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Eleonore of Aragon b. 2 February 1425 d. 12 February 1479

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Lineage Trastámara-Aragon
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Eleonore of Aragon

John II Trastámara [Trastámara-Aragon] b. 29 June 1398 d. 19 January 1479

w Бланка I Наваррская [Эвре-Наварра] b. 6 July 1387 d. 1 April 1441

Wiki-page wikipedia:fr:Éléonore Ire de Navarre


2 February 1425 birth:

30 July 1436 marriage: Barcelone, Gaston IV de Foix [Foix] b. 26 February 1423 d. 25 July 1472

30 July 1436 title: Reine de Navarre

1444 child birth: Гастон де Фуа [Фуа] b. 1444 d. 23 November 1470

1447 title: Tudela (Navarre)

7 February 1449 child birth: Pau (Pyrénées-Atlantiques), Pierre de Foix [Foix] b. 7 February 1449 d. 10 August 1490

1450 child birth: w Jean de Narbonne [Foix] b. 1450 d. 1500

1453 child birth: Carcassonne, Maria de Foix [Foix] b. 1453 d. 1467

1455 child birth: Jeanne de Foix [Foix] b. 1455 d. 1477

1459 child birth: w Marguerite de Foix [Foix] b. 1459 d. 15 May 1486

1461 child birth: w Catherine de Foix [Foix] b. 1461 d. 1493

1463 child birth: Isabelle de Foix [Foix] b. 1463 d. 1463

23 November 1464 title: Olite, Reine de Navarre

1467 child birth: Eléonore de Foix [Foix] b. 1467 d. 1467

1470 child birth: Jacques de Foix [Foix] b. 1470 d. 1500

12 February 1479 death: Tudela (Navarre)

From grandparents to grandchildren

Henry III of Castile
birth: 4 October 1379, Burgos, Spain
title: 4 October 1379, Príncipe de Asturias.
title: 9 October 1390, King of Castile and Leon
marriage: w Catherine Lancaster (Plantagenet) , Palencia, Kingdom of Castile, Palencia Cathedral
death: 25 December 1406, Toledo (Spain)
Miguel de Castille
birth: 1384
death: 1385
Ferdinand I of Aragon
birth: 27 November 1380, Medina del Campo
marriage: Eleanor of Alburquerque
title: 28 June 1412, King of Aragon
death: 2 April 1416, Igualada
Leonor Sánchez de Castilla
birth: 1373
death: 1440
burial: Toro (España), Castilla y León, España, Enterrada en el coro de la iglesia del Sancti Spiritus de Toro
Eleanor of Alburquerque
birth: 1374
marriage: Ferdinand I of Aragon
title: 1393, Infante de Castille
title: March 1412, Reine d'Aragon, de Valence, de Majorque, de Sardaigne, de Corse, Duchesse d'Athènes, de Néopatrie et Comtesse de Barcelone, de Roussillon et de Cerdagne
death: 16 December 1435
Juana de Navarra
birth: 10 June 1370, Pamplona, España
marriage: John V de Bretagne
title: 2 September 1386, Reina Consorte de Inglaterra.
title: 7 February 1403, Londres, Reine d'Angleterre, Dame d'Irlande et Duchesse d'Aquitaine
marriage: Henry IV Plantagenet (Bolingbroke, Lancaster) , London
death: 9 July 1437, Havering Bower, Essex, Inglaterra
Leonel I de Navarra
birth: 1378
title: Visconde de Murazabal y Val d´llzarte
marriage: Maria Juan
death: 1413
Pierre de Navarre
title: between 1366 and 1412, Comte de Mortain
Carlos III de Navarra
birth: 22 July 1361, Mantes, Francia
marriage: w Eleanor de Castille , Soria
title: from 1387 - 1425, Rey de Navarra.
title: from 1387 - 1404, Conde de Evreux.
death: 8 September 1425, Olite, Navarra, España
