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Andronic Comnène b. 1108 d. about October 1142

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Lineage Comnène
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Andronic Comnène

Иоанн II Комнин [Комнины] b. 13 September 1087 d. 8 April 1143

Irene Piroska [Arpad] b. about 1088 d. 13 August 1134

Wiki-page wikipedia:ru:Андроник Комнин (сын Иоанна II)


1108 birth: Constantinople, Empire byzantin

child birth: Евдокия Комнин [Комнины] d. 1128

title: sébastokrator

marriage: Irène Aineidasa [Aineidasa] d. 1150

1128 child birth: Empire byzantin, Johannes Komnenos (of Cyprus) [Komnenos] b. 1128 d. 1176

about 1134 child birth: Istanbul, (Constantinople), Феодора Комнина (Бабенберги) [Комнины] b. about 1134 d. 2 January 1184

about October 1142 death: sultanat de Roum en Anatolie ou Asie Mineure


  • Source Wikipedia Андроник Комнин (сын Иоанна II) / Andronic Comnène

Il fut le second fils de l'empereur Jean II Comnène et de son épouse Irina de Hongrie.
Il reçut de son père le titre de Sébastokrator ou sébastocrate.
Il fut avec son frère Alexis un héritier potentiel du trône impérial.
1142, il accompagna à Constantinople, avec son jeune frère Isaac, le corps de son frère Alexis, mort à Antalya.
En chemin, il tomba malade et il mourut.


