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Irmgard van Neder-Lotharingen b. estimated 975 d. 1011

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Lineage Karolingen
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Irmgard van Neder-Lotharingen
Other given names Adelheid

Charles de Basse-Lotharingie [Carolingien] b. 953 d. 12 June 991

Agnes Vermandois [Herbertian] b. estimated 950

Wiki-page wikipedia:nl:Ermengarde van Lotharingen


estimated 975 birth:

estimated 990 child birth: Liutgard Emma van Namen [Namen] b. estimated 990

990 marriage: w Albert I von Namur [Namur] b. estimated 950 d. before 1011

estimated 1000 child birth: Albert II de Namur [Namur] b. estimated 1000 d. July 1064

estimated 1010 child birth: Hedwig van Namen [Namur] b. estimated 1010 d. 28 January 1080

1011 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Gisèle de France
marriage: Rollo ? (The Walker) , {{Anselme Caille|Edition=3|Tome=1|Permalien=|Page=35}}
death: between 918 and 919, {{Anselme Caille|Edition=3|Tome=1|Permalien=|Page=35}}
occupation: 949, Laon (02), Evêque de Laon {{Anselme Caille|Edition=3|Tome=1|Permalien=|Page=36}}
death: 20 December 976,
Людовик IV Заморский
birth: 10 September 920, Лан
other: Laon (02), Assiégea Laon, sur [[Personne:8678|Herbert II]]
immigration: 15 June 923, Angleterre, Fut élevé en Angleterre durant se jeunesse par le roi [[Personne:35697|Athelstan]], son oncle maternel
other: 936, Langres (52), Repris Langres
title: 19 June 936, Laon (02), Roi des Francs, [[Catégorie:Rois de France| 0936]]
other: 19 June 936, Laon (02), Sacré et couronné par Artaud, archevêque de Reims
marriage: Gerberga of Saxony
other: 940, Donna le comté de Reims à l'archevêque Arrtaud
other: 941, Vienne (38), Se réfugie chez [[Personne:139768|Charles-Constantin]], comte de Vienne
other: 943, De retour il se saisit de [[Personne:53361|Richard Ier]], duc de Normandie, sous prétexte de l'élever à la cour
other: 945, Gaillardbois-Cressenville (27), trompé par les Normans, il fut arrêté par Aigrod leur chef au village de Crescenville, entre Rouan et Lisieux
other: from 945 - 946, Rouen (76), Emprisonné à Rouen
other: after 946, Rouen (76), Montreuil (28), Assiégea Rouen et Montreuil, sans succes
other: 949, Laon (02), Repris Laon
other: after 949, Fit une trêve avec [[Personne:28221|Hugues le grand]], duc de France
death: 10 September 954
Hadwig FitzHenry (Fowler)
birth: about 910
marriage: w Hugh Capet
title: 938, Comtesse de Paris, Marquise de Neustrie et Duchesse des Francs
title: 954, Comtesse d'Auxerre
death: 10 May 959
Otto I ? (Saint-Empire)
birth: 23 November 912, Wallhausen (Saxony-Anhalt), Germany
marriage: Eadgyth ? (of Wessex)
title: from 2 July 936 - 7 May 973, Roi des Francs, orientaux (Germanie)
title: from 7 August 936 - 973, King of Saxony
title: 7 August 936, Aachen, East Francia, East Frankish king, Palatine Chapel
marriage: Адельгейда фон Лёвен
marriage: w Адельгейда Бургундская , Pavia, Kingdom of the Lombards
title: from 15 October 951 - 973, Italien, King of Italy
title: 2 February 962, Emperor of the Romans
death: 7 May 973, Memleben, Germany
burial: Magdeburg, Germany
Henry I Liudolf
birth: between 919 and 922
title: from 940 - 940, Лотарингское герцогство, Святое Римское царство, лотарингский герцог
title: from 947 - 1 November 955, Баварское герцогство, Святое Римское царство, баварский герцог, 27-й
marriage: w Juditha von Babenburg
death: 1 November 955
birth: between 900 and 906