Alfonso Enríquez de Castilla (Count of Gijón y Noreña)
birth: 1355
title: November 1368, Conde de Noroña y de Gijon
title: 1372, Santiago de Compostela, Conde de Noreña e de Gijón
marriage: Isabel Viseu (of Portugal) , Santarém (Portugal)
death: 27 August 1395
Juan I of Castile
birth: 24 August 1358
marriage: Eleanor of Aragon , Soria
title: 29 May 1379, King of Castile and Léon
marriage: w Beatrice de Portugal , Elvas
death: 9 October 1390, Alcalá de Henares
Beatriz de Castilla y Ponce de León
title: Señora de Niebla, Condesa de Niebla
marriage: Juan Alonso Pérez de Guzmán y Osorio
death: 1409
Fadrique de Castilla
birth: 1360
title: 1378, Duque de Benavente
birth: 1394
death: 1420
Henri de Cabra
birth: 1377
title: duc de Cabra et de Medina Sidonia
property: seigneur de Morón, Alcalá de los Gazules, Portillo et Aranda de Duero
death: 1404
burial: Cordoue, enterré dans la cathédrale de Cordoue
Marie de Villas
birth: 1375
death: 1393
Leonor de Los Leones
property: dame de Los Leones
Eleanor de Castille
birth: 1364
title: Infante de Castille
marriage: Carlos III de Navarra , Soria
title: 27 May 1375, Soria, Princesse héritière de Navarre
title: 1 January 1387, Pampelune, Reine de Navarre
death: 1416
Alfonso V of Aragon
birth: 1394, Medina del Campo, Kingdom of Castile
marriage: Giraldona Carlino
marriage: w María of Castile , Valencia (Spain), Kingdom of Aragon, Cathedral of Valencia
title: 2 April 1416, Igualada, King of Aragon
death: 27 June 1458, Naples, Kingdom of Naples, Castel dell'Ovo
Maria of Aragon
birth: 1396
marriage: Juan II of Castile
title: 1420, Reine de Castille et de Leon
death: 1445
Henry of Aragon
birth: 1400
marriage: Catarina de Castille
title: 1400, Duke of Alburquerque
death: 1445
Eleanor of Aragon
birth: 1402
marriage: Edward I of Portugal
title: 22 September 1428, королева Португалии
title: 14 August 1433, Lisbonne, Reine du Portugal et des Algarves
death: 19 February 1445
Санчо Арагонский
birth: 1410
death: 1416
Pedro de Noto
birth: 1406
death: 1438
Juana Enriquez y Fernandez de Cordoba
birth: 1425, Torrelobatón
title: 1 April 1444, Tudela, Reine de Navarre et Princesse d'Aragon
marriage: John II Trastámara , Tudela (Navarre)
title: 27 June 1458, Naples, Reine d'Aragon, de Majorque, de Sardaigne, de Sicile et Comtesse de Barcelone, de Roussillon et de Cerdagne
death: 13 February 1468, Tarragone
John II Trastámara
birth: 29 June 1398
title: 18 January 1420, Pamplona, Roi de Navarre
marriage: w Бланка I Наваррская , Pamplona
title: 8 September 1425, King of Navarre
marriage: Juana Enriquez y Fernandez de Cordoba , Tudela (Navarre)
title: 27 June 1458, King of Aragon
death: 19 January 1479, 81 years old
Isabelle de Navarre
birth: 13 July 1396, Estella-Lizarra
title: 10 May 1419, Paris, Comtesse d'Armagnac, de Rodez et de Fézensac
marriage: Jean IV d'Armagnac , Paris
death: January 1444, L'Isle-Jourdain (63)
Беатриса д'Эвре
birth: October 1386
title: 14 September 1406
marriage: Jacques II de Bourbon , Pampelune
death: 14 December 1407, Olite
Jeanne de Navarre
birth: 8 November 1382, Barajas de Melo
title: 12 October 1402, Paris (75), Comtesse héritière de Foix
marriage: w Jean III de Foix , Paris (75)
