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Ermengard van Namen b. estimated 1035

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Lineage Namur
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Ermengard van Namen

Reginlinde van Nederlotharingen [Ardennes-Verdun] b. 1000 d. 1064

Albert II de Namur [Namur] b. estimated 1000 d. July 1064


estimated 1035 birth:

marriage: w Herman I van Cuyck [Cuyck] b. estimated 1030 d. after 1080

From grandparents to grandchildren

Friedrich van Lotharingen
birth: 970
marriage: Nn van Verdun?
death: 6 January 1022
Ermentrud van Verdun
birth: estimated 950
marriage: Arnulf I van Rumigny
marriage: Arnulf I van Rumigny
death: after 1010, datum is 7 maart
Arnulf II Flanders
birth: 961
marriage: Rosalie Lombard (d'Ivrea)
title: 962, Graf von Flandern, Mitregent
death: 30 March 987
Эрментруда Вердунская
birth: estimated 970
marriage: Arnold I van Florennes
death: after 1010, datum is 7 maart
Gotzelo von Oberlothringen und Niederlothringen
birth: about 967
marriage: Nn van Lotharingen?
death: 19 April 1044
burial: Munsterbilzen
Albert I von Namur
birth: estimated 950
marriage: w Irmgard van Neder-Lotharingen
death: before 1011
Otton de Basse-Lotharingie
birth: before 970
title: 989, duc de Basse-Lotharingie
death: before 1012
Oda von Verdun
birth: 990
marriage: Lambert II van Louvain
death: after 1054
burial: Nivelles
Stephan IX
birth: about 1020, Lothringen
title: 1049, Kardinal, [[Person:426637]]
title: August 1057, Papst
death: 29 March 1058, Florenz
Gottfried III der Bärtige
birth: estimated 1010
marriage: Doda
death: between 21 December 1069 and 30 December 1069, Verdun
burial: Kathedraal Notre-Dame Verdun
Oda van Neder-Lotharingen
birth: estimated 1000
death: after 1047, datum van overlijden is 23 oktober
Frederik van Verdun
birth: estimated 1000
death: between 1021 and 1022, datum is 6 januari
Liutgard Emma van Namen
birth: estimated 990
Hedwig van Namen
birth: estimated 1010
marriage: w Gerhard Alsace
death: 28 January 1080
burial: Châtenois (Vosges)
Albert II de Namur
birth: estimated 1000
title: comte de Namur
marriage: Reginlinde van Nederlotharingen
death: July 1064, of 1063
== 3 ==
Albert III de Namur
birth: estimated 1035
marriage: Ida Billung (van La Roche) , Священне Царство Римське
death: 22 June 1102
== 3 ==

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