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'A'isha Bint 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Musa ben Nuseir el-Bekir b. about 713
From Rodovid EN
Lineage | Banu Umayyah |
Sex | Female |
Full name (at birth) | 'A'isha Bint 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Musa ben Nuseir el-Bekir |
♂ Abd Al-Aziz ibn Musa [Banu Umayyah] d. 717 ♀ Egilona ? (Egitania) [-] d. 718 |
about 713 birth:
marriage: ♂ w Fortun ibn-Qási [Banu Qasi] b. 700
before 740 child birth: ♂ w Musa ibn Fortun de Zaragoza [Banu Qasi] b. before 740 d. 801
From grandparents to grandchildren
♂ Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan ? (Banu Umayyah)
birth: 645, Medina, Arabia
marriage: ♀ Мар'ям Усманова-дочка Аравійська
marriage: Ψ ещё Несколько жён
title: from 685 - 705, Umayyad Caliph, 5th
death: 9 October 705
marriage: ♀ Мар'ям Усманова-дочка Аравійська
marriage: Ψ ещё Несколько жён
title: from 685 - 705, Umayyad Caliph, 5th
death: 9 October 705
♂ Uthman De Cordoba (Ibn Abu-Musa)
birth: 675, Cairo, Egypt
other: Battle of Covadonga
death: 731, Cordoba, Moorish Caliphate of Spain
other: Battle of Covadonga
death: 731, Cordoba, Moorish Caliphate of Spain
♂ Абд Аллах аль-Лахми
caste: from 712 - 715, Ифрикийское эмирство, Исламское наместничество, ифрикийский эмир
♂ Witiza d'Ardobast
birth: 687
marriage: ♀ Eloalli Bitular Pires de Galiza
title: from 702 - 710, Rey de los visigodos
death: 710
marriage: ♀ Eloalli Bitular Pires de Galiza
title: from 702 - 710, Rey de los visigodos
death: 710
== 3 ==
♂ Fortun ibn-Qási
birth: 700
caste: Saragosse, wali de Saragosse
marriage: ♀ 'A'isha Bint 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Musa ben Nuseir el-Bekir
caste: Saragosse, wali de Saragosse
marriage: ♀ 'A'isha Bint 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Musa ben Nuseir el-Bekir
== 3 ==

birth: 781, Córdoba (Andalusia), Al-Andalus
title: Count of Bigorra
title: Count of Sobrarbe
marriage: ♀ Oneca Velázquez
title: between 820 and 852, Pamplona, King of Pamplona, 1°
death: 870
title: Count of Bigorra
title: Count of Sobrarbe
marriage: ♀ Oneca Velázquez
title: between 820 and 852, Pamplona, King of Pamplona, 1°
death: 870