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Тhibaud d'Avesnes

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Lineage Avesnes
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Тhibaud d'Avesnes

Marguerite de Blois [Blois] b. 1170 d. 1230

w Gautier II d'Avesnes [Avesnes] b. 1170 d. 1244

From grandparents to grandchildren

Agnès de Blois
birth: 1138
marriage: Reinauld II van Bar Mousson
property: 1155, Comtesse de Bar et Dame de Mousson
death: 1207
Маrie de Blois
birth: 1128
marriage: Эд II Бургундский , Kloster Cîteaux, Saint-Nicolas-lès-Cîteaux
title: 1145, Saint-Nicolas-lès-Cîteaux (21), Duchesse de Bourgogne
death: 7 August 1190
Henry I (Henri) ? (The Liberal)
birth: 1126
marriage: Marie of France (de Champagne)
death: 17 March 1181, Troyes (Aube)
burial: Troyes (Aube), Ssaint Etienne chirch.
Adela of Champagne (du Blois)
birth: 1140, Blois, France
marriage: Людовик VII Молодой Капетинг
title: 13 November 1160, Paris, Reine de France
death: 4 June 1206, Paris, France
Wilhelm von Blois
birth: 1135
title: 1164, Evêque de Chartres
title: 1169, Archevêque de Sens
title: 1176, Archevêque et Duc de Reims
title: 1179, Rom, Kardinal, [[Person:Alexander III. (Papst)]]
death: 1202, Laon (02)
Thibaud V de Blois
birth: 1130
title: from 1152 - 20 January 1191, Comte de Chartres
title: 10 January 1152, Comte de Blois, de Châteaudun et de Chartres
marriage: w Алиса Капетова
death: 20 January 1191, Acre, Israël
Geoffrey Plantagenet
birth: 23 September 1158
marriage: Constance de Bretagne
death: 19 August 1186
Joan Plantagenet
birth: October 1165, Angers, Château d'Angers
marriage: w William (Guillaume) II "the Good" de Hauteville (of Sicily)
marriage: Raimund VI von Toulouse
death: 6 April 1199, Rouen
John Plantagenet ("Lackland")
birth: 24 December 1166, Oxford (England)
marriage: w Isabelle de Gloucester , Marlborough (Wiltshire)
marriage: Agatha de Ferrers
annulment: w Isabelle de Gloucester
title: from 6 April 1199 - 19 October 1216, King of England
other: 27 May 1199, Count of Maine
title: from September 1199 - 1216, Chinon, Count of Mortain
marriage: Isabelle Taillefer (van Angouleme)
death: 18 October 1216, Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, England, Newark Castle
Матильда Английская
birth: about August 1156, Виндзор (Беркшир), Виндзорский замок
adoption: Braunschweiger Dom, Braunschweig
engagement: Heinrich "the Lion" von Bayern
marriage: Heinrich "the Lion" von Bayern , Minden (North Rhine-Westphalia), cathedral
death: 28 June 1189, Брауншвейг, Саксонское герцогство, Виндзорский замок
William Plantagenet
birth: 17 August 1153
death: December 1156
Marie of France (de Champagne)
birth: 1145
marriage: Henry I (Henri) ? (The Liberal)
title: 1164, Регент графства Шампань
death: 11 March 1198
burial: Meaux, cathédrale Saint-Étienne
Richard I Plantagenet "Lionheart"
birth: 8 September 1157, Oxford (England)
title: seigneur d'Irlande
title: duc de Normandie
title: from 1172 - 1196, Herzog von Aquitanien
marriage bann: Гизелла?
title: 1183, Comte du Maine
title: from 6 July 1189 - 6 April 1199, King of England
other: from 3 September 1189 - 6 April 1199, Duke of Normandy
marriage: Berengaria von Navarra , Limassol, Cyprus
title: from 1198 - 1199, Comte de Poitiers et Duc d'Aquitaine
death: 6 April 1199
