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Gerberga of Saxony b. 913 d. 5 May 984
From Rodovid EN
Lineage | Liudolf |
Sex | Female |
Full name (at birth) | Gerberga of Saxony |
♂ Henry I the Fowler [Liudolf] b. about 876 d. 2 July 936 ♀ Mathilda of Ringelheim [Ringelheim] b. between 894 and 897 d. 14 March 968 | |
Wiki-page | wikipedia:en:Gerberga of Saxony |
913 birth:
child birth: ♂ Henrik Ludovig de Lothringen [Regniar] d. 944
928 marriage: ♂ Gislebert de Lotharingie [Hainaut] b. between 885 and 900 d. 2 October 939
928 title: Duchesse de Lotharingie
estimated 930 child birth: ♀ Alberada van Lotharingen [Hainaut] b. estimated 930 d. 15 March 973
about 935 child birth: ♀ Gerberga van Lotharingen [Regniar] b. about 935 d. 978
939 marriage: ♂ Людовик IV Заморский [Каролинги] b. 10 September 920 d. 10 September 954
939 title: Reine des Francs
941 child birth: Laon, ♂ Lothaire de France [Carolingian] b. 941 d. 2 March 986
943 child birth: Святое Римское царство, ♀ Матильда Франковская [Королевичи] b. 943 d. 27 January 992
January 945 child birth: Laon (02), ♂ Charles [Carolingien] b. January 945 d. before 953
948 child birth: ♀ Louis [Carolingien] b. 948 d. before 968
953 child birth: Laon (02), ♂ Charles de Basse-Lotharingie [Carolingien] b. 953 d. 12 June 991
953 child birth: Laon (02), ♂ Henri [Carolingien] b. 953 d. 953
5 May 984 death:
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[edit] Sources
From grandparents to grandchildren
marriage: ♂ w Louis III Carolingian (The Younger)
marriage: ♂ Burchard I Suabia
death: 30 November 885
title: ducem et fratrem reginæ
title: Волость Саська, Князівство Франківське, Товариш і Брат
title: Волость Саська, Князівство Франківське, Старшина Людольфиних
title: Волость Саська, Князівство Франківське, Родоначальник Бруниних
death: 2 February 880, In battle against the Danes
marriage: ♂ Ethicho I van de Ammergau
death: after 915, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство
burial: Abdij Buchau, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство, het klooster
marriage: ♂ Zwentibold of Lothringen (Arnulfsson)
marriage: ♂ w Gerhard van de Metzgau
death: after 952
marriage: ♂ w Hugh Capet
title: 938, Comtesse de Paris, Marquise de Neustrie et Duchesse des Francs
title: 954, Comtesse d'Auxerre
death: 10 May 959
marriage: ♀ Eadgyth ? (of Wessex)
title: from 2 July 936 - 7 May 973, Roi des Francs, orientaux (Germanie)
title: from 7 August 936 - 973, King of Saxony
title: 7 August 936, Aachen, East Francia, East Frankish king, Palatine Chapel
marriage: ♀ Адельгейда фон Лёвен
marriage: ♀ w Адельгейда Бургундская , Pavia, Kingdom of the Lombards
title: from 15 October 951 - 973, Italien, King of Italy
title: 2 February 962, Emperor of the Romans
death: 7 May 973, Memleben, Germany
burial: Magdeburg, Germany
title: from 940 - 940, Лотарингское герцогство, Святое Римское царство, лотарингский герцог
title: from 947 - 1 November 955, Баварское герцогство, Святое Римское царство, баварский герцог, 27-й
marriage: ♀ w Juditha von Babenburg
death: 1 November 955
death: 28 July 938, Eresburg, Er wurde von den Männern des Markgrafen Hermann Billung in der Burgkapelle der Eresburg angegriffen und hinterrücks mit einem Speer durchbohrt
title: between 925 and 939, Duc de Lotharingie
marriage: ♀ Gerberga of Saxony
death: 2 October 939, Andernach, noyé dans le Rhin, pendant la bataille d'Andernach
other: Laon (02), Assiégea Laon, sur [[Personne:8678|Herbert II]]
immigration: 15 June 923, Angleterre, Fut élevé en Angleterre durant se jeunesse par le roi [[Personne:35697|Athelstan]], son oncle maternel
other: 936, Langres (52), Repris Langres
