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Abd Al-Aziz ibn Musa d. 717

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Lineage Banu Umayyah
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Abd Al-Aziz ibn Musa
Other given names Al-Aziz

Musa Ibn Nusair [Bani Umayyah] b. 640 d. 716

Umm Bint Marwan (Bani Umayyah) [Bani Umayyah] b. 648

Wiki-page wikipedia:Abd_al-Aziz_ibn_Musa


marriage: Egilona ? (Egitania) [-] d. 718

about 713 child birth: 'A'isha Bint 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Musa ben Nuseir el-Bekir [Banu Umayyah] b. about 713

5 April 713 fact 1: Treaty of Tudmir

about 714 child birth: Aisha ibn Abdul [?] b. about 714

717 death: Seville, Spain, assasinated by Ziyad ibn Udhra, one of his fighters, who murdered him whilst he was praying in a mosque in Seville (formerly Church of Santa Rufina).


This record needs sources. Please help this record by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

Proposed sources are uncomplete : no page number.

[edit] Sources

  1. Hughes, Thomas Patrick. A Dictionary of Islam. (Clifton, NJ: Reference Book Publishers, 1965), 29. -
  2. Ibn Abd al-Hakam, Kitab Futuh Misr wa'l Maghrib wa'l Andalus. "The Mohammedan conquest of Egypt and North Africa in the Years 643-705 A.D. - Ibn Abd al-Hakam, Kitab Futuh Misr wa'l Maghrib wa'l Andalus. English translation by Torrey of portion of this 9th century work covering the period: "The Mohammedan conquest of Egypt and North Africa in the Years 643-705 A.D., translated from the Original Arabic of Ibn 'Abd-el Hakem'", Biblical and Semitic Studies vol. 1 (1901), 279-330 (covers North Africa only, not Spain). Critical Arabic edition of the whole work published by Torrey, Yale University Press, 1932. Spanish translation by Eliseo Vidal Beltran of the North African and Spanish parts of Torrey's Arabic text: "Conquista de Africa del Norte y de Espana", Textos Medievales #17, Valencia, 1966
  3. "Conquista de Africa del Norte y de Espana", Textos Medievales #17, Valencia, 1966 -
  4. Provencal, Levi. Encyclopedia of Islam New Edition Vol. 1 A-B. (Leiden, the Netherlands: E.J. Brill, 1960), 58. - Married Egilona

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 3 ==
Uthman De Cordoba (Ibn Abu-Musa)
birth: 675, Cairo, Egypt
other: Battle of Covadonga
death: 731, Cordoba, Moorish Caliphate of Spain
Абд Аллах аль-Лахми
caste: from 712 - 715, Ифрикийское эмирство, Исламское наместничество, ифрикийский эмир
Abdul Aziz
birth: between 650 and 710
'Abdullah Musa bin Nusair al-Bekir
birth: between 669 and 711
Uthman Musa al-Bekir
birth: about 675
Egilona ? (Egitania)
marriage: Abd Al-Aziz ibn Musa
marriage: w Roderick Baetica (de Goth)
death: 718, Spain - Marriage to Abd Al-Aziz ibn Musa
Abd Al-Aziz ibn Musa
marriage: Egilona ? (Egitania)
fact 1: 5 April 713, Treaty of Tudmir
death: 717, Seville, Spain, assasinated by Ziyad ibn Udhra, one of his fighters, who murdered him whilst he was praying in a mosque in Seville (formerly Church of Santa Rufina).
== 3 ==
Aisha ibn Abdul
birth: about 714

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