burial: Fontevraud-l'Abbaye, Abbaye Notre-Dame de Fontevraud
Alienor d'Angleterre
birth: September 1161, Domfront (61)
marriage: Alfonso VIII of Castilla , Burgos
title: 1 September 1177, Burgos, Reine de Castille et de Tolède
death: October 1214, Burgos
Philippe Auguste de France (Philippe II)
birth: 21 August 1165, Paris, France
other: 1 November 1179, Co-roi de France
marriage: Isabelle de Avesnes , Le Transloy
title: 18 September 1180, Roi de France
marriage: Ingeborg van Denemarken , Amiens
annulment: Ingeborg van Denemarken , Paris
marriage: Agnès de Méranie (Agnès d'Andechs)
death: 14 July 1223, Mantes-la-Jolie, France
burial: Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), France
Margarita de Francia
birth: 1158, París, Francia
title: 2 November 1160, koningin van Engeland
marriage: Henry Plantagenet , Le Neubourg
title: 14 June 1170, gravin van Vexin
other: 27 August 1172, Winchester, Sacre
marriage: Bela III of Hungary
title: 1186, Reine de Hongrie
death: August 1197, Acre
Henry Plantagenet
birth: 28 February 1155, Londres
marriage: Margarita de Francia , Le Neubourg
title: 14 June 1170, Londres, Roi d'Angleterre et Seigneur d'Irlande
other: 14 July 1170, Londres, Sacre
death: 11 June 1183, Martel (Lot)
Fastré Ier d'Avesnes
occupation: Bailli de La Flamengrie
property: Avesnes-sur-Helpe (59), Seigneur d'Avesnes-sur-Helpe
marriage: Marie de Bailleul
Jacob van Avesnes
birth: about 1152
marriage: Adèle de Guise
title: 1171, сеньор д'Авен
death: 7 September 1191, Arsoef
Louis de Blois
birth: 1171
marriage: Catherine de Clermont
title: 29 July 1191, Acre, Comte de Blois, de Chartres, de Châteaudun et de Clermont
death: 14 April 1205, Edirne
Isabelle de Blois
birth: about 1175
title: Ctss de Chartres et de Romorantin,
marriage: Sulpice III d'Amboise
marriage: Jean II de Montmirail
death: 1249
Othon I von Hohenstaufen (de Bourgogne)
birth: about June 1170
title: from 1189 - 13 January 1200, Comte de Bourgogne
marriage: Marguerite de Blois
title: from 1196 - 1197, граф Люксембурга, 10-й
death: 13 January 1200, Besançon
Marguerite de Blois
birth: 1170
title: 1190, Comtesse palatine de Bourgogne
marriage: Othon I von Hohenstaufen (de Bourgogne)
title: 14 August 1196, Comtesse de Luxembourg
marriage: w Gautier II d'Avesnes
title: after 1200, Dame d'Avesnes et de Condé
death: 1230
Bouchard IV of Avesnes
birth: about 1182
marriage: Margarete II von Flandern , Le Quesnoy, France
annulment: Margarete II von Flandern
death: January 1244, Rupelmonde
Ida van Avesnes
birth: estimated 1185
marriage: Engelbert IV van Enghien
death: about 23 September 1266
Adélaïde d'Avesnes
birth: 1180
title: about 1204, Dame héritière d'Enghien
title: 1205, Dame d'Enghien
death: 23 September 1216
Gautier II d'Avesnes
birth: 1170
title: 7 September 1191, Apollonie de Palestine, Israël, Seigneur d'Avesnes et de Condé
marriage: Marguerite de Blois
death: 1244
== 3 ==
Beatrix II van Hohenstaufen (van Bourgondië)
birth: about 1193
title: графиня Артуа
title: from 1205 - 7 May 1231, пфальцграфиня Бургундии, 12-я
marriage: Othon II Andechs von Meranien (de Bourgogne)
death: 7 May 1231
Жанна I Бургундская
birth: about 1191
title: from 1200 - 1205, пфальцграфиня Бургундии, 11-я
death: 1205
== 3 ==

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