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Isabel d'Autriche b. 18 July 1501 d. 19 January 1526

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Lineage Habsbourg
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Isabel d'Autriche

Juana of Castile [Trastámara-Aragon] b. 6 November 1479 d. 12 April 1555

Philip I Habsburg [Habsburg] b. 22 July 1478 d. 25 September 1506

Wiki-page wikipedia:fr:Isabelle d'Autriche


18 July 1501 birth: Bruxelles

12 August 1515 marriage: Copenhague, Christian II of Denmark [Oldenburg] b. 1 July 1481 d. 25 January 1559

from 12 August 1515 - 1523 title: Copenhague, reine consort de Danemark et de Norvège

1516 child birth: w Christian Oldenburg von Dänemark [Oldenburg] b. 1516 d. 1516

21 December 1518 child birth: Kopenhagen, Dänemark, w Johann Oldenburg von Dänemark [Oldenburg] b. 21 December 1518 d. 1531

4 July 1519 child birth: Kopenhagen, Dänemark, w Maximilian Oldenburg von Dänemark [Oldenburg] b. 4 July 1519 d. 1519

4 July 1519 child birth: Kopenhagen, Dänemark, w Philipp Oldenburg von Dänemark [Oldenburg] b. 4 July 1519 d. 1520

from 1 November 1520 - 1521 title: reine consort de Suède

10 November 1520 child birth: w Dorothea Oldenburg von Dänemark [Oldenburg] b. 10 November 1520 d. 31 May 1580

November 1521 child birth: Christina Oldenburg [Oldenburg] b. November 1521 d. 10 September 1590

19 January 1526 death: Zwijnaarde


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From grandparents to grandchildren