title: 19 June 936, Laon (02), Roi des Francs, [[Catégorie:Rois de France| 0936]]
other: 19 June 936, Laon (02), Sacré et couronné par Artaud, archevêque de Reims
marriage: ♀ Gerberga of Saxony
other: 940, Donna le comté de Reims à l'archevêque Arrtaud
other: 941, Vienne (38), Se réfugie chez [[Personne:139768|Charles-Constantin]], comte de Vienne
other: 943, De retour il se saisit de [[Personne:53361|Richard Ier]], duc de Normandie, sous prétexte de l'élever à la cour
other: 945, Gaillardbois-Cressenville (27), trompé par les Normans, il fut arrêté par Aigrod leur chef au village de Crescenville, entre Rouan et Lisieux
other: from 945 - 946, Rouen (76), Emprisonné à Rouen
other: after 946, Rouen (76), Montreuil (28), Assiégea Rouen et Montreuil, sans succes
other: 949, Laon (02), Repris Laon
other: after 949, Fit une trêve avec [[Personne:28221|Hugues le grand]], duc de France
death: 10 September 954
title: comte de Vermandois
marriage: ♀ Gerberga van Lotharingen
death: 8 September 987
burial: St Quetin
title: 965, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство, Королева Западно-Франкского королевства
marriage: ♂ Lothaire de France
title: 989, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство
death: 989, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство
title: comte
marriage: ♀ Alberada van Lotharingen
death: 10 May 963
burial: Reims, St Remi
marriage: ♂ w Étienne de Gévaudan
marriage: ♂ Raymond IV of Gothia (Toulouse) , Second marriage of Adelaide
title: 975, Comtesse de Toulouse
marriage: ♂ Louis V of France
title: 982, Princesse des Francs
marriage: ♂ Guillaume II de Provence
title: 984, Marquise de la Provence Arlésienne et Comtesse de Provence et d'Avignon
divorce: ♂ Louis V of France
title: 991, Princesse de Provence
death: 1026
burial: Arles, Montmajour Abbey
marriage: ♀ Gerberga van Neder-Lotharingen
death: 12 September 1015, Florennes
burial: Nivelles
title: comte de Mâcon
title: comte de Bourgogne
marriage: ♀ Ermentrude (Ermengarde) de Roucy
death: 21 September 1026, Dijon
burial: Dijon, France, St Benignus
marriage: ♂ Henry II the Wrangler
death: 21 July 1007, Священне Царство Римське
property: große Besitzungen in Westfalen
title: Meschede, Hochsauerland, Westfalen (heute: Reg.-bez. Arnsberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen), Vogt des Stifts Meschede, gegr. zwischen 804 und 860, zweitältestes Frauenkloster in Westfalen.
marriage: ♀ Gerberga d'Arles (of Burgandy)
other: 23 March 978, Ersterwähnung in einer Urkunde des Kaisers Otto II.
death: between 985 and 986
marriage: ♀ Gerberga d'Arles (of Burgandy)
title: from 20 August 997 - 4 May 1003, Швабское воеводство, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство, герцог Швабии, 9-й
marriage: 998
death: 4 May 1003, Швабское воеводство, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство
title: 977
title: 977, Шартрское графство, Франковское королевство, граф шартрский
title: 977, Шатодунское графство, Франковское королевство, граф шатодунский
title: 977, Турское графство, Франковское королевство, граф турский
death: between 12 March 995 and 996, Marmoutier, France, Marmoutier Abbey
marriage: ♀ Bertha Bourgogne
title: from 25 December 987 - 24 October 996, Co-roi des Francs
marriage: ♀ Rosalie Lombard (d'Ivrea)
title: from 24 October 996 - 20 July 1031, Roi des Francs
other: ♀ Rosalie Lombard (d'Ivrea) , Répudiation
marriage: ♀ Bertha Bourgogne
other: ♀ Bertha Bourgogne , Séparation
marriage: ♀ Constance d’Arles
death: 20 July 1031, Melun, France
burial: Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), Basilica of St Denis
marriage: ♂ w Rotboald II de Provence
death: about 985
marriage: ♂ w Rudolph III of Burgundy