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Johannes Komnenos (of Cyprus) b. 1128 d. 1176

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Lineage Komnenos
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Johannes Komnenos
Other last names of Cyprus

Andronic Comnène [Comnène] b. 1108 d. about October 1142

Irène Aineidasa [Aineidasa] d. 1150


1128 birth: Empire byzantin

title: duc de Chypre

marriage: Maria Taronitissa [Taronites]

1154 child birth: Maria ? [Komnenos] b. 1154 d. before 1217

1176 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Theodora Komnenos
birth: 15 January 1096, Constantinople, Empire byzantin
children count: 7
marriage: w Constantine Angelos
Isaac Comnène
birth: after 16 January 1093, Constantinople, Empire byzantin
marriage: Ирина Володаровна
death: 20 July 1152, Constantinople, Empire byzantin
burial: monastère de la Theotokos Kosmosoteira en Thrace occidentale
Анна Комніна
birth: 1 December 1083, Константинополь, Візантійська імперія
title: царевна
title: царица
children count: 4
engagement: w Костянтин Дука
marriage: w Микифор Врієній , Царгород, Римське царство
death: about 1153, Константинополь, Візантійська імперія
Марія Комніна
birth: 1085
death: after 1136
Андронік Комнін
birth: 18 September 1091
death: 1130
Иоанн II Комнин
birth: 13 September 1087, Царьград, Греческое царство
title: from 1 September 1092 - 15 August 1118, Царьград, Греческое царство, греческий царь
marriage: Irene Piroska
title: from 15 August 1118 - 5 April 1143, Царьград, Греческое царство, греческий царь
death: 8 April 1143, Царьград, Греческое царство
Irene Piroska
birth: about 1088, Esztergom, Kingdom of Hungary
marriage: Иоанн II Комнин
title: between 15 August 1118 and 5 April 1143, impératrice byzantine
death: 13 August 1134, Constantinople, Byzantine Empire
Алексей Комнин
birth: February 1106, Царьград, Греческое царство
marriage: Добродея Евпраксия Зоя Мстиславовна Рюрикович , 1
marriage: Cata ou Cataï Bagration (Comnène)
title: 1122, Царьград, Греческое царство, греческий царь
death: 2 August 1142, Царьград, Греческое царство
burial: базилика Святой Софии, Царьград, Греческое царство
Manuel I Komnenos (Ho Megas)
birth: 28 November 1118, Constantinople, Byzantine Empire
title: from 5 April 1143 - 24 September 1180, Constantinople, Byzantine Empire, Byzantine Emperor, 80th
marriage: Берта Гогенштауфен , Царьград, Греческое царство
marriage: Marie Antioch , Римское царство
death: 24 September 1180, Constantinople, Byzantine Empire
Isaac ? (Komnenus)
birth: about 1113
title: севастократор
marriage count: первая жена - Феодора Камтерина
death: after 10 October 1153
Andronic Comnène
birth: 1108, Constantinople, Empire byzantin
title: sébastokrator
marriage: Irène Aineidasa
death: about October 1142, sultanat de Roum en Anatolie ou Asie Mineure
== 3 ==
Феодора Комнина (Бабенберги)
birth: about 1134, Istanbul, (Constantinople)
title: 1149
marriage: Henri II d'Autriche
title: 1156, Duchesse d'Autriche
death: 2 January 1184
Johannes Komnenos (of Cyprus)
birth: 1128, Empire byzantin
title: duc de Chypre
marriage: Maria Taronitissa
death: 1176
== 3 ==
Balian von Ibelin
birth: about 1140
title: Seigneur d'Ibelin
title: seigneur de Naplouse
marriage: Maria ?
military service: 4 July 1187, Schlacht bei Hattin
death: 1193
Amalric I ? (of Jerusalem)
birth: 1136
title: 1151, Count of Ascalon
title: after 1162, King of Jerusalem
marriage: Maria ? , Tyre (Lebanon)
death: 11 July 1174
Maria ?
birth: 1154
title: 1165, Koningin van Jeruzalem
marriage: Amalric I ? (of Jerusalem) , Tyre (Lebanon)
marriage: Balian von Ibelin
death: before 1217
Baldwin IV the Leper
birth: 1161
title: from 15 July 1174 - 1185, Jerusalem, King of Jerusalem
death: 16 March 1185, Jerusalem
Amaury II de Lusignan
birth: 1145
marriage: w Эшива Ибелин
title: 1194, king of Cyprus
title: 1197, king of Jérusalem
marriage: Isabella ? (of Jerusalem) , Jerusalem, Acra (fortress)
death: 1 April 1205
Hendrik II van Champagne
birth: 29 July 1166
title: from 1181 - 1197, Graaf van Champagne
title: from 1192 - 1197, Koning van Jeruzalem
marriage: Isabella ? (of Jerusalem)
death: 10 September 1197, Akko
Konrad (Conrad) van Montferrat
birth: 1146
marriage: Феодора Ангел
title: 1187, Tyre (Lebanon), Prince de Tyr
title: 1190, Marquis de Montferrat
marriage: Isabella ? (of Jerusalem)
title: 1192, co-Roi de Jerusalem
death: 28 April 1192, Tyre (Lebanon), assassiné à Tyr
Guy de Montfort-Castres
birth: La Ferté-Alais (91), seigneur de la Ferté-Alais
birth: between 1205 and 1210, Sidon, Liban, régent du comté de Sidon
title: Saint-Martin-de-Bréthencourt (78), seigneur de Bréthencourt
marriage: w Helvis d'Ibelin
title: between 1211 and 1228, Castres (81), seigneur de Castres
death: 31 January 1228, Varilhes (09)
Jean d'Ibelin
birth: 1179
title: seigneur de Beyrouth et d'Arsur
occupation: Jérusalem, Connétable et gouverneur de Jérusalem
occupation: gouverneur de Chypre
death: 1236

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