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Зоя Комнін

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Lineage Комніни
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Зоя Комнін

Alexios I Komnenos [Komnenos] b. about 1058 d. 15 August 1118

From grandparents to grandchildren

Isaac I Komnenos
birth: about 1007
marriage: w Catherine of Bulgaria
title: from 8 June 1057 - 25 December 1059, Roi
death: 31 May 1061
burial: Constantinople, Stoudion monastery
Johannes Komnenos
birth: about 1015
title: Царьград, Греческое царство, curopalate
title: Царьград, Греческое царство, domestique des Scholes
marriage: Anna Dalassenos
death: 12 July 1067, Constantinople, Byzantine Empire, Turkey
Anna Dalassenos
birth: about 1030
marriage: Johannes Komnenos
death: about 1101, datum is 1 november
burial: Pantopopte
Maria Komnene (Sister of Alexos I of Byzantium)
birth: Царьград, Христианское царство
Théodora ou Xenia Comnène (Diogène ou Diogenai)
birth: about 1050
marriage: Constantin Diogène
death: after 1136, Constantinople, Empire byzantin
Eirene Doukaina
birth: about 1066
marriage: Alexios I Komnenos , Царьград, Греческое царство
title: from 1081 - 1118, цариця
death: 19 February 1123
Alexios I Komnenos
birth: about 1058
title: about 1075, Царьград, Греческое царство, старопедарх
title: 1078, Царьград, Греческое царство, севаст
marriage: Eirene Doukaina , Царьград, Греческое царство
title: from 4 April 1081 - 15 August 1118, Emperor of Byzantium
death: 15 August 1118
burial: монастырь Христа Человеколюбца, Царьград, Византийская империя
== 3 ==
Theodora Komnenos
birth: 15 January 1096, Constantinople, Empire byzantin
children count: 7
marriage: w Constantine Angelos
Иоанн II Комнин
birth: 13 September 1087, Царьград, Греческое царство
title: from 1 September 1092 - 15 August 1118, Царьград, Греческое царство, греческий царь
marriage: Irene Piroska , Царство Грецьке
title: from 15 August 1118 - 5 April 1143, Царьград, Греческое царство, греческий царь
death: 8 April 1143, Царьград, Греческое царство
Isaac Comnène
birth: after 16 January 1093, Constantinople, Empire byzantin
marriage: Ирина Володаровна
death: 20 July 1152, Constantinople, Empire byzantin
burial: monastère de la Theotokos Kosmosoteira en Thrace occidentale
Anne Comnène (Bryenne)
birth: 1 December 1083, Constantinople, Empire byzantin
title: reine consort
title: princesse byzantine
children count: 4
engagement: Constantin Doukas
marriage: w Микифор Врієній
death: about 1153, Constantinople, Empire byzantin
Марія Комніна
birth: 1085
death: after 1136
Андронік Комнін
birth: 18 September 1091
death: 1130
== 3 ==

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