Eleonore of Aragon
birth: 2 February 1425
marriage: Gaston IV de Foix , Barcelone
title: 30 July 1436, Reine de Navarre
title: 1447, Tudela (Navarre)
title: 23 November 1464, Olite, Reine de Navarre
death: 12 February 1479, Tudela (Navarre)
Blanka de Aragón
birth: 9 June 1424, Navarra, Олитский замок
marriage: Henry IV of Castile , Valladolid
title: 16 September 1440, Valladolid, Princesse des Asturies
divorce: Henry IV of Castile
title: 23 September 1461, королева Наварры, титулярная
death: 2 December 1464, Ортес, Frankreich
Johanna von Aragon
birth: 16 June 1454, Барселона
marriage: Ferdinand I de Napoli , Naples
title: 14 September 1476, Neapel, Reine de Naples
death: 9 January 1517, Неаполь
Карл Арагонский
birth: 29 May 1421, Пеньяфьель, Кастилия и Леон
title: 8 September 1425, принц Вианский
marriage: Агнесса Клевская , Olite
death: 23 September 1461, Барселона
Juana d'Aragon
birth: 1423
death: 22 August 1425
Leonor d'Aragon
birth: 1446
death: 1448
Maria d'Aragon
birth: 1455
death: 1455
Germaine of Foix
birth: 1488, Foix, France
title: 19 October 1505, Queen Consort of Aragon, Majorca, Valencia, Naples and Sicily Countess Consort of Barcelona
marriage: Ferdinand II of Aragon , Blois
title: 1512, Königingemahlin von Mallorca
marriage: Johann Hohenzollern , Foix, France
title: 1 January 1519, Gemahlin des Königs von Valencia
marriage: w Ferdinand of Calabria
title: 1526, Herzogin von Kalabrien
death: 15 October 1536
Ferdinand II of Aragon
birth: 10 May 1452
title: 1468, King of Sicily
marriage: Isabella of Castile , Valladolid (Spain)
title: from 13 December 1474 - 26 November 1504, King of Castile
other: 13 December 1474, King of Leon
title: 19 January 1479, King of Aragon
title: 19 January 1479, King of Majorca
title: 19 January 1479, King of Valencia
title: 19 January 1479, Count of Barcelona
title: 19 January 1479, King of Sardinia
title: 1504, King of Naples
marriage: Germaine of Foix , Blois
title: 1512, King of Navarre
death: 23 January 1516, Madrigalejo, Spain
burial: after 23 January 1516, Granada, Spain, Royal Chapel of Granada
Alfonso de Castille
birth: 1453, Tordesillas
title: 20 June 1464, Valladolid, Prince des Asturies
death: 5 June 1468, Cardeñosa
Henry IV of Castile
title: 25 January 1425, Prince of Asturias
birth: 25 January 1425
marriage: Blanka de Aragón , Valladolid
divorce: Blanka de Aragón
title: 20 July 1454, King of Castile and León
marriage: Juana de Portugal , Valladolid
death: 11 December 1474
Catarina de Castille
birth: 1422
death: 1424
Leonor de Castille
birth: 1423
death: 1425
Maria de Castille
birth: 1428
death: 1429
Isabella of Castile
birth: 21 April 1451
marriage: Ferdinand II of Aragon , Valladolid (Spain)
title: 14 October 1469, Valladolid (Spain), Infante d'Aragon
title: 13 December 1474, Spain, Queen of Castile
title: 19 January 1479
death: 26 November 1504, Medina del Campo
Кунигунда Австрийская
birth: 16 March 1465, Винер-Нойштадт, Немецкое королевство, Святое Римское царство
marriage: Альбрехт IV Мудрый Баварский , Innsbruck
title: 3 January 1487, Немецкое королевство, Святое Римское царство, Эрцгерцогиня
title: 1 December 1503, Баварское герцогство, Немецкое королевство, Святое Римское царство, Герцогиня Баварии
death: 6 August 1520, Мюнхен, Баварское герцогство, Немецкое королевство, Святое Римское царство
Anne de Bretagne
birth: 25 January 1477, Nantes, France
title: 19 December 1490, Duchesse de Bretagne
marriage: Maximilian I Habsburg , Rennes, France, by proxy
annulment: Maximilian I Habsburg , Rome
title: 6 December 1491, Reine de France
marriage: Charles VIII of France , Langeais
other: 8 February 1492, Blois, France
title: February 1495, Milan, Reine de Naples
marriage: Louis XII d'Orléans, King of France , Étampes
title: 19 August 1499, Étampes, Duchesse d'Orléans et de Milan
title: 1501, Reine de Naples
death: 9 January 1514, Blois
Bianca Maria Sforza
birth: 5 April 1472
title: 16 March 1494, Innsbruck
marriage: Maximilian I Habsburg , Hall in Tirol
title: 4 February 1508, Rom, römisch-deutsche Kaiserin
death: 31 December 1510, Innsbruck, Österreich
Maximilian I Habsburg
birth: 22 March 1459
marriage: Mary of Burgundy , Ghent (Belgium), Flanders
title: 19 August 1477, Herzog von Burgund
title: 1486, Römisch-deutscher König
title: 16 February 1486, Herzog von Brabant
marriage: Anne de Bretagne , Rennes, France, by proxy
