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Musa ibn Fortun de Zaragoza b. before 740 d. 801

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Lineage Banu Qasi
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Musa ibn Fortun de Zaragoza

w Fortun ibn-Qási [Banu Qasi] b. 700

'A'isha Bint 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Musa ben Nuseir el-Bekir [Banu Umayyah] b. about 713

Wiki-page wikipedia:fr:Musa ibn Fortún


before 740 birth:

child birth: Mutarrif ? (ibn Musa) [Banu Qasi] d. 799

child birth: Ψ ещё Несколько [?]

child birth: Fortún ibn Musa [Banu Qasi] d. 801

marriage: Onneca Tudela [Tudela]

775 child birth: Musá II ibn Musá (al-Qawasi) [Banu Qasi] b. 775 d. 26 September 862

801 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Cassius Muladi (de Vasque)
birth: about 685
nationality: Visigoth
residence: Tudela (Navarre)
marriage: ? ? (of Ulhasa)
fact 1: 714, Conversion to Islam
Uthman De Cordoba (Ibn Abu-Musa)
birth: 675, Cairo, Egypt
other: Battle of Covadonga
death: 731, Cordoba, Moorish Caliphate of Spain
Абд Аллах аль-Лахми
caste: from 712 - 715, Ифрикийское эмирство, Исламское наместничество, ифрикийский эмир
Abdul Aziz
birth: between 650 and 710
'Abdullah Musa bin Nusair al-Bekir
birth: between 669 and 711
Uthman Musa al-Bekir
birth: about 675
Abd Al-Aziz ibn Musa
marriage: Egilona ? (Egitania)
fact 1: 5 April 713, Treaty of Tudmir
death: 717, Seville, Spain, assasinated by Ziyad ibn Udhra, one of his fighters, who murdered him whilst he was praying in a mosque in Seville (formerly Church of Santa Rufina).
Witiza d'Ardobast
birth: 687
marriage: Eloalli Bitular Pires de Galiza
title: from 702 - 710, Rey de los visigodos
death: 710
Oppa ? (Egiltaina)
title: Seville, Bishop of Seville
death: 712
Sisebert (Sisebut)
title: Count of Coimbra
Roderick Baetica (de Goth)
marriage: Egilona ? (Egitania)
title: between 710 and 711, Hispania, Rey de los visigodos
Egilona ? (Egitania)
marriage: Abd Al-Aziz ibn Musa
marriage: Roderick Baetica (de Goth)
death: 718, Spain - Marriage to Abd Al-Aziz ibn Musa
Abutaurek ? (Abu Tawr, Tariq ibn Ziyad)
birth: 689
birth: 29 April 711, Landing in Gibraltar (Jabal al Tariq)
title: Governor of Tangier
death: 720
Aisha ibn Abdul
birth: about 714
== 3 ==
== 3 ==
Íñigo Arista Íñiguez
birth: 781, Córdoba (Andalusia), Al-Andalus
title: Count of Bigorra
title: Count of Sobrarbe
marriage: Oneca Velázquez
title: between 820 and 852, Pamplona, King of Pamplona, 1°
death: 870
Mutarrif ? (ibn Musa)
caste: Pampelune, wali de Pampelune
death: 799
marriage: Awriya ibn Musa
death: 859, Mount Laturce
Awriya ibn Musa
birth: estimated 810
marriage: García
Mutarrif ibn Musa
title: Gobernador de Pamplona
marriage: Velasquita Garcés
death: 873, Cruicified in Cordoba

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