title: 1412, Comtesse de Foix, Vicomtesse de Béarn, de Marsan, de Castelbon et Coprincesse d'Andorre
death: July 1413, Pau (64)
Martin I von Sizilien
birth: 1374
title: 29 November 1391, король Сицилии
marriage: Maria de Sicile (Maria Ière) , Barcelona
marriage: w Бланка I Наваррская
death: 25 July 1409, Cagliari
Бланка I Наваррская
birth: 6 July 1387
title: 26 December 1402, королева Сицилии
marriage: Martin I von Sizilien
title: 18 January 1420, королева Наварры
marriage: John II Trastámara , Pamplona
title: 8 September 1425, герцогиня Немурская
death: 1 April 1441, Санта-Мария-ла-Реаль-де-Ньева, Кастилия
== 3 ==
Ferdinand II of Aragon
birth: 10 May 1452
title: 1468, King of Sicily
marriage: Isabella of Castile , Valladolid (Spain)
title: from 13 December 1474 - 26 November 1504, King of Castile
other: 13 December 1474, King of Leon
title: 19 January 1479, King of Aragon
title: 19 January 1479, King of Majorca
title: 19 January 1479, King of Valencia
title: 19 January 1479, Count of Barcelona
title: 19 January 1479, King of Sardinia
title: 1504, King of Naples
marriage: Germaine of Foix , Blois
title: 1512, King of Navarre
death: 23 January 1516, Madrigalejo, Spain
burial: after 23 January 1516, Granada, Spain, Royal Chapel of Granada
Blanka de Aragón
birth: 9 June 1424, Navarra, Олитский замок
marriage: Henry IV of Castile , Valladolid
title: 16 September 1440, Valladolid, Princesse des Asturies
divorce: Henry IV of Castile
title: 23 September 1461, королева Наварры, титулярная
death: 2 December 1464, Ортес, Frankreich
Johanna von Aragon
birth: 16 June 1454, Барселона
marriage: Ferdinand I de Napoli , Naples
title: 14 September 1476, Neapel, Reine de Naples
death: 9 January 1517, Неаполь
Карл Арагонский
birth: 29 May 1421, Пеньяфьель, Кастилия и Леон
title: 8 September 1425, принц Вианский
marriage: Агнесса Клевская , Olite
death: 23 September 1461, Барселона
Juana d'Aragon
birth: 1423
death: 22 August 1425
Leonor d'Aragon
birth: 1446
death: 1448
Maria d'Aragon
birth: 1455
death: 1455
Gaston IV de Foix
birth: 26 February 1423
title: 1436, Count of Foix
marriage: w Eleonore of Aragon , Barcelone
title: 1447, Conde de Bigorra.
title: 23 November 1464, Vizconde de Bearn.
death: 25 July 1472
Eleonore of Aragon
birth: 2 February 1425
marriage: Gaston IV de Foix , Barcelone
title: 30 July 1436, Reine de Navarre
title: 1447, Tudela (Navarre)
title: 23 November 1464, Olite, Reine de Navarre
death: 12 February 1479, Tudela (Navarre)
== 3 ==
François II de Bretagne
birth: 23 June 1433, Clisson, France, Château de Clisson
title: 2 June 1438, Lord of Hudan
marriage: Marguerite Montfort , Vannes
title: 26 December 1458, Lord of Châteauroux
title: 26 December 1458, Comte de Montfort
marriage: w Marguerite de Foix , Clisson
death: 9 September 1488, Couëron
Marguerite de Foix
birth: 1459
marriage: François II de Bretagne , Clisson
title: 27 June 1471, Clisson (44), Duchesse de Bretagne et Comtesse de Montfort et d'Etampes
death: 15 May 1486, Nantes (44)
Gaston II of Foix-Béarn
birth: about 1460
marriage: w Catherine de Foix
title: 5 December 1485, Earl of Kendal
marriage: Isabelle d'Albret
death: 25 March 1500