annulment: Anne de Bretagne , Rome
title: 19 August 1493, Herzog von Geldern
marriage: Bianca Maria Sforza , Hall in Tirol
title: from 1508 - 1519, Römisch-deutscher König
title: 4 February 1508, Herzog von Luxemburg
death: 12 January 1519
Mary of Burgundy
birth: 13 February 1457
title: from 5 January 1477 - 27 March 1482, Herzogin von Burgund
marriage: Maximilian I Habsburg , Ghent (Belgium), Flanders
title: from 19 August 1477 - 27 March 1482, Herzogin von Luxemburg
title: from 19 August 1477 - 27 March 1482, Herzogin von Brabant
title: from 19 August 1477 - 27 March 1482, Herzogin von Limburg
title: from 19 August 1477 - 27 March 1482, Markgräfin von Antwerpen
death: 27 March 1482
Catherine Trastamara (of Aragon)
birth: 16 December 1485
marriage: Arthur Tudor , London, England, St. Paul's Cathedral.
title: 14 November 1501, London, Princesse de Galles et Comtesse de Chester
marriage: Henry VIII Tudor
title: 11 June 1509, London, Reine d'Angleterre et Dame d'Irlande
other: 24 June 1509, London, Sacre
annulment: Henry VIII Tudor
death: 7 January 1536, Kimbolton (Cambridgeshire), Roman Catholic
Isabella Aragon
birth: 2 October 1470
marriage: w Альфонсо Португальский
title: 1490, Lisbonne, Infante du Portugal
marriage: Manuel I of Portugal (Aviz-Beja)
title: 1497, Queen of Portugal
death: 28 August 1498
Mary of Aragon
birth: 29 June 1482
title: 30 October 1500, Queen of Portugal
marriage: Manuel I of Portugal (Aviz-Beja)
death: 7 March 1517
John Aragon
birth: 28 June 1478
marriage: Margaret of Habsburg , Burgos
death: 4 October 1497
Alfonso de Aragón
birth: 10 March 1470, Cáceres (Spanien)
title: епископ Сарагосы
death: 23 February 1520, Веракрус
Miguel Fernández Caballero de Granada
birth: calculated 1495, Granada, Spanien
death: calculated 1575, Rute ? Priego ?
Johann von Aragon
birth: 3 May 1509, Valladolid
death: 30 May 1509, Valladolid
Juana of Castile
birth: 6 November 1479, Toledo (Spain)
title: 1496, Princess of Asturias
marriage: Philip I Habsburg , Lier (Belgium), County of Flanders, Kingdom of France
title: 12 July 1506, Queen of Castile
death: 12 April 1555, Tordesillas, Spain
Margaret of Habsburg
birth: 10 January 1480, Brussels
marriage: John Aragon , Burgos
title: April 1497, Burgos, Princesse d'Aragon
title: 1501, Governor of the Habsburg Netherlands
death: 1 December 1530, Mechelen (Belgium)
Philip I Habsburg
birth: 22 July 1478, Bruges (Belgium), County of Flanders, Kingdom of France
title: from 27 March 1482 - 25 September 1506, Duke of Burgundy, Philip IV
title: from 27 March 1482 - 25 September 1506, Duke of Brabant, Philip III
title: from 27 March 1482 - 25 September 1506, Duke of Limbourg, Philip II
title: from 27 March 1482 - 25 September 1506, Duke of Luxembourg, Philip II
title: from 27 March 1482 - 25 September 1506, Count of Artois, Philip VI
title: from 27 March 1482 - 25 September 1506, Count Palatine of Burgundy, Philip VI
title: from 27 March 1482 - 25 September 1506, Count of Flanders, Philip IV
title: from 27 March 1482 - 25 September 1506, Count of Zeeland, Philip II
title: from 27 March 1482 - 25 September 1506, Count of Holland, Philip II
title: from 27 March 1482 - 1492, Duke of Guelders, Philip I
title: from 27 March 1482 - 1492, Count of Zutphen, Philip I
title: from 27 March 1482 - 25 September 1506, Margrave of Namur, Philip V
marriage: Juana of Castile , Lier (Belgium), County of Flanders, Kingdom of France
title: from 12 July 1506 - 25 September 1506, Madrid, King of Castile
death: 25 September 1506, Burgos
== 3 ==
Eleanor of Habsburg
birth: 15 November 1498, Leuven, County of Flanders, Kingdom of France
marriage: Manuel I of Portugal (Aviz-Beja) , Lisbon, Kingdom of Portugal
title: from 7 March 1519 - 13 December 1521, Queen Consort of Portugal
marriage: Francis II Valois-Angoulême , Le Frêche
title: from 7 August 1530 - 31 March 1547, Queen Consort of France
death: 18 February 1558, Talavera la Real, Spain
Charles V Habsburg
birth: 24 February 1500, Ghent (Belgium)
marriage: Барбара Бломберг
title: 25 September 1506, Burgos, Duc de Bourgogne, de Brabant, de Limbourg, de Luxembourg et de Gueldre et Comte d'Artois, de Flandre, de Hainaut, de Hollande et de Zélande, de Zutphen, Comte palatin de Bourgogne
title: 12 June 1509, Wels, Roi des Romains
title: from 1516 - 1556, König von Spanien
title: 14 March 1516, Madrigalejo, Roi des Espagnes, de Naples, de Sicile et de Jérusalem