  1. - * Voir, dynastie Comnène

From grandparents to grandchildren

Maria Komnene (Sister of Alexos I of Byzantium)
birth: Царьград, Христианское царство
Alexios I Komnenos
birth: about 1058
title: about 1075, Царьград, Греческое царство, старопедарх
title: 1078, Царьград, Греческое царство, севаст
marriage: Eirene Doukaina , Царьград, Греческое царство
title: from 4 April 1081 - 15 August 1118, Emperor of Byzantium
death: 15 August 1118
burial: монастырь Христа Человеколюбца, Царьград, Византийская империя
Eirene Doukaina
birth: about 1066
marriage: Alexios I Komnenos , Царьград, Греческое царство
title: from 1081 - 1118, цариця
death: 19 February 1123
Zsofia (Sophia) Arpad
birth: about 1050
marriage: w Ulrich I von Istrien
title: from 6 March 1070 - 18 June 1095, durch 2. Heirat Herzogin von Sachsen after 6 Mar 1070) MAGNUS of Saxony, son of ORDULF Duke in Saxony [Billung]
marriage: Magnus Ordulphsson (Duke of Saxony)
death: 18 June 1095
burial: Lüneburg, St. Michaelis chirch
Geza II of Hungary
birth: 1048
marriage: Sophie von Looz
title: from 1063 - 1074, Prince Nitra
marriage: w Synadene von Byzanz
title: from 1074 - 25 April 1077
death: 25 April 1077
Euphemia von Ungarn
birth: about 1045
marriage: Ota d'Olomouc
death: 2 April 1111
Ladislaus I
birth: 1048
title: from 25 April 1077 - 29 July 1095
marriage: Аделаида Швабская
death: 20 June 1095
Agnes von Rheinfelden
birth: about 1065
marriage: Berthold II von Zähringen
death: 19 December 1111
Аделаида Швабская
birth: before 1077
marriage: Ladislaus I
death: May 1090
Theodora Komnenos
birth: 15 January 1096, Constantinople, Empire byzantin
children count: 7
marriage: w Constantine Angelos
Isaac Comnène
birth: after 16 January 1093, Constantinople, Empire byzantin
marriage: Ирина Володаровна
death: 20 July 1152, Constantinople, Empire byzantin
burial: monastère de la Theotokos Kosmosoteira en Thrace occidentale
Анна Комніна
birth: 1 December 1083, Константинополь, Візантійська імперія
title: царевна
title: царица
children count: 4
engagement: w Костянтин Дука
marriage: w Микифор Врієній , Царгород, Римське царство
death: about 1153, Константинополь, Візантійська імперія
Марія Комніна
birth: 1085
death: after 1136
Андронік Комнін
birth: 18 September 1091
death: 1130
Иоанн II Комнин
birth: 13 September 1087, Царьград, Греческое царство
title: from 1 September 1092 - 15 August 1118, Царьград, Греческое царство, греческий царь
marriage: Irene Piroska , Царство Грецьке
title: from 15 August 1118 - 5 April 1143, Царьград, Греческое царство, греческий царь
death: 8 April 1143, Царьград, Греческое царство
Irene Piroska
birth: about 1088, Esztergom, Kingdom of Hungary
marriage: Иоанн II Комнин , Царство Грецьке
title: between 15 August 1118 and 5 April 1143, Byzantine empress
death: 13 August 1134, Constantinople, Byzantine Empire
== 3 ==
Alexios Komnenos Porphyrogennetos
birth: February 1106, Sidirokastro, (heute Sidirókastro in Griechenland), früher Balabista im Byzantinischen Reich
marriage: Добродея Евпраксия Зоя Мстиславовна Рюрикович , 1
marriage: Cata ou Cataï Bagration (Comnène)
title: 1122, Griechischer König
death: 2 August 1142, Antalya, früher Attalia im Byzantinischen Reich
burial: базилика Святой Софии, Konstantinopel
Manuel I Komnenos (Ho Megas)
birth: 28 November 1118, Constantinople, Byzantine Empire
title: from 5 April 1143 - 24 September 1180, Constantinople, Byzantine Empire, Byzantine Emperor, 80th
marriage: Берта Гогенштауфен , Царьград, Греческое царство
marriage: Marie Antioch , Римское царство
death: 24 September 1180, Constantinople, Byzantine Empire
Isaac ? (Komnenus)
birth: about 1113
title: севастократор
marriage count: первая жена - Феодора Камтерина
death: after 10 October 1153
Andronic Comnène
birth: 1108, Constantinople, Empire byzantin
title: sébastokrator
marriage: Irène Aineidasa
death: about October 1142, sultanat de Roum en Anatolie ou Asie Mineure
== 3 ==
Johannes Komnenos (of Cyprus)
birth: 1128, Empire byzantin
title: duc de Chypre
marriage: Maria Taronitissa
death: 1176
Henri II d'Autriche
birth: 1107
marriage: Gertrud von Supplingenburg
title: 1140, Comte palatin du Rhin
title: 18 October 1141, Margrave d'Autriche
title: 1143, Duc de Bavière
marriage: Феодора Комнина (Бабенберги)
title: 17 September 1156, Duc d'Autriche
death: 13 January 1177, Vienne (Autriche)
Феодора Комнина (Бабенберги)
birth: about 1134, Istanbul, (Constantinople)
title: 1149
marriage: Henri II d'Autriche
title: 1156, Duchesse d'Autriche
death: 2 January 1184
Balian von Ibelin
birth: about 1140
title: Seigneur d'Ibelin
title: seigneur de Naplouse
marriage: Maria ?
military service: 4 July 1187, Schlacht bei Hattin
death: 1193
Amalric I ? (of Jerusalem)
birth: 1136
title: 1151, Count of Ascalon
title: after 1162, King of Jerusalem
marriage: Maria ? , Tyre (Lebanon)
death: 11 July 1174
Maria ?
birth: 1154
title: 1165, Koningin van Jeruzalem
marriage: Amalric I ? (of Jerusalem) , Tyre (Lebanon)
marriage: Balian von Ibelin
death: before 1217
Ilona de Hongrie
birth: about 1158
title: 1172, Princesse d'Autriche
marriage: Leopold d'Autriche (Leopold V)
title: 13 January 1177, Vienne (Autriche), Duchesse d'Autriche
title: 1192, Duchesse de Styrie
death: 25 May 1199
Leopold d'Autriche (Leopold V)
birth: 1157
marriage: Ilona de Hongrie
title: 13 January 1177, Vienne (Autriche), Duc d'Autriche
title: 1192, Duc de Styrie
_EXCM: 1193, [[:de:Person:646179]]
death: 31 December 1194, Graz
Stephan III of Hungary
birth: 1147, летом
title: from 31 May 1162 - 4 March 1172
marriage: w Agnes von Österreich
death: 4 March 1172
burial: Esztergom
Hermann II von Kärnten
title: from 1161 - 1181, Herzog von Kärnten
marriage: w Agnes von Österreich
death: 4 October 1181
Agnes von Österreich
birth: 1154
title: from 1163 - 1172, Königin von Ungarn
marriage: Stephan III of Hungary
marriage: Hermann II von Kärnten
death: 13 January 1182
Richeza de Bohême
birth: about 1165
marriage: Heinrich d'Autriche
title: 1177, Duchesse de Mödling
death: 19 April 1182
Heinrich d'Autriche
birth: about 1158
marriage: Richeza de Bohême
title: 13 January 1177, Duc de Mödling
death: 11 September 1223

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