Isabelle d'Albret
birth: about 1460
marriage: Gaston II of Foix-Béarn
title: 30 January 1494, Captale de Buch, Comtesse de Candale, de Benauges, Baronne de Gurson et Vicomtesse de Meille
Catherine de Foix
birth: 1461
title: 1469, Comtesse héritière de Candale
marriage: Gaston II of Foix-Béarn
title: 5 December 1485
death: 1493
Marie d'Orléans
birth: 19 December 1457
marriage: w Jean de Narbonne
title: 1476, Vicomtesse de Narbonne
title: 1478, Comtesse d'Etampes
death: 1493
Jean de Narbonne
birth: 1450
title: 1468, Vicomte de Narbonne
marriage: Marie d'Orléans
title: 1478, Comte d'Etampes
death: 1500, Étampes (91)
Madeleine de France
birth: 1 December 1443, Tours (37)
marriage: Гастон де Фуа , Lescar (64)
title: 7 March 1461, Lescar (64), Princesse de Viane
death: 21 January 1495, Pampelune
Гастон де Фуа
birth: 1444
title: 1444, принц Вианский
marriage: Madeleine de France , Lescar (64)
death: 23 November 1470
William VIII of Montferrat
birth: 19 July 1420
title: from 1464 - 27 February 1483, Margrave of Montferrat
marriage: Maria de Foix , 1
marriage: Elisabetta Maria Sforza , Milan, 2
death: 27 February 1483
Maria de Foix
birth: 1453, Carcassonne
marriage: William VIII of Montferrat , 1
death: 1467, Casale
Jean d'Armagnac (Jean V)
birth: 1420
marriage: Isabelle d'Armagnac
title: 5 November 1450, L'Isle-Jourdain (32), Comte d'Armagnac, de Rodez et de Fézensac
marriage: Jeanne de Foix
death: 5 March 1473
Jeanne de Foix
birth: 1455
title: 1469, Comtesse d'Armagnac, de Rodez et de Fézensac
marriage: Jean d'Armagnac (Jean V)
death: 1477
Pierre de Foix
birth: 7 February 1449, Pau (Pyrénées-Atlantiques)
title: 18 December 1476, Rome, Cardinal
death: 10 August 1490, Rome
Isabelle de Foix
birth: 1463
death: 1463
Eléonore de Foix
birth: 1467
death: 1467
Jacques de Foix
birth: 1470
death: 1500
Johann Hohenzollern
birth: 9 January 1493, Kulmbach
marriage: Germaine of Foix , Foix, France
death: 5 July 1525, Valencia (Spain)
Ferdinand of Calabria
birth: 15 December 1488, Andria, Apulia
title: 7 October 1496, Duke of Calabria
marriage: Germaine of Foix
death: 26 October 1550, Valencia (Spain)
Germaine of Foix
birth: 1488, Foix, France
title: 19 October 1505, Queen Consort of Aragon, Majorca, Valencia, Naples and Sicily Countess Consort of Barcelona
marriage: Ferdinand II of Aragon , Blois
title: 1512, Königingemahlin von Mallorca
marriage: Johann Hohenzollern , Foix, France
title: 1 January 1519, Gemahlin des Königs von Valencia
marriage: Ferdinand of Calabria
title: 1526, Herzogin von Kalabrien
death: 15 October 1536
John Montfort (d'Orleans)
birth: 29 June 1463
death: 25 August 1463
François Ier d'Avaugour
birth: 1462
title: Vertus (51), comte de Vertus
title: comte de Goëllo
title: Baron d'Avaugour
title: Clisson (44), seigneur de Clisson
marriage: Madeleine de Brosse
death: 1510
Louis XII d'Orléans, King of France
birth: 27 June 1462
title: 5 January 1465, King of France
marriage: Jeanne de France , Montrichard
title: 7 April 1498
other: 27 May 1498, Reims, Sacre
title: 1499, Duc de Milan
annulment: Jeanne de France , Rome
marriage: Anne de Bretagne , Étampes
title: 1501, Roi de Naples
marriage: Mary Tudor , Abbeville (Somme)