other: Иоанна Мария ван дер Гейнст
marriage: Isabella of Portugal
other: 25 October 1555, Ruler of the Seventeen Provinces of the Habsburg Netherlands
death: 21 September 1558, Cuacos de Yuste, Spain, Monastery of Yuste
Ferdinand I Habsburg
birth: 10 March 1503, Alcalá de Henares, Spain
title: 1520, Archduke of Austria
marriage: Anna Jagellonica , Linz, Austria
title: 16 December 1526, King of Bohemia
title: 16 January 1556, King of Hungary
title: from 1558 - 1564, Römisch-deutscher Kaiser
death: 25 July 1564, Vienna (Austria)
Catherine of Habsburg
birth: 14 January 1507
marriage: John III of Portugal (Aviz-Beja)
title: 5 February 1525, Queen Consort of Portugal
death: 12 February 1578
Maria d'Autriche
birth: 17 September 1505, Bruxelles
marriage: Louis II of Hungary
death: 18 October 1558, Cigales (Castille)
Christian II of Denmark
birth: 1 July 1481
title: 22 July 1513, roi de Danemark
title: 22 July 1513, roi de Norvège
marriage: Isabel d'Autriche , Copenhague
title: 1 November 1520, King of Denmark
death: 25 January 1559
Isabel d'Autriche
birth: 18 July 1501, Bruxelles
marriage: Christian II of Denmark , Copenhague
title: from 12 August 1515 - 1523, Copenhague, reine consort de Danemark et de Norvège
title: from 1 November 1520 - 1521, reine consort de Suède
death: 19 January 1526, Zwijnaarde
== 3 ==
Friedrich II. Wittelsbach von der Pfalz
birth: 9 December 1482, Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Burg Winzingen
marriage: w Dorothea Oldenburg von Dänemark
death: 26 February 1556, Alzey/Selz, Pfalz
Dorothea Oldenburg von Dänemark
birth: 10 November 1520
marriage: Friedrich II. Wittelsbach von der Pfalz
title: 1535, Prinzessin von Dänemark
title: 16 March 1544, Neumarkt/Oberpfalz
death: 31 May 1580, Heiliggeistkirche, Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg
Francis I of Lorraine
birth: 23 August 1517
title: 23 August 1517, Nancy, Marquis de Pont-à-Mousson
marriage: Christina Oldenburg
title: 14 June 1544, Duke of Lorraine
death: 12 June 1545
François II Sforza
birth: 4 February 1495
title: from 1521 - 24 October 1535, Duc de Milan
marriage: Christina Oldenburg , Milan
death: 24 October 1535
Christina Oldenburg
birth: November 1521
title: 4 May 1534, Milan, Duchesse de Milan
marriage: François II Sforza , Milan
marriage: Francis I of Lorraine
title: 10 July 1541, Bruxelles, Marquise de Pont-à-Mousson
title: 15 June 1544, Bar-le-Duc, Duchesse de Lorraine et de Bar
death: 10 September 1590
Christian Oldenburg von Dänemark
birth: 1516
death: 1516
Johann Oldenburg von Dänemark
birth: 21 December 1518, Kopenhagen, Dänemark
death: 1531, Regensburg/Donau
Maximilian Oldenburg von Dänemark
death: 1519
birth: 4 July 1519, Kopenhagen, Dänemark
Philipp Oldenburg von Dänemark
birth: 4 July 1519, Kopenhagen, Dänemark
death: 1520
Wilhelm de Bavière (Wilhelm V)
birth: 29 September 1548, Landshut
marriage: Renata of Lorraine , Munich
title: 24 October 1579, Munich, Duc de Bavière
death: 7 February 1626, Schleißheim
Renata of Lorraine
birth: 20 April 1544, Nancy (France)
marriage: Wilhelm de Bavière (Wilhelm V) , Munich
title: 22 February 1568, München, Princesse de Bavière
title: 24 October 1579, München, Duchesse de Bavière
death: 22 May 1602, Munich
Claude Valois-Angoulême (Vaudemont)
birth: 12 November 1547, Fontainebleau, Francia, Palace of Fontainebleau
marriage: Charles III Vaudemont, Duke of Orleans , Paris, France
title: 22 January 1559, Paris, Duchesse de Lorraine et de Bar
marriage: Charles III Vaudemont, Duke of Orleans , Paris
death: 21 February 1575, Nancy (France)
Charles III Vaudemont, Duke of Orleans
birth: 18 February 1543
title: 12 June 1545, Duke of Lorraine
marriage: Claude Valois-Angoulême (Vaudemont) , Paris, France
marriage: Claude Valois-Angoulême (Vaudemont) , Paris
death: 14 May 1608
Erick de Brunswick-Lünebourg (Erick II)
birth: 10 August 1528, Dassel
title: 30 July 1540, Haguenau (67), Duc de Brunswick-Lünebourg
marriage: Sidonia de Saxe
marriage: Dorothea Vaudemont von Lothringen
death: 17 November 1584, Pavie
Dorothea Vaudemont von Lothringen
birth: 24 May 1545
marriage: Erick de Brunswick-Lünebourg (Erick II)
title: 1575, Duchesse de Brunswick-Lünebourg
title: 1597, Marquise de Varambon, Comtesse de La Roche et de Villersexel
death: 2 June 1621

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