild
marriage: Sibylle d'Anjou , Jérusalem (?)
death: 4 February 1168, Гравелен
burial: abdij Watten
Petronilla von Holland
birth: about 1081
marriage: w Floris II von Holland
death: 23 May 1144
burial: Rijnsburg
Judith van Supplinburg
birth: estimated 1070
marriage: w Otto II van Zutphen
death: 1118
burial: St Walburgiskerk te Zutphen
Irmgard von Schwarzenburg-Spondheim
birth: 1097, Scheinfeld, Germany, Schwarzenberg castle
marriage: Adolf II van Berg
death: 1179
Lothar III
birth: before 9 June 1075, Breitenwang
marriage: Richenza von Northeim
title: from 1106 - 4 December 1137, Herzog von Sachsen
title: 24 August 1125, Römisch-deutscher König
title: 4 June 1133, Römisch-deutscher Kaiser
death: 3 December 1137, Breitenwang, Tirol (Bundesland)
burial: 31 December 1137, Kaiserdom (Königslutter), Königslutter am Elm
Simon of Lorraine
birth: about 1076
marriage: Adelheid
title: 30 December 1115, duc de Lorraine
death: about 14 January 1139
title: 1112, Princesse de Lorraine
marriage: Simon of Lorraine
title: 30 December 1115, Duchesse de Lorraine
== 3 ==
Mathieu Ier de Lorraine
birth: about 1110
marriage: Judith Bertha van Hohenstaufen
marriage: Judith Bertha van Hohenstaufen
title: 14 January 1139, duc de Lorraine
death: 13 May 1176
Agathe de Lorraine
marriage: Рено III Бургундский
title: 1130, Comtesse de Bourgogne et de Mâcon
death: about 1158
Berthe de Lorraine
birth: 1116
title: 1134, Markgräfin von Baden
marriage: w Герман III Маркграф Баденський
death: 1152
Robert de Lorraine
title: Seigneur de Floranges
== 3 ==

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