death: 1 January 1515, Paris (75)
Maximilian I Habsburg
birth: 22 March 1459
marriage: Mary of Burgundy , Ghent (Belgium), Flanders
title: 19 August 1477, Herzog von Burgund
title: 1486, Römisch-deutscher König
title: 16 February 1486, Herzog von Brabant
marriage: Anne de Bretagne , Rennes, France, by proxy
annulment: Anne de Bretagne , Rome
title: 19 August 1493, Herzog von Geldern
marriage: Bianca Maria Sforza , Hall in Tirol
title: from 1508 - 1519, Römisch-deutscher König
title: 4 February 1508, Herzog von Luxemburg
death: 12 January 1519
Charles VIII of France
birth: 30 June 1470, Amboise, France
title: 30 June 1470, Dauphin of France, 11th
title: 30 August 1483, King of France, 22th
other: 30 May 1484
marriage: Anne de Bretagne , Langeais
title: February 1495, Milan, Roi de Naples
death: 7 April 1498, Amboise
Anne de Bretagne
birth: 25 January 1477, Nantes, France
title: 19 December 1490, Duchesse de Bretagne
marriage: Maximilian I Habsburg , Rennes, France, by proxy
annulment: Maximilian I Habsburg , Rome
title: 6 December 1491, Reine de France
marriage: Charles VIII of France , Langeais
other: 8 February 1492, Blois, France
title: February 1495, Milan, Reine de Naples
marriage: Louis XII d'Orléans, King of France , Étampes
title: 19 August 1499, Étampes, Duchesse d'Orléans et de Milan
title: 1501, Reine de Naples
death: 9 January 1514, Blois
Władysław II (Ladislaus) Jagiellończyk
birth: 1 March 1456, Kraków (Poland)
title: from 22 August 1471 - 13 March 1516, King of Bohemia
marriage: w Barbara Hohenzollern von Brandenburg , Frankfurt (Oder)
title: from 18 September 1490 - 13 March 1516, King of Hungary
marriage: w Beatrice Napoli , Esztergom
annulment: w Beatrice Napoli , Rome
marriage: Anna de Foix-Candale
death: 13 March 1516, Buda, Hungary
burial: Székesfehérvár, Hungary, (deutsch: Stuhlweißenburg)
Anna de Foix-Candale
birth: 1480
title: 23 March 1502, Reine de Bohême et de Hongrie
marriage: Władysław II (Ladislaus) Jagiellończyk
death: 26 July 1506
François de Navarre
birth: 1467
title: 23 November 1470, Libourne, Comte de Foix, de Bigorre, Vicomte de Béarn, de Castelbon, de Marsan et Coprince d'Andorre
title: from 12 February 1479 - 7 January 1483, Tudela (Navarra), König von Navarra
death: 7 January 1483, Pau
Jean d'Albret (Jean III)
birth: about 1469
title: 14 July 1484, Orthez (64), Roi consort de Navarre
marriage: Екатерина де Фуа
death: 17 June 1516, Pau (64)
Екатерина де Фуа
birth: 18 April 1468
title: from 1483 - 1517, королева Наварры
marriage: Jean d'Albret (Jean III)
death: 12 February 1517, Мон-де-Марсан, Франция
Isabelle d'Orleans
birth: 1478
death: 10 June 1490
Gaston III de Foix
marriage: Marthe d'Astarac
title: 25 March 1500, Captal de Buch, Comte de Candale et de Benauges
death: 1536
Ne d'Armagnac
birth: April 1473
death: April 1473
Gaston de Foix-Nemours
birth: 10 December 1489, Mazères (33)
death: 11 April 1512, Ravenne
Françoise de Montpezat
title: Montpezat (47), baronne de Montpezat
marriage: Alain de Foix-Candale
Alain de Foix-Candale
title: Castillon-la-Bataille (33), vicomte de Castillon
marriage: Françoise de Montpezat

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