death: 28 July 938, Eresburg, Er wurde von den Männern des Markgrafen Hermann Billung in der Burgkapelle der Eresburg angegriffen und hinterrücks mit einem Speer durchbohrt
Gislebert de Lotharingie
birth: between 885 and 900
title: between 925 and 939, Duc de Lotharingie
marriage: Gerberga of Saxony
death: 2 October 939, Andernach, noyé dans le Rhin, pendant la bataille d'Andernach
Gerberga of Saxony
birth: 913
marriage: Gislebert de Lotharingie
title: 928, Duchesse de Lotharingie
marriage: Людовик IV Заморский
title: 939, Reine des Francs
death: 5 May 984
Lothaire de France
birth: 941, Laon
title: 10 September 954, Laon, Roi des Francs
marriage: Эмма Италийская Бозонович
burial: 986, Reims, cathédrale Saint-Remi
death: 2 March 986, Laon
Alberada van Lotharingen
birth: estimated 930
marriage: Ragenold (Renaud) Roucy
death: 15 March 973
burial: Reims
Матильда Франковская
birth: 943, Святое Римское царство
title: 964, Бургундское королевство, бургундская королева
marriage: Conrad de Bourgogne (Conrad III)
death: 27 January 992, Бургундское королевство
birth: January 945, Laon (02)
death: before 953, Rouen (76)
birth: 948
death: before 968
birth: 953, Laon (02)
death: 953, Laon (02)
Charles de Basse-Lotharingie
birth: 953, Laon (02)
title: from 977 - 991, Duc de Basse-Lotharingie
death: 12 June 991, Orléans (45)
burial: 1001, Maastricht, Pays-Bas, basilique Saint-Servais
Agnes Vermandois
birth: estimated 950
== 3 ==
Otton de Basse-Lotharingie
birth: before 970
title: 989, duc de Basse-Lotharingie
death: before 1012
Albert I von Namur
birth: estimated 950
marriage: w Irmgard van Neder-Lotharingen
death: before 1011
== 3 ==
Albert II de Namur
birth: estimated 1000
title: comte de Namur
marriage: Reginlinde van Nederlotharingen
death: July 1064, of 1063
Gislebert de Looz
birth: estimated 980
marriage: Erlende van Jodoigne
death: after 1050
Liutgard Emma van Namen
birth: estimated 990
Gerhard Alsace
birth: about 1030
marriage: Hedwig van Namen
title: 1045, comte de Metz
title: 11 November 1048, comte de Châtenois
death: 14 April 1070, Remiremont
Hedwig van Namen
birth: estimated 1010
marriage: Gerhard Alsace
death: 28 January 1080
burial: Châtenois (Vosges)
Ida Billung (van La Roche)
birth: estimated 1035
marriage: w Friedrich II von Luxemburg
marriage: Albert III de Namur , Священне Царство Римське
death: 31 July 1101
burial: Namur
Albert III de Namur
birth: estimated 1035
marriage: Ida Billung (van La Roche) , Священне Царство Римське
death: 22 June 1102
Gerard I de Vaudémont (Gérard Ier d'Alsace)
birth: 1057
title: comte de Vaudémont
marriage: Hedwig van Dagsburg
death: 1108
Hedwig von Formbach
birth: 1057
marriage: Gebhard van Supplinburg
marriage: Theoderic I Alsace (de Lovain)
title: 1075, Duchesse de Lorraine
death: 1090
Gertrudis van Vlaanderen
birth: 1080
title: 1095, Duchesse de Lorraine
marriage: Theoderic I Alsace (de Lovain) , Châtenois (Bas-Rhin)
death: 1117
Theoderic I Alsace (de Lovain)
birth: between 1040 and 1050
title: 11 August 1070, Duke of Lorraine
marriage: Hedwig von Formbach
marriage: Gertrudis van Vlaanderen , Châtenois (Bas-Rhin)
death: 30 December 1115
Emmon de Looz
birth: after 1015
marriage: Suanehilde
death: before 15 February 1078
Otto van Loon
birth: estimated 1029
death: 1101
Étienne Ier de Bourgogne
birth: 1065
title: comte de Mâcon
title: comte de Vienne
marriage: w Béatrix von Lothringen
title: between 1097 and 1102, comte de Bourgogne
death: 18 May 1102

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